
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 6: Meet the Hearts

As the darkness of the night enveloped him, he made his way back home, feeling exhausted yet content with today's awakening.

Upon reaching his doorstep and opening the door, he was pleasantly surprised to see that his parents had returned home earlier than usual.

They had not worked late and were waiting for him eagerly to celebrate the event of the day. The sight of the table adorned with an array of delicious dishes made his heart swell with happiness and gratitude.

His parents had prepared a feast for him, despite being unsure if he had succeeded in his awakening. The gesture was a testament to their unwavering love and support for him.

"You're back? How's that thing? Did you succeed?" said his father.

when they saw him return, they immediately surrounded him, and asked with a look of concern on their faces.

As soon as Gabriel returned, his family noticed him and gathered around him with a worried expression on their faces. His father asked, "You're back? How's that thing? Did you succeed?"

Gabriel smiled at his parents and replied honestly, "Yes, I have succeeded. I have awakened as a support-class, Healing type. Although my abilities may not be as powerful as others', I am glad to be able to help my team and contribute to their success."

His parents listened attentively, relieved to hear that their son had succeeded and proud of his determination and dedication to his chosen path.

Gabriel's mother noticed the look on his face and quickly tried to reassure him. "That's okay son," she said, "even if the Support Class isn't that strong, that's just at the beginning. When you're at a high level, that's when you'll see the true importance of the Support Class."

Gabriel's father immediately chimed in, thinking that his son was feeling down. "That's right son, so don't be disappointed," he said.

But Gabriel wasn't disappointed at all. He was feeling ecstatic. He had been reading his Support Class skills and talent along the way, and he was finally starting to understand how it works. He just needed to practice it to verify his theory, he was excited by the thought of continue improving and master his abilities.

His father must have misunderstood his mood, because he said, "What we should do now is celebrate."

Gabriel smiled. Celebrating sounded like a great idea to him. They feast on the food on the table, drink and play some games together as a family. It was the perfect way to cap off a great day.

The three celebrated all night because of Gabriel's successful awakening and he also had a drink with his father. While they were in the middle of drinking, his mother suddenly pushed him away, the reason being that I needed to rest to prepare for the upcoming assessment.


As Gabriel ascended the stairs to his room, his mind was preoccupied with deep thoughts yet again. He couldn't help but mull over. He knew about the fact that both of his parents belonged to the Support Class. His father was an Acolyte, revered for his healing abilities, while his mother was a Whisperer, known for her exceptional control skills on the battlefield.

Even though they possessed blue talent and held relatively stable jobs now, Gabriel's parents still secretly hoped that their son's awakening would be in the fighter or combat class. They had always admired the bravery and valour of those who fought on the frontlines, and it was their ardent desire that Gabriel would follow in their footsteps.

Gabriel chose to keep a secret from his parents that could potentially change their perception of him. Despite being classified as a support class, he possesses a legendary Talent [Yin Harmony(P)] that allows him to excel in combat situations, effectively making him a combat class in his own right.

As Gabriel made his way towards his bed, he felt the weight of exhaustion settles in his bones. He collapsed onto the soft mattress and let out a deep sigh. It was only then that he remembered the paper he had stashed in his drawer earlier. With a sense of urgency, he pulled it out and held it up to the dim light filtering through his window. The paper was worn and creased, evidence of the many times he had unfolded and refolded it. On it were the intricate details of his parents - their names, birthdates, and other pertinent information including their awakened skills and talents.

[Name: Harold Heart]

[Class: Acolyte]

[Level: 15, Bronze Middle Stage]

[Health Point: 10,200/10,200]

[Mana: 5800/5800]

[Skills: Purify and Recovery]

[Talent: Tough Armor[B]]

[Name: Helena Heart]

[Class: Whisperer]

[Level: 15, Bronze Middle Stage]

[Health Point: 13,500/13,500]

[Mana: 4,500/4,500]

[Skills: Whistle and Fever Time]

[Talent: Curse of Beauty[B]]

Gabriel's parents were skilled adventurers in their youth and were part of a respectable adventurers party. However, an unexpected event occurred, which led them to leave their adventurous life behind and start a family. I often wonder what that event might have been.

Currently, they both work as civil servants in our city. Gabriel's father works as a clerk in the local municipality, while his mother is a welfare institute coordinator. Despite having settled into a more mundane lifestyle, their adventurous past still shines through in their stories and the way they approach life.

As for Gabriel, he seems to have inherited his parents' love for adventure. However, he also takes his studies seriously and is diligent in his preparations for upcoming assessments. After a while, he hid the papers he is reading away and went to bed, perhaps to rest his mind before the important assessment in two days.


Gabriel had a restless sleep and woke up early the next day. As he opened his eyes, he checked the time on his phone and realized it was still too early for him to get up. He lay in bed for a few more minutes, contemplating the events of the previous day. He had undergone the awakening ceremony, which had revealed his unique set of skills and talents. Now, he realized, it was time for him to practice and familiarize himself with them.

He got out of bed and stretched his limbs, feeling energized and ready to start his day. He made his way to his study table and checked his skill panel. With a few clicks, he activated his Talent and started practising. The reason why there was a two-day gap after the awakening ceremony was over, was because the academy wanted the students to have enough time to practice and familiarize themselves with their skills and talents. Gabriel knew he had a lot of work to do and was determined to make the most of this time.

With a focused expression he activiated his talent, ready to spend thae whole day honing his skills and gaining more confidence.


[Light Burst Level 1 (Yin): Inflict Holy Property Magic Damage to a Single damage. When used to undead monster it will restore the HP equal to the Magic damage.

Magic Damage = {(B. level + INT)/2 x Skill Level x 5 x (1 + HealingEffect%) + Matk}

Mana Cost: 30

Cooldown: 1 Second]

[Spirit Curse Level 1 (Yin): Cast a powerful curse to an area 10m x 10m, decreasing their Physical attack (Magic Attack) by 15% and silencing the opponent for a certain amount of time.

Reduction Duration: 5 minutes

Silence Duration: 10 seconds

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 20 seconds]

Seeing the effect of his talent, Gabriel could not help but grin.

Overall, Gabriel was thrilled with the capabilities of these newly mutated skills, and he couldn't wait to test them out in battle.