
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 38: Rewards

After the students heard the last word of the principal.




Loud cheering and laughter may come from the students around.

They successfully overcome the obstacle, some students have tears in their eyes, some laugh out loud and some remember the experience they went through.

"SETTLE DOWN! SETTLE DOWN!" The principal spoke again.

After hearing the principal, all the students immediately shut up.

"Before we end the event today, you all know that from the beginning to the end, we have all been monitoring your performance, needless to say that all of your performance in this assessment has been very good."

"Unfortunately since this is an assessment, only the top 5 people will be properly rewarded."

After he said those words, a gigantic holographic projection suddenly lit up.

Principal Dalhmer looked at it pointed to it and said.

"We will announce the top performers in this assessment while also projecting a summary of their match on this projection, to show you why they are in that spot."

He then proceeded on calling the top performers on this assessment.

"Fifth Place! Jonathan Kent! Step up on the stage!"

A youth 15-16 years old with a chiseled face, walks toward the stage.

"Jonathan, do you have anything to say?" The teacher who assisted him asked.

"No sir, thank you, I'm fine" Jonathan replied.

When Jonathan reached the center of the stage, he was greeted by warm smiles from the teachers.

"Take a look!" Teacher James told Jonathan and pointed towards the projection.

In the battle that took place inside the dark forest of the mysterious realm, Jonathan found himself surrounded by 5-6 Orc Savants of Iron stage, all with a 5-star rating. He realized that he could not face all of them at once, so he used his environment to his advantage. Jonathan lured the Orcs in and used his ability called "Chain Lightning" to damage his opponents. The process took a long time, but eventually, he was able to defeat all of his opponents.

"HELL YEAH! that's what I call a fight!" An unknown student shouted.

When the students in front of the stage saw this, they started cheering and shouting. Even just watching, their blood boils again.

Within minutes, a replay of Jonathan's conquest played out. When the replay ended, the students cheered and laughed.

The academic field is very lively.

Principal Dalhmer who is standing on the podium started to talk again while clapping.




"Brilliant, the way you use your environment to your advantage, makes you a deadly strategist"

Principal Dalhmer then looked at the students at the front of the stage.

"Ahem! Fourth place..."

The process repeated as the principal called the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd placers until it was time for Gabriel's turn.

"And lastly, the top scorer of todays assessment!"


This result was expected by Gabriel since he had traced his points before leaving the mysterious realm. He quickly went up to the stage without hesitation. Seeing Gabriel on the stage, Principal Dalhmer spoke again.

"Now, let's welcome the top scorer in this assessment, Gabriel Heart."

The projection that followed was nothing short of spectacular. It showed Gabriel engaging in some of the most dramatic battles within the mysterious realm. The projection included his fights against the Wind Wolf King, Fire Apes, and Earth Bear, but the most important battle was the one with the Lord Rank beast, Raging Inferno Liger.

As the projection played, the teachers were left completely dumbfounded by Gabriel's magnificent performance. The students, on the other hand, were left in utter shock with their jaws dropping to the floor. They had never seen anything like it before. Gabriel's prowess in battle was unmatched, and his skills were truly remarkable.

It was surprising for everyone to witness the highest assessment scorer, Gabriel, display such immense strength despite belonging to the Healing type support. While some students were initially skeptical of his supportive abilities, they were left in awe watching him effortlessly defeat the monsters in the dungeon. Gabriel's diverse skill set was also a topic of discussion amongst the students, with some speculating if he possessed more than two skills. Overall, Gabriel's performance left a positive impression on everyone.

After the projection of his match ended, there was a moment of stunned silence among the students.

"Wow, he really knows how to use his awaken class well," one student commented.

There were a few murmurs of agreement and some brief discussions about the techniques that had been used. Overall, it was a fascinating and thought-provoking experience.

"Dear students, today we have the pleasure of recognizing five outstanding young men who have proven themselves worthy of their rank - Jonathan, Jamie, Dave, Tigram, and Gabriel. Their hard work and dedication have earned them this recognition, and we are proud of their achievements.

As a reward, each of them will receive all the necessary materials to advance their respective Class. We encourage all of you to follow in their footsteps and strive for excellence in each and everyone of your performances. Remember, with hard work and dedication, you too can achieve great things. Congratulations to our five honorees, and best of luck to all of you in your future endeavours."


Principal Dalhmer produced an item from his hand, which turned out to be a pill. This particular pill was known as an "Experience Pill" - consuming it would grant the consumer a substantial amount of experience. However, unlike the Exp Orb, which can be consumed several times at once, this pill can only be taken once per juration interval due to its potentially significant impact on the consumer's body.

"It is imperative to exercise caution when consuming medicine as an excessive amount can lead to the accumulation of toxins in your body. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the dosage prescribed to you." Principal Dahmer stopped for a moment and carefully looked at the five of them one by one.

"Third, As per the ranking, each one of you will be rewarded with gold coins - 300, 250, 200, 150 and 100 respectively. These coins can be of great help in the initial phase of your journey outside the school."

"And lastly.."

Principal Dalhmer strode confidently towards the centre of the stage, his eyes focused on the five students. In a commanding voice, he unleashed a powerful spell that enveloped the students in a radiant and mystical aura. Without missing a beat, Principal Dalhmer proceeded to deliver an authoritative speech, instilling in the students a sense of purpose and determination to achieve their goals.

"In addition to the reward given by the academy to the rankers, there is also a hidden quest that can be discovered during the assessment. "

"The hidden details regarding this assessment's hidden quest is upon reaching level 10, every student who reach the required level will receive a special item as a token of appreciation from the empire. The type of item you receive is entirely up to your discretion, but it must not exceed the green rank. It's essential to note that even if you possess blue-grade equipment, you won't be able to utilize it until your level matches the equipment's rank."

After Principal Dalhmer said those words, circles suddenly formed above the heads of the five students on the stage.

A smile suddenly appeared on the principal's face. 

"Good..!" The principal uttered.


Gabriel POV

Gabriel's mind was jolted upon hearing the principal's announcement about the reward for reaching level 10. He couldn't help but wonder about the missing crucial piece from his Survival Set, and if the reward item would complete it. As he contemplated his options, he found himself considering the temporary use of [Enis pants]. However, the thought of finally obtaining the last piece of his Survival Set was too enticing to ignore. He felt a rush of excitement at the possibility of completing his set and couldn't wait to see what the reward would be.

Gabriel spoke to himself in a determined tone, making sure to double-check if the empire had the specific item he required before going ahead with his choice. He knew the importance of being thorough and wanted to ensure that he made the best use of his opportunity.

As he was immersed in his enjoyment, his attention was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the principal's voice once again.


As the group of five stood in awe, a perfect, glowing circle composed of mana materialized above their heads. They exchanged puzzled glances, each of them wondering what this mysterious occurrence could possibly signify.

The group was startled as the principal's voice echoed through the field once again, interrupting the silence.

"Direct your attention to the circular symbol hovering above your head." Principal Dalhmer ordered the five student.

Gabriel, Tigram, Dave, Jamie añd Jonathan looked up.

"This mana cirlce represents the mana capacity residing within you, which is the magical energy that fuels your abilities. The size of the circle indicates the extent of your mana capacity - the larger the circle, the greater the number of skill you can conjure."

Principal Dalhmer once again continue.

"This arcane power that i used just is to also determine your current level. It's truly a wonder to behold right?"

After hearing the words of the principal, they exchanged glances with each other, and then turned their attention back to the principal.

Of the five of them who are on the stage, the largest circle formed was from Gabriel, although the principal already knew there was something different about him, it didn't stop him from being happy with what he was seeing.

Except for Gabriel, Tigram's and Dave's head circles are about the same size, while Jonathan's and Jamie's are 10% smaller than the size of the circle above Dave's head and Tigram's.

As for Gabriel, the circle of mana above his head was more than three times the size of the circle above Tigrem's and Dave's head.

"Three students have reached level 10 and the other 2 are at level 9!" Principal Dalhmer said.

Then he looked at the teachers and he smiled widely; he uttered an incantation.

After chanting the incantation, a light suddenly flashed from the principal and quickly flew towards the sky.

He canceled the spell that he cast toward the five students and walked back to the podium.