
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 35: Level 10

Gabriel decided to use the remaining two hours of time to just sit back and relax.

First, he checks the Assessment Ranking.

[ Assessment Ranking Board]

[First Place: Gabriel Heart

No. of Kills = 89 - Iron ★, 18 - Iron ★★, 13 - Iron★★★, 3 - Iron★★★★, 1-Iron ★★★★★★★★★★, 1-Bronze ★ (shared), 5-Bronze ★, 1★ - Bronze - Lord Rank, 41-Bronze ★★★, 1 - Bronze ★★★★

Points = 101,860

Class: Support - Type, Healing]

[Second Place: Tigram Gray

No. of Kills = 101 - Iron ★, 15 - Iron ★★, 5 - Iron ★★★, 3 -Iron ★★★★, 5-Iron ★★★★★★★★★★,1-Bronze ★ (shared), 70 - Bronze ★

Points = 72,580

Class: Berserk- Type, Barbarian]

[Third Place: Dave Blake

No. of Kills = 109- Iron ★, 11 - Iron ★★, 5 - Iron ★★★, 5 - Iron ★★★★, 2 - Iron ★★★★★, 70-Iron ★★★★★★★★★★, 30 - Bronze ★

Points = 67,560

Class: Warrior - Type, Swordsman]


Gabriel heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Good! I could afford to relax for a bit. Even if my opponents manage to surpass my points, I'll just head to a place with a high concentration of monsters, drop a Curse Totem on them, and regain my lead." His lips stretched into a smile at the thought.

He scanned his surroundings, looking for a safe spot away from the monsters. After finding a large tree with a gaping hole in its trunk, he cautiously stepped inside. A spacious room greeted him, devoid of any signs of life.

The air was thick with a musty, earthy smell, and Gabriel could not help but wonder if he had stumbled upon the nest of a strong beast. He took a deep breath and settled down in a comfortable spot, content with the knowledge that he was safe for now.

With a flick of his wrist, he opened his status window, eager to assess his progress.


[Name: Gabriel Heart]

[Class: Cleric]

[Level: 10, Iron Late Stage]

[Health Point: 3,620/3,620(+1086)]

[Mana: 3,920/3920]

[Experience: 207,321/200,000]

[Magic Attack: {284(+250)} (106) – {322(+290)} (122)] 

[Defense: 353]

[Attributes: STR: 10, AGI: 6, DEX: 26, INT: 68(+35), VIT: 48(+40)]


Light Hurricane Level 10

Healing Totem Level 10

Goddess Blessing Level 1]

[Tome skill:

Tail Wind]

[Talent: [☯] Yin-Yang Soul Harmony (D)]

[Harmony Essence: 11,600]

[Equipment: Survival Staff, Survivals Robe, Survival Boots, Survival Mitten, Survival Mitra

Equipment Effect:

+100% Healing 

+30% Max HP



+50% Mana Regeneration

+20% MATK

+20% Cooldown]

[Light Hurricane Level 10: Attacks the enemy 3 times with a whirling storm of light. There is a 20% probability for the enemy to stun enemy. 

Damage = {1200% x [MATK + MagicPEN]} per hit 

Mana Cost = 30

Cooldown = 1 seconds]

[ Healing Totem Level 10: Summons Healing Totem to heal all the party members near the relic (radius of 20m) for a duration of time. The relic summoning process deals 100% of the user's attack as Light-attribute damage. Summoned totem can't be destroyed.

Healing per second = {(10 + INT+VIT)/2 x 10 x 10 x (1 + HealingEffect%) + MATK}

AOE Damage = 1000% x (MATK x MagicPEn)

Healing Duration= 5 seconds

Mana Cost = 150

Cooldown = 4 seconds]

[ Goddess Blessing Level 1: Summons a light that Increase the Physical attack (Magic Attack) of all allies (yourself) by 20% and grants a shield that's blocks the user from any harm for a duration of time or until the shield breaks, at the same time provide immunity buff that immune the caster to any negative status for a certain amount of time. 

Shield: Block any damage (physical and magical) equal to 300% of caster HP 

Shield Duration: 5 minutes 

Buff Duration: 5 minutes

Immunity Duration: 10 seconds

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 20 seconds]


Gabriel felt proud of his progress as he admired his statistics and skills. He was confident that he could take down 1★ - Bronze with just his Light Hurricane ability. Satisfied with what he saw, he closed his status window and shifted his focus to his loots.

After spending some time farming in the Marshes Grounds, he stumbled upon some powerful white grade equipment. Unfortunately, they were not suitable for his class and were instead designed for fighters who specialized in using spears.

Though he did find some equipment that he could use, such as boots, pants, and robes, his current set was already superior to them. However, he saw potential in the white rank pants and decided to equip them temporarily. With some extra Harmony points, he upgraded the pants to a green rank equipment, making them even more useful for his journey ahead.


[Name: Enis Pants]

[Type: Pants (s)]

[Defense: 25]

[Description: This equipment is crafted with an exceptionally conductive magic leather that offers a remarkable level of comfort when worn.

Additional Attribute:

+5 All status

Special Effect:

+50 HP recovery per second

+10 Mana recovery per second]

[Durability: 200/200]


As he eagerly examined the newly upgraded pants, he felt a twinge of disappointment. The item he had hoped for didn't materialize into the final piece of the set he needed. Nevertheless, the newly upgraded pants were no less impressive. They boasted the ability to regenerate his Health Points (HP) and mana naturally, and this would help him save a considerable amount of HP and mana potions. Additionally, the stat boost provided by the pants was decent enough to make a difference in his battles.

After observing the effects of the equipment, he pondered for a moment and then stowed it away in his magic bag. He knew he had to proceed to his next task.

He checked his inventory and counted the number of beast cores he had. Aside from the Raging Inferno Liger's beast cores, he had also obtained ten beast cores from the lizards he had hunted earlier.

He decided to dismantle the cores he had collected before proceeding with the lord rank core.

[Prompt! Do you want to convert it to Harmony Essence? Y/N?]

Since he is down by 10,000 Harmony Essence points, he clicked yes.

[Prompt! You obtain 11,200 Harmony Essence] x 10

Then he dismantled the lord rank beast core next.

[Prompt! Do you want to convert it to Harmony Essence? Y/N?]

[Prompt! You obtain 50,000 Harmony Essence]

Gabriel's face was beaming with excitement as he eagerly checked if he had enough Harmony Essence points to upgrade his equipment to blue. However, his attention was quickly diverted to something that caught his eye. He couldn't help but reminisce about the process of upgrading his equipment, both the recent and the past ones.

As he played back the memories in his head, he realized something that made him pause for a moment. He remembered that the staff he upgraded earlier had mutated into a different item with a higher rank, instead of just being upgraded to a higher rank with the same item.

"F*ck!" This realization immediately made him curse under his breath. He knew that if he proceeded with upgrading his equipment now, he might not receive the same equipment again. This thought made him anxious, as he had put in a lot of effort to obtain the equipment.

He decided to double-check the Description of how to use the Harmony Essence to confirm his doubts. Without wasting any more time, he quickly pulled up the window panel to check the details again.


[ Harmony Essence: use to upgrades equipment grade by 1.

Common to Magic = 100% success rate

Magic to Rare = 33% success rate

Rare to Epic = 10% success rate

Epic to Legend = 3% success rate

Legend to Divine = 1% success rate

Harmony Essence can be obtained by sacrificing different types of energy core]


Gabriel was reading a guide on how to use Harmony Essence to upgrade equipment, but he found it confusing. Specifically, he was unsure whether he should use the Essence to mutate his equipment or upgrade it by one grade.

Just then, he received a notification that shed some light on the matter.

The prompt explained that when using Harmony Essence, he could choose between two options: mutating his equipment to a different higher-grade one or upgrading the same equipment to a higher grade. However, upgrading the same equipment to a higher grade required a larger amount of Harmony Essence points than mutating the item to a different one. Gabriel was relieved to finally understand how to use the Essence.

He realized that he had not been able to upgrade his equipment to a higher rank before because he had not had enough Harmony Essence points.

Therefore, he had been using the basic option available to him, which was to mutate the item into a different one. After reading the notification, he felt relieved that he could now use the Essence more effectively.

To his relief, he learned that he could retain his equipment and upgrade it to a higher grade without having to mutate or choose a different one. However, he was still uncertain of what would happen to the set effect.

Thankfully, he received a notification again that informed him that once there were two or more similar grades, the set effect would be updated to the blue level. Gabriel realized that even if he upgraded one piece of equipment to the blue level, the set effect would remain unchanged unless he upgraded another piece to the blue level.

Feeling confident in his understanding of the situation, Gabriel inspected his staff and decided to upgrade it to another level. However, when he attempted to do so, he received a red notification that left him puzzled. He carefully read the notification, hoping to gain clarity on the matter.


[Name: Survival Staff]

[Type: Staff]

[MATK: 200 - 240]

[Rarity: Green]

[Description: A special staff with red pattern of divine cross, this staff is used by high-status clergyman.

Additional Attribute:

+5 INT


+10% Max HP

Equipment Effect: Healing + 20%]

[Durability: 200/200]

[Requirement not met:

Required Harmony Essence: 100,000/100,000

1st Class advancement: 0/1

Required Level: 10/20]


Gabriel felt a sense of disappointment as he read the requirements to advance his class and level up to 20 to obtain blue equipment. He let out a heavy sigh and tried to focus on the task at hand. He started sorting out the materials that were dropped by the beast he had just slain. He carefully arranged the Liger fangs and mane, Wind wolf king skin and claw, poison toad tongue and more that was on his inventory.

As he was sorting out the materials, he couldn't help but think about the time and effort he had put into getting this material. He had been farming for hours, slaying beasts collecting materials and levelling up. He knew that obtaining blue equipment would make a significant difference, but it seemed like an impossible task at the moment.

Gabriel then turned his attention to the two skill books he had obtained during his farming time. He materialized the books and examined them closely. He hoped that these books would provide him with some useful skills that would help him.


[Name: Skill Book]

[Type: Tome of skill]

[Grade: White]

[Skill (Blessings of the Ocean): Conjure an armor made of water towards a target. Water armor increased the defense of the target by 30%.

Duration: 5 minutes

Mana Cost: 100

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Class: Support Type]


[Name: Skill Book]

[Type: Tome of skill]

[Grade: White]

[Skill (Gift of the Element): Imbues a water element towards a target weapon. Increased the Attack (magic/physical) of the target by 30%. Monster with a fire element will receive 75% more damage when taking hit, while monster with wind element will receive 55% less damage.

Duration: 5 minutes

Mana Cost: 100

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Class: Mage Type]


As Gabriel read the description of the new skill, he felt a rush of excitement. The skill book was specifically meant for the supporter class, and if he used it in conjunction with his talent, he could deal even more damage to enemy units than before. Gabriel couldn't believe his luck - this was exactly what he needed to take his gameplay to the next level.

"Good!" he exclaimed, his heart beating faster with excitement.

"I'll just wait here until the assessment ends," he added, settling back into his seat.

Gabriel completed his task and now has some time to think about how he will use his time effectively.

Then he decided to experiment with something, to see just how powerful it was. Gabriel couldn't help but think about that technique.

The idea of being able to replicate its effects filled him with anticipation, and he couldn't wait to put his plan into action.