
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 32: Level 6

[Prompt! You have killed Raging Inferno Liger! Gain exp 11,000!]

[Congratulation! You level up, +1 level]

[Congratulation! You level up, +1 level]

[Congratulation! You level up, +1 level]

[Prompt! You obtain 10 status points]

[Prompt! You obtain 10 status points]

[Prompt! You obtain 10 status points]

[Prompt! You obtain 2 skill points]

[Prompt! You obtain 2 skill points]

[Prompt! You obtain 2 skill points]

[Prompt! You obtain Survivors Mitra!]

[Prompt! You obtain Survivors Mittens!]

[Prompt! You obtain Skill Book [Fire Ball]!]

[Prompt! You obtain Raging Inferno Liger beast core!]

Gabriel was so absorbed in the intense battle with the Liger that he didn't hear the sound of notifications. He was fully focused on his opponent and didn't even realize that the creature had already died. Perhaps it was because of the adrenaline rushing through his veins, or maybe it was because his entire attention was on the fight.

This went on for several minutes until Gabriel finally noticed that the Liger's body wasn't moving anymore. He quickly came out of his battle trance, and carefully scanned the area for any signs of danger. After he was convinced that there was nothing to worry about, he finally relaxed and sat down to catch his breath.

Looking at his mana capacity, Gabriel knew that he needed to rest.

[Mana: 1090/2840], then he sighted. 

Gabriel murmured to himself, "I pushed myself to my limit, utilizing no more than 70% of my mana capacity to defeat this fearsome monster." He then retrieved his mana potions from his backpack and swiftly consumed them, feeling the restorative energy flooding back into his body.

With renewed vigor, he assessed the spoils of his hard-fought victory.

[Skill book [Fire Ball]: Gathers a ball of fire elemental energy and fires it towards the enemy causing damage.

Damage = {300% x [MATK + magicPEN]}

Mana Cost: 50

Grade: White

Cooldown: 2 seconds

Class: Mage Class

Upgradable: No]

Gabriel gazed at the skill book that was dropped by the Raging Inferno Liger. As he flipped through the pages, he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. "Another skill I won't be able to use," he said with a sigh, resigning himself to hold onto the book for the time being

[Name: Survivor's Mitra]

[Type: Headwear]

[Defense: 15]

[Rarity: Green]

[Description: This is a description of a ceremonial headwear that is traditionally worn by high-ranking clergy members. The hat is typically adorned with various symbols and decorations that represent the religious order or denomination to which the wearer belongs. It is intended to convey a sense of authority and reverence and is often worn during important religious ceremonies and events.

Additional Attribute: 



+50 Magic Attack

Especial Effect: + 10% Healing

(Set Effect:

2 - Pieces effect:


3 - Pieces effect:


4 - Pieces effect:

+10% MATK

+10% Healing

+20% Cooldown Reduction

5 - Pieces effect:

+10% MATK

+10 VIT

+ 10% Healing

6 - Pieces effect:

+20% MATK

+10% Healing

+20% Cooldown Reduction)]

[Durability: 200/200]


[Name: Survivor's Mittens]

[Type: Arms]

[Defense: 20]

[Rarity: Green]

[Description: In certain cultures, gloves hold a special significance as they are believed to be blessed with holiness. When worn, they are considered a symbol of high status and are often used to convey a sense of authority or power. The exquisitely crafted gloves, embellished with intricate designs and made from the finest materials, are regarded as a mark of distinction and are highly prized possessions.

Additional Attribute: 


Especial Effect: + 10% Healing

(Set effect....)

[Durability: 200/200]

As he laid his eyes on the two pieces of equipment in front of him, Gabriel felt a sudden wave of shock and disbelief wash over him.

But soon enough, his shock turned into pure excitement as he realized what he was holding. "AHAHHAHAHAH, 5 - pieces effect!" he shouted with extreme joy, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

Without wasting any time, Gabriel quickly equipped the two pieces of gear, feeling their weight and power in his hands. He then distributed his status at a ratio of 6DEX:9INT:15VIT, eager to see the full potential of his new equipment.

With a deep breath, he opened his panel and took a look at his updated status, feeling a sense of satisfaction and anticipation building up inside him.

[Name: Gabriel Heart]

[Class: Cleric]

[Level: 6, Iron Middle Stage]

[Health Point: 2780/2780(+834)]

[Mana: 3120/3120]

[Experience: 1121/6000]

[Magic Attack: {244(+250)} (↑98) – {282(+290)} (↑114)] 

[Defense: 317]

[Attributes: STR: 10, AGI: 6, DEX: 18, INT: 48(+35), VIT: 36(+40)]


Light Hurricane Level 6

Healing Totem Level 6

Goddess Blessing Level 1]

[Tome Skill:

Tail Wind]

[Talent: [☯] Yin-Yang Soul Harmony (D)]

[Harmony Essence: 11,600]

[Equipment: Survival Staff, Survivals Robe, Survival Boots, Survival Mitten, Survival Mitra

Equipment Effect:

+100% Healing 

+30% Max HP



+50% Mana Regeneration

+20% MATK

+20% Cooldown]

(A/N:(↑144) represents the amount increase for total MATK when +10% MATK added)

The sound of Gabriel's laughter echoed throughout the area, as he stood over the body of the Raging Inferno Liger. His eyes glinted with excitement as he challenged the beast to get up and fight him once again. He laughed again, revelling in the thrill of battle.

Gabriel's confidence in his abilities was well-placed. With just his DoT, he could deal a staggering 10,000 points of true damage per second, without even factoring in his buff. If he had used his current status in his previous battle against the Liger, he would have been able to defeat it using only three sets of the powerful [Curse Totem (☯)].


The spacious classroom outside the Mysterious realm was filled with an atmosphere of shock and disbelief. All the teachers present had their jaws dropped as they watched the fight unfold before their eyes. It had barely been a minute since the fight had begun, and yet, the opponent, who happened to be a monstrous Lord-Rank creature, was already defeated.

For the uninitiated, Lord-Rank monsters were considered to be the king of all monsters of their rank. It was a well-known fact that if all monsters of the same rank fought a Lord-Rank monster, they would all be killed. Therefore, the fact that a student had managed to defeat one was nothing short of a miracle.

The sudden outburst of laughter from Principal Dalhmer was a clear indicator of his excitement. He was elated to see such a display of power from one of his students. However, the other teachers present had a wry expression on their faces, unable to believe what had just transpired before their eyes.

Mr. Hanz, Gabriels's form teacher, had witnessed the entire fight with a rollercoaster of emotions. He had initially doubted Gabriels's potential as a support-type, but seeing the way he fought against the Lord-Rank monster, he felt an immense sense of pride.


Mysterious Realm

In the center of Dusk Valley , a place shrouded in secrets and danger. Amidst the eerie silence, a youth can be seen sitting down with a serene expression on his face, his back against a massive boulder. Beside him lies the lifeless body of the Raging Inferno Liger, a beast that he had valiantly slain in a fierce battle. This youth is none other than Gabriel, a skilled warrior who has earned a reputation for his exceptional combat skills.

Despite the exhaustion from the battle, Gabriel does not immediately tend to his wounds. Instead, he takes a few deep breaths and begins to meditate, his eyes closed in deep concentration. His focus is not on regenerating his mana, but on calming his mind and releasing the tension he felt during the intense fight. The quiet surroundings provide the perfect backdrop for his meditation, allowing him to find peace and serenity amid chaos.

After a few moments of meditation, Gabriel opens his eyes and checks his Ranking points.

[ Assessment Ranking Board]

[First Place: Gabriel Heart

No. of Kills = 89 - Iron ★, 18 - Iron ★★, 13 - Iron★★★, 3 - Iron★★★★, 1-Iron ★★★★★★★★★★, 1-Bronze ★ (shared), 1 - Bronze - Lord Rank

Points = 12,360

Class: Support - Type, Healing]

[Second Place: Tigram Gray

No. of Kills = 101 - Iron ★, 15 - Iron ★★, 5 - Iron ★★★, 3 -Iron ★★★★, 5-Iron ★★★★★★★★★★,1-Bronze ★ (shared)

Points = 2,580

Class: Berserk- Type, Barbarian]


(A/N: Bronze rank monster is 10 times the points of 10★-Iron and Lord tier is 10 times higher on point that its counterpart)

Gabriel was taken aback when he saw the staggering number of kills Tigram had to his credit. "Damn! This guy could kill!" he muttered under his breath. He couldn't help but wonder that if he had not taken down the Lord-Rank monster, he might be in second place at the moment.

The realization hit him hard, but he quickly gathered himself and shook off the thought. "Sigh! I can't relax, let's just focus on finishing this assessment first!" he said, trying to calm his nerves and concentrate on the task at hand.


Mysterious Realm, Somewhere in Dusk Valley.

[Congratulation! You level up, +1 level]

[Prompt! You obtain 5 status points]

[Prompt! You obtain 1 status point]

Upon receiving the prompt notification, the youth reached the blade of his axe and removed the head of the monster that it was embedded in.

The youth then throws the monster's head and sighs.

After he looked at the Ranking points he immediately closed it.

"He could already kill a Lord Rank monster on his own! I can't lose!" Tigram said.

A book materializes in his hand, he looked it and began to ponder.

"Damn it! I will make sure to pay him!" He said once looking at the skill book, then he activated it.

[Do you want to learn Earth Armor? Y/N]

His finger is shaking while slowly moving to the yes button. When it was the yes button the finger stopped, Tigram hesitated again.

Tigram breathes deeply, then he moves his finger to the yes button.

[Prompt! Successfully learned Earth Armor]

[Earth Armor: Upon casting, it will surround the caster with an armor that is made of earth element, Increasing the casters defense by 25%.

Duration: 5 minutes

Rank: White

Mana Cost: 50

Cooldown: 5 seconds]

Tigram spoke, "With this new skill, I can take on the monstrous creature with even greater fortitude!" His eyes sparkled with determination and his fighting spirit rose.


As Tigram walked aimlessly for about 15 minutes, he suddenly stumbled upon a monstrous creature with a grotesque appearance, a Bronze stage monster.

It stood tall, towering over him, and wielded a sharp axe as its weapon. The creature's bulky physique made it evident that it was not to be taken lightly. Tigram cautiously examined its status.


[Name: Orc Warrior]

[Health Point: 21,000/21,000]

[Mana: 2000/2000]

[Physical Attack: 900– 1050]

[Defense: 300]

[Rank: Bronze Stage ★]

[Skills: Double Chop, Stomp, Impact]

[Description: This particular type of Orc soldier is the most frequently encountered one. Despite being a common sight, it is unwise to underestimate its power. These soldiers are responsible for guarding the nest, and they take their duty very seriously. They never slack off on the job, and their vigilance should not be taken lightly.]


Tigram took a moment to survey the situation and assess the status of his opponent, the Orc Warrior.

With a firm grip on his trusty axe, he steeled himself for what he knew would be a difficult and grueling fight.

Despite the fear that threatened to creep in, Tigram squared his shoulders and resolved to face the challenge head-on, relying on his battle instinct to guide him through the battle.

He knew that this time, he would be fighting alone, but he was determined not to falter or give in to his doubts. With a deep breath and a focused mind, Tigram charged forward to meet his foe, ready to give it his all.