
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 31: Victory!


A burst of energy is rushing towards him at high speed.

Seconds becomes months and minutes become a year, as the ball of concentrated fire element advance little by little, he could not think any idea on how he will deal with his current situation.

Then, an explosion occurred.


Gabriel once again thrown out by the impact.

He landed very hard on the ground, he then vomited blood.


As the holographic projection flickers, a group of people stand in the spacious classroom, anxiously watching. Mr. Hanz, the teacher, looks towards the projection with a worried expression, while the principal, Dalhmer, stares intently at the screen. Suddenly, someone speaks up with a question that's been on everyone's mind, "Principal, are you sure we are not going to help that student?"

Despite his confident reply, Principal Dalhmer's grip on his armrest tightens, betraying his true feelings. As the only one who had witnessed Gabriel's fighting skills, he had high expectations for the student's performance. "Hang in there!" Mr. Hanz silently prays, hoping for the best.

As the holographic projection continues, Principal Dalhmer mutters under his breath, "Young man, don't disappoint me." His eyes never leave the screen as he carefully observes every move made by Gabriel, silently hoping that the student will exceed his expectations.


A few moments ago, before the explosion

Gabriel was looking at the concentrated ball of energy that is slowly moving towards him as if time itself is in slow motion.

Then as if there was a light that suddenly appeared out of darkness, an idea suddenly pops into his head, he redid himself, he first checks his hp then his skills. Upon seeing that all things he need are set.

He quickly casted his skill [Cursed Totem (☯️)] in between him and the direction of the concentrated energy of fire element, the idea is since his totem is indestructible, he will used it as a shield.

The concentrated energy and the totem collided.



The Liger was damaged by summoning the totem, however, since he was near the center of explosion, he still took some damage from it.



Gabriel stood up, his chest heaving as he coughed twice. He wiped the traces of blood off his mouth and took a deep breath. With a flick of his wrist, he cast [Healing Wind (☯️)] on himself, his wounds slowly closing up as his HP recovered.

Looking up, he saw the Raging Inferno Liger staring back at him, its eyes blazing with an intelligence that Gabriel found unnerving. "You're tough," he muttered under his breath, preparing for the next round of battle.

Suddenly, a roar shook the ground beneath his feet. Gabriel felt his body tense up as he braced himself for what was to come next. The Liger charged towards him, teeth bared and claws outstretched.

As the Liger attacked, Gabriel was quick to respond. With [Yang-Soul-Harmony], he managed to redirect all the negative status effects back to the Liger.

Then activated [Yin-Soul-Harmony].

The skill DoT effect of Gabriel had a noticeable effect on the Liger, adding to the already existing damage caused by the Burning effect. The Liger let out a fierce roar as it lost 3160HP and an additional 1200HP.

However, as Gabriel had deactivated the Yang-Soul-Harmony, the continued conversion of negative effects into positive effects ceased, causing the effect of [Scorch] to take hold once again, leading to Gabriel also taking damage due to the Burning effect. Despite facing a formidable opponent.

Gabriel's thoughts were focused on the challenge ahead as he remarked, "82,476! What a tough nut to crack!"

Meanwhile, the Raging Inferno Liger growled fiercely, showing no signs of backing down.

They only stood and stared at each other, waiting for someone to move. Five seconds passed and they are still standing like their having an "old west showdown".

In those five second the Liger received a total damage of 17,440 due to the DoT, while Gabriel received 200 points of damage.

He had an option to negate the damage of the negative status just by activating [Yang-Soul-Harmony] but he chose not to do it, to avoid alerting the enemy.

He could tell that this Liger in front of him, has intelligence on it. Thats the only explanation on why it could strategies an effective method on dealing with by just fighting with him for a couple of seconds.

"It's time!" Gabriel said to himself while he checks his mana capacity.

[Mana: 1650/2540]

Gabriel spoke, "Around 60% mana capacity, I need to finish this, quick." He could sense that the air around them was thick and oppressive, and he knew that time was running out. He moved quickly, deftly casting [Healing Wind (☯️)] to heal himself. But even as he did so, he was aware of the Liger's relentless pursuit, dashing towards him with incredible speed.

Suddenly, a prompt appeared before him, activating the 20% effect of the skill. Gabriel felt a surge of energy flow through him, bolstering his strength and giving him the boost he needed to face his foe.

[MeFirst] Experience effect! Your attack will hit first!

(A/N: The buff effect was, even if his speed is 0 and the opponent speed is at 9999, when they both attack, he will damage the opponent first)

A feeling suddenly rose within him he could feel energy overflowing to him.

"A buff that ignores the difference in speed, huh?" Gabriel thought to himself.

He was already prepared to what's coming, a second later, a shadow of flame arrives in front of him, a cunning look could be seen towards the beast eyes.

Suddenly, a dark energy surrounded it, then envelopes the Raging Inferno Liger.

[DamageDown] Experience effect! Reduce physical attack!

[Silent] Experience effect! Can't use skills!

[Shield] Experience effect! Block damage 3x to the casters HP!

It already plans on repeating its move earlier, however, it did not expect that an attack hit it fist.







Gabriel casted his skill seconds later than the Liger, but due to the effect of [MeFirst] all of his skill landed faster than the liger.

Suddenly a third attack arrives in between them.



The Raging Inferno Liger was pushed back due to the impact, delaying its onslaught.

It landed a couple of meters away before it holds itself up.

It then started running towards Gabriel, and when it arrives a second later it, it tried to activate its skills, but it can't at the same time it was damage by the Totem.



And then Gabriel dishes out another [Light Hurricane (☯)] attacking it three times in a row and taking 3734 points of total damage toward its HP.

Another DoT erupted damaging both of them.



The beast snapped out of its confusion, it was enraged again, the flames on its body intensified again to another Level, everything around it is melting at a faster speed.

Fire could be seen to its nostril while it breathes.

A DoT took effect damaging them both.



After charging its body with intense flame the Raging Inferno Liger suddenly moved.


Only its shadow could be seen while it was moving around Gabriel, circling him.

A DoT took effect damaging them both.




Gabriel closed his eyes at same time he cast [Healing Wind (☯️)] to himself.

A DoT took effect damaging them both.




The totem faded, while his skill cooldown is also over, he could cast another [Curse Totem (☯️)], however he holds it in for now.


Gabriel stood in the centre, observing the Raging Inferno Liger as it ran in a clockwise direction, leaving behind a trail of fire barriers that piled up to form a flaming tornado. As the tornado grew bigger, Gabriel watched with caution as he knew that anyone at the centre of the tornado would suffer from suffocation due to the intense heat.

Despite the danger, Gabriel was impressed by the Liger's strategy. He had planned to interrupt its momentum with his skill [Light Hurricane (☯️)], but he knew that the duration of his [MeFirst] had already ended, and he might miss and waste his mana. So, he refrained and waited for the right time to use his AOE skills.

As the Liger made its final lap, Gabriel saw the opportunity and summoned his skill [Curse Totem (☯️)] on its path, causing the Liger to avoid it and its momentum to be interrupted.

As the Liger darted away from the totem, it managed to avoid a direct collision with it, but the totem's summoned effects still inflicted a considerable area-of-effect damage of around 900HP on the Liger. Meanwhile, Gabriel seized the opportunity and unleashed [Light Hurricane (☯️)] on the Liger, causing a massive total damage of 3,300 points. The Liger was caught off guard and struggled to withstand the impact of the spell.

[Stun] Experience effect! Can't move!

Gabriel did not know whether the liger was lucky or what, since the stun effect of his skill activated, stunning it for at least 2 seconds and damaging it by another 7,200 points with the addition of two rounds of DoT, 6,320 points.

Amid the battle, the skilled Gabriel knew that the duration of the [Stun] effect was limited. He also knew that the [Silent] effect would end at the same time. As he anticipated the end of these effects, the Raging Inferno Liger let out a fierce roar, signalling its readiness to continue the fight.

Without wasting any time, Gabriel activated his talent, [Yang-Soul-Harmony]. This time, however, he did something different. Instead of redirecting the buffs towards the Liger, he reversed the effect, using it to his advantage. As a result, his magic attack was amplified even further, and he was able to regenerate his HP over time.

A DoT (Damage over time) took effect healing Gabriel and damaging the Liger



He already planned to exchange injury with injury. He again checked his mana capacity.

[Mana: 1000/2540]

As Gabriel charged towards the Liger, the beast sprang forward with equal ferocity. With a swift motion, Gabriel swung his staff at the Liger as it lunged towards him with its razor-sharp claws. The sound of the impact echoed through the air as the staff and the claw collided, creating a loud and jarring clang that reverberated in the surrounding area.

A DoT (Damage over time) took effect healing Gabriel and damaging the Liger



As the liger started using its powerful skill [Incinerate], a massive amount of fire elements began to accumulate under Gabriel's foot. However, Gabriel was prepared this time and didn't waste a moment.

He swiftly utilized the time while the Liger was casting its skill and countered it with his skill, [Light Hurricane]. With immense force, Gabriel's skill clashed with the Liger's, creating a spectacular display of light and energy.







The energy that had been building up under Gabriel's foot suddenly erupted with great force, unleashing a powerful explosion.



[Prompt! Shield withstood the attack, 4947/6747]

Gabriel took advantage of the explosion and used it as an opportunity to put some distance between him and the Liger.

A DoT took effect healing Gabriel and damaging the Liger



As the Raging Inferno Liger charges forward, its powerful strides cover the ground in a matter of seconds. Its eyes are fixed on its target as it draws closer, and with each passing moment, its jaws are clamping down tighter on a growing ball of fire elemental energy. The energy crackles and expands, threatening to burst forth at any moment, as the Liger readies itself for a devastating attack.

A DoT took effect healing Gabriel


Gabriel's heart raced as he watched the Raging Inferno Liger charging towards him. He could see the beast's fiery breath building up in its jaws, ready to be unleashed in a point-blank attack. Determined to defend himself, Gabriel quickly cast two spells in succession, his fingers moving deftly through the air.

"Curse Totem (☯)," he muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible above the roar of the approaching liger.



Then, without hesitation, he cast another spell.

"Light Hurricane (☯)."







The two spells wove together in a complex dance of light and shadow, forming a swirling vortex of energy around Gabriel. The air crackled with power as the spells took effect, their potent magic rippling through the space between Gabriel and the liger.

But the liger was not deterred. With a fierce growl, it fired the accumulated energy in its mouth towards Gabriel, the ball of fire hurtling through the air at breakneck speed. Gabriel braced himself for impact, his heart pounding in his chest.



[Prompt! Shield withstood attack, 277/6747]

Once again, they were both flung back from the centre of the explosion.

A DoT took effect healing Gabriel and damaging the Liger



The massive Raging Inferno Liger struggles to rise to its feet, its muscles quivering with the effort. But just as it manages to stand, a sudden gust of wind buffets it, followed by a powerful suction force that seems to drain the very life from its body. With a low growl of frustration, the liger stumbles and falls heavily to the ground, its breath coming in ragged gasps and died.

A DoT took effect healing Gabriel and damaging the Liger



[Prompt! You have killed Raging Inferno Liger! Gain exp 11,000!]