
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 30: Lord Rank Monster

[Burning] Effect experience! Flame Damage over time! Weaken! Reduce physical attack!

"Tsk!" Gabriel reacted.

Gabriel activated his unique ability known as [Yang-Soul-Harmony]. He planned to utilize this powerful talent to counteract the negative statuses he had received during the battle and redirect them back towards his formidable opponent, the Raging Inferno Liger. With focused determination and unwavering resolve, Gabriel began to channel his energy, preparing himself for a decisive battle.



[Detected negative status [DamageDown]

Reverse: No

Redirect: Yes]

[Detected negative status [ Burning]

Reverse: No

Redirect: Yes]


Gabriel found himself in a precarious situation as the Raging Inferno Liger was unleashing its fiery wrath on him. To make matters worse, the Liger was becoming more agitated with every negative buff that Gabriel managed to deflect onto it. The creature's fiery aura intensified to a blinding light, burning everything in sight.

Gabriel quickly realized that he needed to act fast if he wanted to survive this ordeal. He used his quick thinking and cast the [Goddess Blessing] spell on himself, which increased his max MATK to an impressive 568 points.

[DamgeUp] Experience effect! Increase Magic Attack!

[Shield] Experience effect! Blocks damage 3x the caster HP!

[Immunity] Experience effect! Immune to negative buff!

With his newfound strength, he also cast [Light Hurricane] towards the Liger. The effect of [Burning] also took effect reducing the Liger HP by 1200 points.







As the spell hit the Liger, Gabriel noticed his surroundings changing rapidly. The once peaceful landscape was now a searing inferno, with molten magma erupting from the ground. The flames engulfed everything in sight, creating a fiery world that was both beautiful and terrifying.

Amid the chaos that surrounded him, Gabriel stood resolute in his determination to vanquish the Raging Inferno Liger. He remained rooted in his position, with his eyes fixed on the beast, ever ready to respond to any sudden attack. His vigilance was rewarded when he noticed a strange sensation in his foot, and he quickly leapt out of harm's way, narrowly evading the incoming assault.

Then came the deafening explosion.


A towering inferno erupted from the spot where Gabriel had been standing, expanding rapidly and engulfing everything in its path. It was undoubtedly one of the Raging Inferno Liger's most powerful abilities, a testament to its fearsome strength.

[Incinerate: Envelopes the enemy with a huge, concentrated pillar of flame that will burn them causing a massive damage. Successful hit will brand with burning, damaging the target over time.

Mana cost: 300

Cooldown: 10 seconds]

Gabriel did not notice that after he dodged the towering inferno attack of the Liger, little did he know, a menacing flame shadow was closing in on him at an alarming pace. As the flame shadow drew closer, it unleashed another one of its deadly skills on Gabriel. Within moments, the flames surrounding the shadow began to gather at the centre of its mouth, signalling another imminent attack.

[Flame Blitz: Gathers a concentrated fire elemental energy at the center of its mouth and fires it towards the enemy dealing damage 6 times its caster attack to the enemy.

Mana cost: 200

Cooldown:10 seconds]

Gabriel's heart raced as he found himself caught off guard by the sudden attack of the ferocious Raging Inferno Liger. Though he remained calm, his mind raced as he searched for a way to dodge the beast's deadly assault. He quickly realized, however, that his body was not quick enough to react. With a sense of resignation, he braced himself for the impact.

The liger's skill shot towards him at point-blank range, exploding upon contact in a deafening roar that sent both Gabriel and the beast flying. The impact was brutal - Gabriel's shield immediately shattered, leaving him vulnerable to the full force of the attack. His health plummeted, dropping a staggering 6930 points in an instant.

As Gabriel struggled to recover from the blast, he took stock of the situation. The liger was still standing, its fiery rage seemingly undiminished. Gabriel had managed to redirect some of its damage and reduce its physical attack strength, but it was still a formidable adversary.

Despite his best efforts, Gabriel was unable to land a counterattack. The liger was simply too fast, darting around him with lightning speed. As Gabriel landed on the ground, he saw the liger rise to its feet and charge towards him again, its jaws gaping wide in a feral snarl.

As Gabriel was provided with a window to breathe, he quickly deactivated [Yang-Soul-Harmony], and activated [Yin-Soul-Harmony].

With that, he immediately cast [Darkness Grip (☯)] towards the Liger, causing it to slow down by an impressive 30% for five minutes. With his quick reflexes, he simultaneously cast [Curse Totem (☯)] to increase his damage over time while avoiding the Liger's attacks.

A loud booming noise echoed through the area as the Liger took a significant hit of 958HP when the totem was summoned. Gabriel's [Curse Totem] was at level 3, meaning its AOE damage upon summoning also increased, adding the reverse healing damage per second and the [Burning] status he redirected to the enemy at the beginning of the fight. Even while dodging the Raging Inferno Lion's attacks, Gabriel would still be dealing a good amount of damage.

Suddenly, an eerie sound echoed through the area, causing the Liger to take an additional 3160 points of damage, reducing its health points further. Four seconds later, the totem disappeared, and the Liger received additional damage of 12,400 points plus an additional 1590 points before the [Burn] status faded. Gabriel had no time to cast [Light Hurricane] since he was preoccupied with dodging the Liger's attacks.

Gabriel decided to run around and observe the Liger's status while avoiding its attacks. He wanted to check the remaining HP of the Liger and plan his next move accordingly.


[Name: Raging Inferno Liger]

[Health Point: 92,228/120,000]

[Mana: 4400/5000]

[Physical Attack: 1300(-260) – 1600(-320)]

[Defense: 400]

[Rank: Bronze Stage ★, Lord Type]

[Skills: Mighty Roar, Scorch, Incinerate, Flame Blitz]


Gabriel's eyes widened as he saw the Liger's remaining HP. "If I want to bring this beast down, I'll need to cast [Curse Totem (☯️)] at least 8 times," he said to himself, mentally calculating his strategy. He felt the pressure of time as he realized that he had only five seconds left before his [Immunity] would end.

With a determined expression on his face, Gabriel cast [Curse Totem (☯️)] once again, deftly dodging the Liger's sharp claws. The totem appeared with a loud BOOOOM, dealing 900HP damage to the Liger and throwing it 10 meters away. Gabriel seized the opportunity and quickly cast [Light Hurricane] towards the Liger.

He knew that he had to act fast. When the cooldown for his [Darkness Grip (☯️)] was over, he deactivated his [Yin-Soul-Harmony] talent and cast [Tail Wind] on himself, increasing his movement speed by 30%. He didn't want to risk activating the talent again and losing valuable time.

With a swift movement, Gabriel unleashed a barrage of attacks on the Liger. His [Light Hurricane] dealt -1100HP damage, followed by two more hits of -1244HP each. The Liger roared in pain, but Gabriel didn't let up.

[SpeedUp] Experience effect! Increase movement speed.


Gabriel exclaimed with determination, "87,740 HP more to go!" He swiftly dashed from his spot, evading the Liger's attacks as he ran around it while waiting for the [Curse Totem (☯️)] damage over time effect to subside.

Gabriel's agility was impressive, as he dodged every attack that came his way. However, some of the strikes came close enough to make him break into a sweat.

After five seconds of evading the Liger, the Liger received a total damage of 15,800 over time, reducing the Liger's remaining HP by at least 18%.

As the buff [Immunity] effect ended, Gabriel was prompted again due to the passive effect of Liger's skill, [Scorch].

[Burning] Effect experience! Flame Damage over time! Weaken! Reduce physical attack!


Gabriel was waiting for the perfect time to activate his talent. He planned to wait for the Liger to use its powerful Roar skill before making his move. But to his disappointment, the Liger didn't use its Roar skill as expected.

Suddenly, without warning, the Raging Inferno Liger charged towards Gabriel at great speed, using its sharp claws to swipe at him. Gabriel managed to avoid the attack, but he still suffered some damage due to the intense heat emanating from the Liger's claws. He suffered a burn, losing 25HP in the process.

The fight between Gabriel and the Raging Inferno Liger continued, with both exchanging blows. Although Gabriel's attacks were precise, they only caused minimal damage to the Liger, which seemed to be unfazed. Meanwhile, Gabriel continued to receive damage due to the DoT effect on him, losing 250 points.

In a desperate move, Gabriel activated his talent, [Yin-Soul-Harmony], and used the spell [Healing Wind (☯️) ] to heal himself and avoid the Liger's next attack. However, before he could recover completely, the Liger launched a surprise attack, pouncing on him. Gabriel narrowly dodged and quickly moved to safety. Suddenly, a wall of flames erupted where he was supposed to land, engulfing him in flames. The Liger had anticipated Gabriel's move and used its skill, [Incinerate], to catch him off guard. The impact was massive, with Gabriel losing 1600HP in a single blow.

Thrown high into the sky 15m away from where the flames erupted. The Raging Inferno Liger didn't give him a chance to recover, as it began gathering fire elements in its mouth, ready to unleash its devastating skill, [Flame Blitz]. Gabriel was still airborne, and the Liger was only waiting for the perfect moment to strike.


Gabriel found himself in a precarious situation as he was up against the Raging Inferno Liger. He had already suffered some damage, losing 30HP in the process. However, he was not one to give up easily. He used his special skill, Healing Wind (☯), on himself to regain 2000HP. He repeated this process thrice to ensure that he was fully healed. Unfortunately, the skill [Burning] had already taken effect, causing Gabriel to feel a burning sensation all over his body.

As Gabriel was preparing to counterattack, he noticed that the Liger had started to use strategic tactics. It was charging elemental energy in its mouth, preparing to use the skill [Flame Blitz]. Gabriel was no stranger to this move, but he cursed under his breath, realizing that the Liger had learned to strategize.

As Gabriel was airborne, he suddenly heard a vacuum sound, followed by a loud


The Raging Inferno Liger had released the energy gathered in its mouth, aiming it directly at Gabriel at a high speed. Gabriel's falling body was already near the ground when the attack was launched, leaving him with little time to react.