
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 29: Half -Done

Outside of the Mysterious Realm.

Principal Dalhmer had just emerged from the Mysterious Realm and was immediately surrounded by a group of puzzled teachers.

Upon entering the monitoring room, they noticed a much more alarming alarm than the one they had previously heard. All of them knew that the principal had gone inside the realm to address the issue and retrieve the student involved in the incident. However, as he exited the realm, he was alone, prompting the teachers to ask where the youth was.

Miss Clair, one of the teachers, asked if the student had died, to which Principal Dalhmer replied with a question, "Did you not see the outcome already?" The teachers were taken aback by the principal's response, wondering how he could assume they saw something they didn't. It was later explained to him that they were unable to see the battle, let alone its outcome.

Principal Dalhmer then asked if the holographic projection was broken, to which Teacher James replied that it wasn't. The principal was confused as to why they were unable to see what happened inside the Mysterious Realm. Mr. Hanz, one of the teachers, stepped forward and explained that they had followed Principal Dalhmer to the entrance of the realm but had stayed there to guard it in case of any emergencies.

Upon hearing this, Principal Dalhmersignalledd the teachers to follow him back to the monitoring room, where he began to describe what had happened inside.


Mysterious Realm, Dusk Valley

Just right after the battle with the Earth Bear ended.

[Convert Beast Core to Harmony Essence? Y/N?]

Without hesitation he chooses yes.

[Prompt! You obtain 10,000 Harmony Essence!]

Gabriel smiled and quickly sorted his other gains.

[Skill Book [Earth Armor]: Upon casting, it will surround the caster with an armor that is made of earth element, Increasing the casters defense by 25%.

Duration: 5 minutes

Rank: White

Mana Cost: 50

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Can be used by: Fighter Class]

"Tsk, this is useless to me, should i sell it later?"

He ponders for a bit and decides to keep the skill book first.

Lastly, he took out the boots dropped by the Earth Bear and equipped it.

[Name: Survivor's Boots]

[Type: Foot Gear]

[Defense: 25]

[Rarity: Green]

[Description: These boots have undergone a holy baptism performed by a clergyman of high rank. Despite their bulky appearance, they possess a surprisingly lightweight feel and hold the blessings of the church.

Additional Attribute:

+5 INT

+10 VIT

+5% Max HP

Especial Effect:

+20% Healing

+5% Movement speed

(3 - Set effect:

+200 Mana

+20% Mana Regeneration)]

[Durability: 200/200]

"F*ck" Gabriel couldn't help but curse himself silently for his streak of luck. He had assumed that searching for the remaining pieces of his set would take a considerable amount of time. Yet, here he was, with three pieces already in his possession, leaving him with only the garment, the headgear, and the bracer to find. He had made remarkable progress in his quest, with nearly half of the set now within his grasp.

After the battle, Gabriel spent a few minutes sorting through his hard-earned gains. As he finished, he turned to Tigram, ready to move forward with his mission.


Tigram looked at Gabriel, he was in deep thought about what had happened before the fight with the Earth Bear.

Gabriel's aggressive tone caught Tigram off-guard. He remembered Gabriel as someone who always maintained a calm and composed demeanour, even after they parted ways. Gabriel's choice of words, however, was far from composed.

"Oi! Dipsh*t! What are your plans now?" Gabriel shouted at Tigram, who was taken aback by the sudden change in his behaviour.

Tigram remained silent, unable to process what was happening. Gabriel didn't seem to like his silence and asked again, "Oi! I'm talking to you, airhead!"

Tigram's patience wore thin, and he suddenly stood up. He couldn't believe Gabriel's audacity to address him in such a disrespectful manner.

"Do you even need to ask?" Tigram retorted. "Where do you think we are right now? Did you suddenly become retarded?"

As Tigram's words echoed in the valley, Gabriel felt a sudden urge to leave and continue his journey alone. However, something within him stopped him in his tracks, and he turned back to face Tigram once again.

In a swift motion, Gabriel produced a book from thin air and tossed it towards Tigram. "This might come in handy," he said calmly before resuming his journey towards the centre of the valley, disbanding their party.

Gabriel had initially planned to sell the skill book after leaving the Mysterious Realm, but a change of heart led him to give it to Tigram instead. Memories of the past Gabriel flooded his mind, and he realized that his predecessor's inability to express himself and be assertive had led to the end of their friendship.

Despite this, Tigram had always been Gabriel's one true friend, and he trusted him more than anyone else. But the previous Gabriel's introverted nature had made it difficult for him to maintain their friendship.

Now, with a new lease on life, Gabriel was determined not to make the same mistakes as his predecessor. He knew that the world they lived in was dangerous and that he needed companions to help him survive. He alone would not be enough.


Tigram was left seething with anger as he watched Gabriel walk away, completely indifferent to his outburst. In a fit of rage, he flung the book that Gabriel had given him back in his direction, not caring about the consequences. "I don't need it!" he yelled after Gabriel, but his words fell on deaf ears as Gabriel continued to walk away without looking back.

The humiliation and shame of being ignored in such a way by someone he considered a rival left Tigram feeling small and powerless. He felt his pride take a hit, and he couldn't help but feel frustrated and helpless. Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Tigram let out a primal scream of frustration, hoping to release some of the tension building up inside him.

Finally, he took a deep breath and retrieved the skill book from where it had fallen. He turned and walked away in the opposite direction from Gabriel, determined to put some distance between himself and his former friend.


After walking for thirty long minutes, Gabriel was starting to feel restless. "Patience! I need to be patient," he muttered to himself, trying to calm his nerves. He had a set to complete, but he had absolutely no idea where to begin. As he walked along, he kept glancing at his panel, trying to figure out what to do next.


[Name: Gabriel Heart]

[Class: Cleric]

[Level: 3, Iron Early Stage]

[Health Point: 1730/1730(+519)]

[Mana: 2540/2540]

[Experience: 2121/3000]

[Magic Attack: 196(+200) – 234(+240)]

[Defense: 192]

[Attributes: STR: 10, AGI: 6, DEX: 12, INT: 39(+20), VIT: 21(+25)]


Light Hurricane Level 3

Healing Totem Level 3

Goddess Blessing Level 1]

[ Tome skill: Tail Wind]

[Talent: [☯] Yin-Yang Soul Harmony (D)]

[Harmony Essence: 11,600]

[Equipment: Survival Staff, Survival Robe, Survival Boots

Equipment Effect:

+60% Healing

+30% Max HP



+50% Mana Regeneration]


"I need to finish this assessment first!"

Gabriel feels invigorated by the new equipment he has acquired, which has greatly increased his strength. With this newfound power, he is already contemplating the possibility of hunting monsters at the bronze level.

He knows that by doing so, he will not only gain valuable experience but also potentially receive additional equipment and skills as drops. Although he understands that the chances of obtaining these items are not particularly high, the mere possibility fills him with excitement and anticipation.

As he thinks about all the potential rewards that await him, his spirit soars to new heights, imbuing him with energy and vitality.


In the depths of Dusk Valley, a bold and courageous young man stood alone, wielding a staff in his hand. He was locked in a fierce battle with a monstrous creature, whose body was shrouded in flames, as if they were a suit of armor.

The young man exuded an aura of confidence and strength, which was reflected in his sharp facial features. He had an angular face, with a slight smile playing on his lips, and his silky-smooth hair fluttered in the wind.

As he faced off against the half-lion, half-tiger creature, he could see its two massive, sharp horns jutting out above its head, its razor-sharp claws that could tear through flesh in an instant, its fearsome fangs that gleamed menacingly in the light, and its body, which was engulfed in flames, radiating intense heat.

This fearsome beast was none other than the Raging Inferno Liger, the boss of this magical realm. Even the mighty Principal Dalhmer would hesitate to face such a creature, for it was a force to be reckoned with.


[Name: Raging Inferno Liger]

[Health Point: 120,000/120,000]

[Mana: 5000/5000]

[Physical Attack: 1300– 1600]

[Defense: 400]

[Rank: Bronze Stage ★, Lord Type]

[Skills: Mighty Roar, Scorch, Incinerate, Flame Blitz]

[Description: The Raging Inferno Liger is a magnificent creature that is known for its fiery nature and unyielding fighting spirit. With a natural curiosity that drives it forward, this majestic beast is always eager to explore its surroundings and engage in combat with any foe that dares to challenge it.

In battle, the Raging Inferno Liger's body becomes enveloped in a fierce, blazing flame that serves as both a weapon and a shield. This fiery armour intensifies as the creature's opponent grows stronger, allowing it to unleash even more heat and fury in the heat of battle.


The Raging Inferno Liger's deep growl reverberated through the air as it fixed its intense gaze on the figure before it. Despite Gabriel's calm demeanor, the fierce creature sensed that he was a formidable opponent and remained cautious, ready to defend itself if need be. The Liger's powerful muscles tensed, and it braced itself for any sudden movements from the human.

Gabriel, on the other hand, recognized the Liger's hesitation and decided to test its resolve by taunting it. With a sly smirk, he made a provocative gesture, hoping to provoke a reaction from the powerful beast.

The Liger was not one to be trifled with, and it quickly responded to Gabriel's taunting by unleashing its fiery wrath. Its flames roared to life, intensifying in their heat and causing the surrounding area to smolder with an intense scorching effect. The Liger let out a deafening roar, its fury evident in every note, as it prepared to defend itself against any potential threats.


[Mighty Roar: Letting out a majestic roar, the user intimidates the target and lowers its attacking power (Physical and Magic) by 20%.

Duration: 15 seconds

Mana cost: 100

Cooldown: 10 seconds]

[DamageDown] Effect experience! Reduce Magic Attack!

[Scorch (Passive): Whenever it uses Intensified Flame, it will attach a [Burning] effect on the enemy. This effect will cause continuous fire damage over time, making it harder for your enemy to recover from the attack. The [Burning] effect also weakens the physical attack of the enemy.

DOT: 2.5% x HP per second

Burning Duration: 5 second

Mana cost: None

Cooldown: None]

[Burning] Effect experience! Flame Damage over time! Weaken! Reduce physical attack!