
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 27: 1 Star - Bronze stage Bear

Tigram had just made a bold decision to venture into the treacherous Dusk Valley, his eyes fixed on the centre. As he made his way through the valley, he was constantly hounded by low-level Iron stage Mobs, each one eager to take a bite out of him. Despite the overwhelming numbers, Tigram fought valiantly, taking down monster after monster with his trusty axe.

The sound of clashes echoed through the valley as Tigram advanced further towards his destination. He was relentless in his pursuit, his eyes fixed on the prize. With each monster he defeated, his ranking points surged higher, reaching an impressive 800 points. This indicated that he had successfully taken down at least 80 mobs during his onslaught.

But his journey was far from over. As he pressed forward, he encountered a massive beast, towering over him like a mountain. Tigram knew better than to rush in blindly, so he trod carefully, keeping a safe distance from the beast. He checked the creature's status, trying to find any weaknesses or vulnerabilities he could exploit.


[Name: Earth Bear]

[Health Point: 22,000/22,000]

[Mana: 3000/3000]

[Physical Attack: 1050– 1100]

[Defense: 400]

[Rank: Bronze Stage ★]

[Skills: Earth Grip, Gravity, Earth Armor, Intimidate]

[Description: As the bear emerged, its imposing presence towered like a grand mountain, emanating a palpable aura of the wilderness. The very air around it seemed to thicken, as if paying homage to its strength and might. Its defense was formidable, leaving little chance for any unwarranted intrusion.]


As Tigram read the Earth Bear status, he felt his heart beating faster. Suddenly, he turned pale and cursed under his breath. Frustrated and agitated, Tigram began to sweat profusely.

But before he could make a move, something pushed him from behind. He stumbled forward and accidentally stepped into the monster's detection radius. As he looked up, Tigram's eyes widened in fear. A cold sweat ran down his spine as he found himself face to face with the massive creature.

His mind raced, and he knew he had to act fast. "Run!" he told himself. Without a second thought, Tigram bolted away from the monster as fast as he could. He didn't care which direction he ran; all he wanted was to escape the beast's wrath and survive the ordeal.

But, as he ran, the Earth Bear woke up and noticed someone had tried to sneak up on it while it was sleeping. The monster went mad with rage and let out a deafening roar that shook the ground beneath Tigrem's feet.


The ground shook so violently that Tigram nearly lost his balance. He could feel the monster's anger building as it began to chase him. Tigram ran for his life, not daring to look back.


In a spacious room outside the Mysterious Realm, chaos erupted as the Earth Bear began to chase Tigrem. Suddenly, the alarm in the room started blaring, adding to the commotion.

The normally composed Principal Dalhmer couldn't help but curse under his breath, realizing the gravity of the situation. As the leader of the Academy, he knew exactly what the alarm meant and wasted no time in entering the Mystical Realm.

With a sense of urgency, he navigated through the mystical realm, determined to locate and rescue the student or students who triggered the alarm. The fate of the student(s) rested on his shoulders, and he was prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety.


The deafening roar echoed through the forest, and Gabriel knew that whoever had alerted the beast was in grave danger. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards the source of the sound, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

As he ran, he heard the sound of something large and heavy crashing through the undergrowth. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a massive beast, its muscles rippling as it ran, barrelling towards him and the person he was trying to save.

Gabriel's eyes locked onto the figure running parallel to him, more than a hundred metres away. The figure was frantically trying to outrun the beast, but it was gaining ground with each passing moment.

With a surge of determination, Gabriel closed the distance between himself and the figure. When he recognized the person, he sent a party invitation without hesitation, hoping to help them both survive the terrifying encounter.


Tigrem's body was drenched in sweat, and he could feel his energy levels starting to decline rapidly. His mind was blank, and the only thought that crossed his mind was to run.

As he stood there, feeling helpless and unsure of his next move, he heard a notification sound. He quickly checked and saw that he had received a party invitation.

Without even bothering to check who had sent it, he declined it and continued to stand there, lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly, someone shouted at him, jolting him out of his thoughts. "IDIOT! accept the party invitation!" the person yelled at him.

Tigrem turned to see who had yelled at him, and to his surprise, he saw Gabriel, a familiar face that he had always tried to outdo. Gabriel was running towards him, and Tigrem could feel his frustration mounting.

"You're the idiot! Can't you see the situation I'm in right now? I don't have time for your antics!" Tigrem yelled back at Gabriel.

At that moment, the beast that was chasing Tigrem roared again, sending a chill down his spine.


In the Dusk Valley, the Bears roared for the first time, its deafening cries reverberating through the darkened landscape. Amidst the chaos, an image of a man hiding in the shadows could be discerned. The man was breathing heavily, his heart pounding with fear.

As a well-informed student, he knew the danger that lurked in the valley. When he heard the roaring of the bears, he ran immediately, his eyes darting around frantically as he searched for a safe place to hide.

After a few moments, he finally found a spot where he could take cover. The man let out a sigh of relief, grateful to have escaped the wrath of the bears. However, his relief was short-lived.

"Damn it!" he muttered under his breath, "Who is the idiot that dares disturb a boss monster?" Despite his fear, he couldn't help but feel angry at whoever had caused the bears to start roaring.

"F*ck his sh*t, I'm gonna kill him whoever that f*cker is."


As he ventured into the Dusk Valley, his excitement grew with every step. A multitude of enemies lay before him, all of them at the 1★- Iron stage, yet their sheer numbers promised an opportunity for him to climb the rankings.

Without hesitation, he launched himself into the fray, his sword flashing as he cut down monster after monster. His relentless onslaught yielded at least 90 kills, and his score rose by 900 points. As he surveyed his progress, he saw that his experience bar had risen to 1407/2000, with only 30% left until the next level.

As he caught his breath, the figure opened his Ranking Points.

[Name: Dave Blake

Place: Third

No. of Kills = 109- Iron ★, 11 - Iron ★★, 5 - Iron ★★★, 2 - Iron ★★★★★

Points = 1560

Class: Warrior - Type, Swordsman]

He saw that he was still in third place. Despite the annoyance he felt, he decided to ignore it and focus on the task at hand.

But suddenly, a lour shattered the silence, followed by an earth-shattering explosion that sent shockwaves through the valley. The ground shook beneath him, and he instinctively bolted from his position, searching for a safe place to hide.


As the sun glows on Dusk Valley, two figures can be seen running side by side. In the distance, a massive bear is hot on the heels of one of the figures.

"Just shut your pipe down! And listen to me!" Gabriel retorts to Tigram. "Do you think I would come here without a plan? Are you even worthy of me sacrificing my life so that you will leave?"

Tigram immediately falls silent upon hearing Gabriel's words. Though he is unwilling, he knows he has no right to be choosy at this moment.

"Accept the invitation," Gabriel says.

[Prompt! Gabriel invites you to a Party! Y/N?]

Without hesitation, Tigram clicks "yes" and turns his head to Gabriel. "So, what now?" he asks.

Gabriel's skills have already cooled down, so he casts his buff again, ready for whatever comes next.

[Damge Up] Experience effect! Increase Magic Attack!

[Shield] Experience effect! Blocks damage 3x the caster HP!

[Immunity] Experience effect! Immune to negative buff!

[SpeedUp] Experience effect! Increase movement speed!

As Tigram witnessed Gabriel's impressive buff, he was left speechless and felt increasingly agitated. Gabriel's skills were all area of effect, and as he explained, the Shield buff he had just cast on Tigram created a protective barrier around him, capable of withstanding a certain amount of damage based on Gabriel's own HP multiplied by three. Gabriel pointed to the barrier around Tigram, demonstrating its strength and durability, before continuing to speak.

"The Shield is powerful enough to withstand the full force of the monster's attack up to four times. I want you to take on the monster while I assist from the side and dish out damage too. If you find yourself in a critical condition, we'll switch roles and I'll tank the monster's attack. Remember that you can only handle normal attacks, not skills from the monster, so try to avoid them as much as possible!" Gabriel spoke with an emphatic voice, emphasizing the importance of being cautious.

Tigram looked at Gabriel silently, nodding in agreement. After a brief moment, they began their operation, dashing towards the Earth Bear.

Gabriel acted quickly, activating his talent and selecting "R1", which he had pre-set in advance. He then cast [Demons Curse (☯️) ] on the Earth Bear, giving it multiple de-buffs. He followed that up with another skill, [Darkness Grip (☯️)], which was a mutated form of [Tail Wind].

[ Darkness Grip]: Decreased the movement speed of all enemy units by 30%.

Duration: 5 minutes

Mana Cost: 30

Cooldown: 5 seconds]

[ DamageReduce] Experience effect! Reduced Physical Attacked

[GuaranteedHit] Experience effect! Damage equal to 3x the caster HP taken cannot be dodged of any form.

[Silent] Experience effect! Cannot use skill for a duration.

[SpeedDown] Experience effect! Reduce movement speed.

As Tigram witnessed the series of prompt multiple de-buff spells that were cast towards the bear, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of shock and frustration. He let out a curse word unknowingly, muttering "F*ck" under his breath.

Despite his outburst, Gabriel remained focused on the task at hand and cast the [Curse Totem (☯️)] towards the bear.

[ Curse Totem Level 3(☯): Summons a totem full of curse and suck the life out of all the enemy near the totem (radius of 20m) for a duration of time, causing continuous damage. The relic summoning process will heal all friendly unit around the caster (radius of 20m).

Damage per second = {(B. level + INT+VIT)/2 x Skill Level x 10 x (1 + HealingEffect%) + Matk}

AOE Damage = {Skill x (MAtk x MagicPEn)}

Damage Duration= 5 seconds

Mana Cost = 150

Cooldown = 4 seconds]

"Now!" Gabriel shouted.