
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 26: Equipment Set

Following the intense battle with the lightning cats, Gabriel felt completely drained. He had been pushing himself to the limits ever since he left the Valley of Wolf to venture into the dangerous Lightning forest. He had engaged in one battle after another without any rest, and to make matters worse, he had not taken any Mana Potion to replenish his mana.

Feeling exhausted and severely depleted, Gabriel found a quiet corner where he could rest and recover. He knew that he needed to regain his strength and energy if he hoped to continue on his journey. So, he took out his potions, drank them, and allowed his body to rest in peace.

[Convert Beast Core to Harmony Essence? Y/N?]

He click yes, and another prompt appears.

[Prompt! You obtain 2600 Harmony Essence]

Gabriel confidently upgraded his equipment to a Wolven Robe using Harmony Essence, after the prompt appeared.

[Can be upgraded, use 10,000 Harmony Essence, Y/N?]

As Gabriel clicked on the "Yes" button, a sudden surge of energy coursed through his body, causing his robe to radiate with a dazzling black and white light. The intense glow enveloped him completely, blinding him momentarily. Gradually, the radiance began to fade, revealing a brand new piece of equipment that replaced his old robe. The fresh garment was unlike anything he had ever seen before, with intricate patterns etched into the fabric and an otherworldly aura emanating from it. Gabriel couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as he donned the new equipment, eager to discover the powers it held within.

[Name: Survivor's Robe]

[Type: Cloth armor]

[Defense: 37]

[Rarity: Green]

[Description: The church has a tradition of bestowing a unique and distinguished robe upon those who choose to join them in the fight. This robe is a symbol of honor and commitment and serves as a reminder of the sacrifice and dedication required to stand with the church.

Additional Attribute:



+15% Max HP

Especial Effect: Healing + 10%

(Set Effect:

2 - Pieces

+ 10% Healing

+300 HP)]

[Durability: 100/100]


Gabriel had an unexpected stroke of luck today when he decided to upgrade his equipment. He never imagined that he would end up obtaining not just one, but two pieces of a set. Filled with excitement, he quickly equipped his new robe and eagerly checked his updated stats, marvelling at the significant boost in his abilities and power.

[Name: Gabriel Heart]

[Class: Cleric]

[Level: 3, Iron Early Stage]

[Health Point: 1230/1230(+308)]

[Mana: 1209/2040]

[Experience: 21/3000]

[Magic Attack: 186(+200) – 224(+240)]

[Defense: 137]

[Attributes: STR: 10, AGI: 6, DEX: 12, INT: 39(+15), VIT: 21(+15)]


Light Hurricane Level 3

Healing Totem Level 3

Goddess Blessing Level 1]

[Tome Skill:

Tail Wind ]

[Talent: [☯] Yin-Yang Soul Harmony (D)]

[Harmony Essence: 1600]

[Equipment: Survival Staff, Wolven Robe

Equipment Effect:

Healing + 40%

+25% Max HP



Gabriel's laughter echoed through the forest as he read the statistics in front of him. He couldn't contain his excitement as he realized the true power of his skill, [Healing Totem]. According to the data, it could heal at least 2400 points per second without any buffs. But that wasn't all. If he reversed the skill using his talent, he could dish out a massive damage of 12,000 points.

As he pondered over the numbers, Gabriel couldn't help but imagine himself in a fight against the Wind Wolf King. Just by standing there and releasing his skill, he could kill the beast within 5 seconds. And if he buffed himself, increasing his damage by 20% further, he could slay the monster within 4 seconds.

Feeling a sense of calm wash over him, Gabriel closed his eyes and rested, his mind still buzzing with the possibilities of what he could achieve.


In a secluded and mysterious corner of an ancient forest, a brave warrior finds himself caught up in a perilous battle with a wild boar. The clash of metal and the sound of the boar's enraged snarls fill the air as the warrior deftly dodges and strikes with lightning-fast movements.

As the boar charges towards him with a fierce determination, the warrior grimaces and silently curses his luck for finding himself in such a dangerous situation. Despite his fear, he doesn't falter and swings his razor-sharp axe with calculated precision towards the charging beast. The loud clang of metal echoes through the forest as the warrior fights with all his might to defend himself against the ferocious beast.

"Damn it!" someone mutters to himself as he checks the assessment ranking, wondering how Gabriel managed to achieve such ranking.

As the warrior continues to fight with all his might, his axe moves swiftly and decisively towards his enemy, determined to come out of this battle victorious.

[Promp! You have killed Earth Boar! Gain exp 77]

After killing the Earth Boar, he remove his axe on its skull and check the ranking list

[ Assessment Ranking Board]

[First Place: Gabriel Heart

No. of Kills = 29 - Iron ★, 18 - Iron ★★, 13 - Iron★★★, 3 - Iron★★★★, 1-Iron ★★★★★★★★★★

Points = 1260

Class: Support - Type, Healing]

[Second Place: Tigram Gray

No. of Kills = 21 - Iron ★ , 15 - Iron ★★, 5 - Iron ★★★, 3 -Iron ★★★★

Points = 780

Class: Berserk- Type, Barbarian ]

[Third Place: Dave Blake

No. of Kills = 19- Iron ★, 11 - Iron ★★, 5 - Iron ★★★, 1 - Iron ★★★★★

Points = 610

Class: Warrior - Type, Swordsman ]

Tigram's voice could be heard cursing in frustration, "How is it possible that Gabriel has managed to accumulate more points than me? He doesn't even have a party!" Tigram was puzzled and couldn't understand why his score was significantly lower than Gabriel's, despite his best efforts.


On the day of the assessment, he arrived at the school early, lingering around the vicinity not to showcase his student status, but to caution other participants against forming a team with Gabriel. He held a strong conviction that this was a one-on-one competition. To Tigram, it wasn't about who could level up faster, but who could slay more monsters in the Mystical Realm.

Both of them had passed the awakening ritual and acquired a class that suited their strengths. They had also gained unique talents and skills that set them apart. However, Tigram wanted to prove who was stronger between him and Gabriel by challenging him to kill a monster without any help. This was his way of testing their abilities, and proving whether Gabriel's intelligence was superior to Tigram's strength.

Regardless of the class each had awakened, Tigram refused to underestimate Gabriel and had known since childhood just how formidable a foe he could be. Tigram's pride wouldn't allow any outside intervention, even if it meant risking their lives during the challenge.


Tigram check his status panel.

[Name: Tigram Gray]

[Class: Barbarian]

[Level: 3, Iron Early Stage]

[Health Point: 540/540]

[Mana: 30/250]

[Experience: 424/1500]

[Defense: 83]

[Physical Attack: 76(+70) – 96(+110)]

[Attributes: STR: 23(+3), AGI: 7, DEX: 6, INT: 3, VIT: 13(+2)]


Wrathful Attack Level 3

War Cry Attack Level 1]

[Talent: Berserk (O)]

[Equipment: Iron Battle Axe, Battle Plate

Equipment Effect:

+100 HP


Tigram was filled with a burning desire to prove himself and surpass his rival. With determination etched on his face, he closed the status panel and took off towards Dusk Valley. Little did he know that this valley was full of dangers that could threaten his life. But he was focused on his goal, and he pressed on, unaware of the perils that awaited him.


Grass Land, inside the Mysterious Realm.

[Prompt! You have killed Forest Snake! Gained exp 250]

[Congratulations! You level up, +1 level]

[Congratulations! You obtain 5 status points]

[ Congratulations! You ontain 1 skill points]

The forest echoed with the deafening roar that broke through the serene silence. The figure, with a face distorted in anger, had just checked the Assessment Ranking List and was infuriated to find out that he had been surpassed by Gabriel.

[Name: Dave Blake

Place: Third

No. of Kills = 19- Iron ★, 11 - Iron ★★, 5 - Iron ★★★, 2 - Iron ★★★★★

Points = 660

Class: Warrior - Type, Swordsman ]

He vented his frustration by picking up a nearby tree and slicing it in half with a single blow. The sound of the tree trunk cracking under his rage echoed through the forest. The figure repeated this process multiple times until he could calm himself down.

As he tried to regain his composure, he muttered curses under his breath, directed towards Gabriel. Dave, the figure in question, had thought that his series of fights and killings would put him ahead of Gabriel, but instead, the gap between them only widened. His jealousy and frustration were driving him insane, but he tried to keep himself under control by taking deep breaths.

After a few minutes, Dave opened his status panel and allocated his stats, dividing the stat ratio between 3-STR and 2-AGI. He wanted to deal more damage and become more agile while fighting.


[Name: Dave Blake]

[Class: Squire]

[Level: 3 - Early Iron Level]

[Health Point: 650/650]

[Mana: 300/300]

[Experience: 57/1500]

[Defense: 110]

[Physical Attack: 77(+60) – 87(+95)]

[Attributes: STR: 20(+3), AGI: 14(+1), DEX: 6, INT: 3, VIT: 11(+5)]


Triple Slash Level 3

Parry Level 1 ]

[Talent: Infinity Edge (O)]

[Equipment: Iron Sword, Breast Plate

Equipment Effect:

+300 HP ]

With his red eyes reflecting his madness, he closed the status panel and started to roam the forest, searching for prey.


As we venture inside the Dusk Valley, we find ourselves observing three individuals moving in different directions, oblivious to the fact that their paths are slowly converging towards the center of the valley. One of them is just about to step into the dense forest, while another has already entered the valley and the third is already halfway towards the center. As we walk alongside the path they are traversing, we notice numerous lifeless monster bodies, each one a testament to the battles that have taken place in this haunting place.


"Light Hurricane"


-500 HP

[Prompt! You Killed Nether Bat! Gain exp 15!]

Gabriel's skill sliced through the monster, and it fell to the ground, lifeless. Despite his victory, he felt frustrated and cursed as he gazed upon the dozens of Nether Bats that lay ahead of him. He had hoped for a more formidable enemy, but all he encountered were these 1★- Iron stage creatures.

As he made his way towards the centre of the Valley, he couldn't help but feel disheartened by the sheer quantity of Nether Bats he encountered. Though not particularly strong, they were slowly draining his mana, and he knew he couldn't let his guard down. His instincts were telling him something, so he cast [Goddess Blessing] and [Tail Wind] on himself, ensuring he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

[Damge Up] Experience effect! Increase Magic Attack!

[Shield] Experience effect! Blocks damage 3x the caster HP!

[Immunity] Experience effect! Immune to negative buff!

[SpeedUp] Experience effect! Increase movement speed!

Gabriel had been using his magic extensively, and he could feel his mana levels dropping. He knew he had to act quickly before he ran out completely. Without any hesitation, he stopped in his tracks, reached into his magic bag, and pulled out a small flask containing a bright blue liquid. He unscrewed the cap and took a long swig, feeling the cool liquid flow down his throat and into his system. As he drank, he could feel his mana levels slowly climbing back up, and he continued to drink until he felt the familiar power coursing through his veins. His mana capacity had returned to 1900, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Suddenly, as if in response to his renewed strength, a deafening roar echoed through the forest, making Gabriel jump. The sound was followed by a powerful explosion, which sent a shockwave through the air and shook the ground beneath his feet.



He knew that he had to be ready for anything, and he braced himself for whatever might come next.

hello its me

you may notice some inconsistencies with regards to the word mystical realm and mysterious realm, this word are referring to similar things,

Also i have sometime a while back and decided to check the previous chapters to see any inconsitencies, wrong spelling and other.

And so idid, i corrected it all.


LittleCattleFish4ucreators' thoughts