
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 21: Untitled

In the academy field, where the entrance of the Mystical Realm used to be.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the air. Gradually, people began to gather and get organized. As they did so, Principal Dalhmer climbed onto the stage and approached the podium.

"Students...!" he began, addressing the gathered crowd of students and teachers.

Despite the principal's presence, the students were preoccupied with their conversations. Some were sharing their experiences, while others were discussing the strange light that had surrounded them before they were forced out of the Mystical Realm.

Observing the commotion around him, Principal Dalhmer summoned a bit of his mana and concentrated it in his mouth before speaking.


His amplified voice boomed across the academy, capturing the attention not only of the students and teachers on the field but also of those who were in the midst of their respective classes.

The field fell silent as Principal Dalhmer paused to gather his thoughts. His eyes scanned the sea of faces before him, taking note of their confusion and concern. Finally, he spoke, his voice calm and measured.

"Students, I know you are all confused about all of this..." he began, patiently explaining the situation to those who needed it. He spoke at length about the mystical realm and how it behaves when overloaded with mana. He shared some details he knew, hoping to put their minds at ease.

The speech lasted for at least 15 minutes before it came to an end. As Principal Dalhmer finished, he looked out over the crowd once more. He took a deep breath and spoke again.

"About the assessment, I already reported this incident to the empire, and at the same time, I filed a request for an extended assessment time. The time extension will be enough for all of you to reach the required level needed to graduate."

One of the teachers spoke up, asking about the portal key that had vanished earlier. "What mystical realm are we going to use?" they asked.

"Once the application is approved, the empire will send another low-level portal key by tomorrow for assessment purposes," Principal Dalhmer replied, waving his hand to signal that the discussion was over.

Principal Dalhmer stood tall at the podium, commanding the attention of every student in the field. He glanced around, taking in the faces of each student before beginning to speak.

"Students, first of all, I must congratulate all of you for returning alive. This means you all have a very strong will to survive even if the odds are not on your side. After all, in the end, the hardest choices require the strongest will. Experience speaks for itself and will represent your first step on the path to becoming an Orion."

As he spoke, he radiated a sense of authority and wisdom that demanded respect. The students listened intently, hanging on his every word.

Without warning, the principal stepped out from behind the podium and walked towards the edge of the stage. He addressed the crowd, using his mana to amplify his voice.

"Now ask yourself, do you regret choosing this path? Do you want to stop, or do you want to continue treading this path?" His imposing aura filled the room as he spoke.

The silence that followed was deafening. The students were lost in thought, contemplating the weight of the principal's words.

After a brief pause, Principal Dalhmer continued, "I believe that after you experienced the battle with the monsters, there's no need for me to elaborate on how dangerous they are."

The principal's tone shifted, and he emphasized the next word with a forceful gesture.


"I want you to remember this! This is only the simplest assessment. I can tell you bluntly that every monster you encounter in the future will be stronger and more dangerous than today!"

He paused for a moment, letting the gravity of his words sink in.

"Students! After experiencing the baptism of blood and fire, and because of this baptism, many of your classmates have left us forever. I hope your minds have become even more mature and firm knowing all of this."

The principal's words were sobering, but there was an underlying sense of encouragement in his voice.

"And so, if you wish to continue this path, I also want you to promise me and your teacher that, no matter what happens, even if the odds are not right, you might get hurt, so I want you to hurt them back. If you get killed, walk it off."

"Inner demons might grow on you through this journey, but remember, we never lose our demon, we only learn to live above them."

"Strive hard, don't give up. This path is not about how much we lost. It's about how much we have left. You have to trust yourself, trust your power – that's how you will stop every blockage along the path."

"Learn and grow throughout the process. Just because something works, doesn't mean it can't be improved."

"Every decision you make has its outcome. Keep in mind that you are all the product of all who came before you, the legacy of your family. You are your mother, and whether you like it or not, you are also your father. Think before you act, think about them. Don't be reckless. Don't waste your lives."

"You all have the time in the world. Don't rush into everything because no amount of money ever bought a second."

"And lastly, there will be a time when, at some point, we all have to choose between what the world wants you to be and who you are. Compromise where you can, where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right, what is more important is you do what you do with a clear mind and no regrets."

"After all, when all of you were born on this world, your story already began. Your life story has been yours all along. You all just didn't know it, so I want you all to take it and own it."

The principal paused for a brief moment, taking a deep breath before delivering his final words.

"And at the end of this path, you will reach your goal!"

As the principal finished speaking, the students' blood boiled with excitement, and they roared in unison, "Yes Sir!"

Then, without warning, Principal Dalhmer vanished into thin air, leaving the students to contemplate his words. As they made their way out of the field, they heard a message floating to their ears.

"Go home and come back tomorrow to finish the final assessment."


Gabriel had an eventful day today, which left him feeling anxious to get home. As he was making his way out of the school auditorium, a few seconds after he noticed the principal leaving the stage and disappearing into thin air. This sight still left him awestruck despite seeing it a couple of times. Without thinking twice, Gabriel bolted out of the auditorium and ignored everyone around him.

As he walked home, he found himself lost in thought, reflecting on the events that had happened to him. He accessed the memory of the former Gabriel and tried to take in all the information about him. Little by little, he began to absorb it, and soon, he found himself accepting his identity in this reality.

Gabriel realized that he had become an integral part of this reality and accepted everything that came with it. He acknowledged the parents of the former Gabriel, his connections, friends, teachers, and acquaintances as his own. The principal's words echoed in his mind, "Inner demons might grow on you through this journey, but remember, we never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them."

Gabriel understood that he would have to face his inner demons sooner or later, and the events of today would undoubtedly come back to haunt him. However, he also knew that he needed to learn and accept everything that came his way. He had to live above his inner demons and not let them control him. "I just have to learn and accept everything," Gabriel said to himself.


As Gabriel arrived at his house, he found a car blocking the entrance of the unit, which he had never seen before. He had to turn sideways and slip through the narrow gap.

He asked his mother if they were expecting any guests and requested her to ask them to move the car, as it was blocking the entrance and they should observe parking manners. He then pushed open the door and entered the house, casually asking again if there were any guests.

As he made his way to the living room to see his parents and any potential guests, he smelled a familiar perfume. After taking off his shoes, he passed by the room where his parents were and noticed a figure of a man in his peripheral vision. Shocked, he stopped and slowly turned his head towards the figure, memories flooding his mind.

He remembered a person who had been very close to him when he was a boy on Earth. This person had taken care of him when his parents were busy with work, fed him when he was sick, and always been there for him when he needed someone to lean on. This person had showered him with love and had been the reason why he had taken up medicine in college.

However, when Gabriel was ten years old, this person suddenly fell ill and died due to the rareness of his illness and inadequate medical technologies at that time. His death had taken a huge toll on Gabriel's emotions at that time.

The man sitting on the couch was none other than Gabriel's uncle, Jonathan Stone, or Jonathan Heart in this reality. According to Gabriel's memories, Jonathan Heart's attitude towards him was exactly similar to that of his Earth counterpart.

While Gabriel was lost in thought, he heard his uncle call him, "Hey twerp."

Who likes to watch marvel movies here?. hehehehe

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