
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 20: Soul Fusion

[Soul fusion starting in 3, 2, 1....

Initiating Soul Fusion] 


The scene begins with a stunning golden light that suddenly envelops both Soul Energies. This golden light was then released and allowed the mana to do its job. The first step in this process was the cleansing of the souls. The purpose of this process was to make both souls purer so that the fusion process could progress easily. The cleansing process lasted for a couple of minutes, and during this time, both Souls that were being cleansed started to fuse little by little.

Once the cleansing process was complete, the two Soul Energies were dragged by some kind of supernatural power that sent them to the location of the Yin-Yang Soul Harmony Essence. However, the Harmony Essence was supposed to cater to just a single Soul every time it appeared according to the record that the word consciousness provided. The reason being that the essence could easily adjust and fuse with the individual. But the light that started to bind both Soul Energies acted as a glue that kept Soul Energies together, making it seem possible for the Harmony Essence to attend both Soul Energies.

However, a problem started to appear. The moment both Soul Energies were about to reach the location of the Harmony Essence, the Harmony Essence started to shake violently and tried to reject the two Soul Energies from reaching it. Suddenly, the light that binds both Soul Energies began to get even brighter! The space around it looked distorted, and the Harmony Essence that was trying to reject both Soul Energies and vibrating intensively suddenly calmed down. Right after that, another light that wasn't supposed to be there materialized right in between both Souls and the Harmony Essence. This light started to form a symbol, the Yin-Yang symbol (☯), indicating that the energies started to balance.

The three energies, both Soul Energies, and the Harmony Essence, began to draw light into the center to fuse and were reformed as a new Soul. The pre-set main consciousness was the consciousness that would govern and take control of the newly formed soul. After that, the soul would need to enter a body and bind with that body. The fusion process took at least 10 minutes long.

The body that was floating for quite some time now started to shake, and then the body opened its eyes. In its eye, a visible image of the Yin-Yang symbol could be seen (☯). Once the symbol fades away, the body that was currently floating started to get down to the ground. When the body landed, the light energies that enveloped the body started to vanish.

Gabriel Heart's body underwent a transformation when it fused with the soul of Gabriel Stone and the Yin-Yang Harmony Essence. As a result, a new soul was created as a result of the fusion of the three. The new Gabriel, who now occupies the body, was curious about his new form and decided to test it out by stretching. After the stretch, he sat down and examined his new status panel, taking in all the information that was available to him. As he was doing so, he heard a notification from the system.

[Ding! Data corrupted....

Ding! Rescan of the body needed!

Ding! scanning...

Scanning complete!

Collating new data ang parameters]

[Name: Gabriel Heart]

[Class: Cleric]

[Level: 1, Iron Early Stage]

[Health Point: 450/450]

[Mana: 1660/1660]

[Experience: 243/1000]

[Magic Attack: 146 (+50) – 186 (+85)]

[Defense (Magic + Physical): 36]

[Attributes: STR: 10, AGI: 6, DEX: 8, INT: 33, VIT: 11]

(A/Note: For every 1 point of Strength (STR) and Intelligence (INT), 2 points are added to the Magic Attack (Physical Attack). Additionally, for every 1 point of Vitality (VIT), the defence is increased by 3. Furthermore, each point of Intelligence (INT) and Vitality (VIT) adds 20 points to the Health Points (HP) and Mana. By deducting all the aforementioned points, the base stats after the fusion can be obtained. To make calculations easier, it is advisable to add "(+#)" to any stats. This indicates the number of stat points and attack (magic) points contributed by the equipment used.)

[Skills: Light Hurricane, Healing Totem, Goddess Blessing]

[Talent: [☯] Yin-Yang Soul Harmony (D)]

[Harmony Essence: 10,000]

[Equipment: Iron Staff]

Upon reviewing his stats, he became curious about his newly acquired abilities and talents. Consequently, he navigated to the status page and observed a new panel had been added which he proceeded to examine closely.

[Light Hurricane Level 1: Attacks the enemy 3 times with a whirling storm of light. There is a 20% probability for the enemy to stun enemy. 

Damage = {1.2(Skill Level) x [MAtk + MagicPEN]} per hit 

Mana Cost = 30

Cooldown = 1 seconds]

[ Healing Totem Level 1: Summons Healing Totem to heal all the party members near the relic (radius of 20m) for a duration of time. The relic summoning process deals 100% of the user's attack as Light-attribute damage. Summoned totem can't be destroyed.

Healing per second = {(B. level + INT+VIT)/2 x Skill Level x 10 x (1 + HealingEffect%) + Matk}

AOE Damage = {skill level x (Matk x MagicPEn)}

Healing Duration= 5 seconds

Mana Cost = 150

Cooldown = 4 seconds]

[ Goddess Blessing Level 1: Summons a light that Increase the Physical attack (Magic Attack) of all allies (yourself) by 20% and grants a shield that's blocks the user from any harm for a duration of time or until the shield breaks, at the same time provide immunity buff that immune the caster to any negative status for a certain amount of time. 

Shield: Block any damage (physical and magical) equal to 300% of caster HP

Shield Duration: 5 minutes!

Buff Duration: 5 minutes

Immunity Duration: 10 seconds

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 20 seconds]

[[☯] Yin-Yang Soul Harmony (D): Two complete opposite Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it.

Yin-Soul Harmony (Positive to Negative): when activated, any skill the user currently has will mutates as its opposite. [ Soul effect: user can choose what skills or effect to reeves]

(A/N: Soul effect, example user one skill has 2 effects, when Yin-soul is active, the user can choose to which effect to reverse and which is not, where to mutate the skill or not)

Yang-Soul Harmony (Negative to Positive): Any negative status (de-buff) the user receive from the enemy will turn to positive status (buff). [ Soul effect: user can choose whether to return which negative effects to reverse and whether to reverse the effect back to the to the opponent]

(A/N: Soul effect, if the user received a negative buff, he could choose to convert it to positive stats or return the negative status towards the enemy)

Talent can be activated one at time.

Mana Cost: None

Cooldown: None]

Gabriel checked his status and his mind became lost in deep thought for a long time. He couldn't help but wonder why he was brought into this world, but he realized that it was a good thing because according to the world consciousness, he was already dead in reality. Therefore, being alive and possessing a set of skills was like a second chance for him. He knew that to survive and thrive in this world, he needed to have a certain level of strength and skills to have a stable footing.

He checked his talent again, and after understanding how to use it, he was eager to test it out. The symbol "D" on his talent page caught his attention, and he discovered that it meant divine, indicating that his talent was at the divine-level. Although he felt excited about his talent, he also reminded himself to be careful and hide the information about his talent. He knew that if his talent was discovered, it would attract unwanted attention and danger.

While feeling gloomy about the situation, he scratched his head and looked at the remaining panel he wanted to check. He was curious and eager to explore more about this world and discover what other secrets it held.

[ Harmony Essence: use to upgrades equipment grade by 1.

Common to Magic = 100% success rate

Magic to Rare = 33% success rate

Rare to Epic = 10% success rate

Epic to Legend = 3% success rate

Legend to Divine = 1% success rate

Harmony Essence can be obtained by sacrificing different types of energy core]

After completing his task, he closed the status panel and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to absorb all the new information he had just processed. After a few moments, he opened his eyes again and took a glance at his equipment, ensuring everything was in place and ready for the next task.

[Prompt! Iron staff can be upgraded]

[Prompt! 10,000 Harmony Essence required]

[Prompt! Proceed Y/N?]

Before Gabriel can click the yes button, he hears a sound coming from him and he is snapped out of his concentration.


The sound of growling spread around him. His face flushed with red, and he started to curse towards himself. "F*ck! "

Speaking of this, he was already going to die from hunger since as per the time frame this body had not ingested any food for 6 hours after the assessment started. He didn't even notice it because of his earlier state. So, he forced himself to stand up and search for a possible target to eat.

He was about to start looking for food when he noticed that there were many people around.

A murmur could be heard floating all around him and he just started hearing it after he was snapped back from his zone.

(A/N: zone, a state where a person falls into if he/she is in a deep concentration without a care about his surroundings)

"F*ck!... F*ck, when did I get here?" he was asking himself in his heart and his face which was originally flush red suddenly evolved into a tomato colour.

Around him, there were many students, and some of them were looking at him.

" Hey Mr. Class Pres., did you not eat before the assessment started?" Someone asks him jokingly.

As he looked at the person who asked him a question in jest, Gabriel felt a pang of confusion and embarrassment. He tried to recall who this person was and accessed the memories of the previous inhabitant of his body. Once he realized that the person in front of him was none other than Mr. Hanz, his form teacher, Gabriel felt an overwhelming urge to hide inside a deep hole.

Mr. Hanz, who had been Gabriel's teacher for the past nine years, noticed the shame etched on Gabriel's face. He chuckled loudly, trying to ease Gabriel's discomfort. "Come on, someone is waiting for you," he said, gesturing towards their destination.

As Gabriel and Mr Hanz arrived at the gathering, Gabriel scanned the faces of his classmates, observing the varied emotions that were etched on their faces. He longed to tease them, but he knew that doing so could raise suspicions about his true identity. Instead, he simply nodded his head in acknowledgement before turning his attention away from them, emulating the way the original Gabriel had behaved towards them.

"Let us gather in front of the stage!" Mr. Hanz bellowed, taking charge of the proceedings.