
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 18: Dave Blake

Tigram and Gabriel have known each other since they were children. Their parents were part of the same adventure party, which brought the two boys together and allowed them to grow up together. However, as they got older, their personalities and interests began to diverge. While Tigram was always a playful and carefree child who preferred to enjoy life and avoid studying, Gabriel was more serious and focused on perfecting his knowledge and skills.

As time went on, the two childhood friends drifted apart and began to lead separate lives. They remained friends, but their relationship became more distant and they eventually became mere acquaintances. However, everything changed when a new student, Dave Blake, transferred to their school.

Dave Blake is one of the sons of the richest businessman in the Azeal Empire, and originally from Shell City. He always believes in a saying that, "A better family background means better resources and better opportunities. With these external conditions, many ordinary people have surpassed geniuses". Because of this belief, he grew up always telling himself that he, being born rich, was superior in everything.

After all, it's not just talent that's needed for an Orion to grow into a respected existence. You also need enough resources for this.

Dave Blake is a young man born into a wealthy family in Shell City and is one of the sons of the richest businessman in the Azeal Empire. Growing up, he was instilled with the belief that coming from a privileged background meant having better resources and opportunities and that this was the key to success. He firmly believed that his wealth and status made him superior to others.

When he transferred to the academy, he was initially confident that he would excel and become a top student without any help from his peers. He looked down on others and considered himself above them, convinced that his wealth and family connections would be enough to carry him through.

However, his confidence was quickly shattered when he met Gabriel, a fellow student who surpassed him in every aspect of knowledge and skill. Dave's sense of superiority turned to inferiority, and as time went on, his feelings of jealousy and hatred towards Gabriel grew stronger.

Determined to take down Gabriel's position and elevate himself, Dave resorted to using his family's resources to investigate Gabriel. When he discovered that Gabriel and Tigram were old friends, he saw an opportunity to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

He began to befriend Tigram, showering him with resources and flattery to win his favour. Tigram, who had grown accustomed to the vices that Dave provided, became increasingly dependent on him. This allowed Dave to sow seeds of discord between Gabriel and Tigram, causing their once-close relationship to deteriorate.

As Gabriel distanced himself from Tigram, the latter became increasingly hostile and began to bully those around him. Dave's plan had succeeded.


Dave Blakes POV

[ Assessment Ranking Board]

[First Place: Gabriel Heart

No. of Kills = 3 - Iron ★, 6 - Iron ★★

Points = 150

Class: Support - Type, Healing]

[Second Place: Tigram Gray ....]

Upon examining the list of rankings, his facial expression contorted into a deep frown, and a clear sense of irritation could be detected on his countenance. He proceeded to open his status panel, presumably to assess the situation further.

[Name: Dave Blake]

[Class: Squire]

[Level: 1 - Early Bronze Level]

[Health Point: 250/250]

[Mana: 300/300]

[Experience: 177/500]

[Physical Attack: 55 – 75]

[Attributes: STR: 12, AGI: 11, DEX: 6, INT: 3, VIT: 11]

[Skills: Triple Slash and Parry]

[Talent: Infinity Edge (O)]

[Equipment: Iron Sword]


Dave was feeling extremely frustrated after looking at the assessment ranking. He had just punched a tree next to him out of anger and cursed under his breath. Despite being in a combat-focused awakened class, he was unable to surpass Gabriel's performance. Dave had assumed that his class would give him an edge over his peers, but reality had hit him hard.

He couldn't help but wonder how Gabriel had managed to excel. Was it possible that he had cheated somehow? Dave had even gone as far as to make sure that no one would form a party with him, even going as far as threatening his classmates through Tigram.

Before the assessment, Dave had used his family's resources to bribe students from his class and other classes to avoid Gabriel and form a party with him instead. But despite all his efforts, things had not gone according to plan.

Feeling frustrated and defeated, Dave couldn't keep his emotions bottled up any longer.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggghhh" he roared, releasing his frustration and annoyance.

As Dave let out a ferocious roar, a group of low-level monsters nearby were taken aback by the sudden noise. They scattered away in fear, except for one monster that stood its ground and roared back at Dave, interpreting his roar as a challenge.

The monster let out a deafening roar and charged straight at Dave, who was ready for the fight. He felt a rush of adrenaline as he prepared to engage in battle, eager to release the pent-up frustration he had been feeling.

As the monster approached him, Dave braced himself, waiting for the right moment to strike. The monster raised one of its limbs, and a swirling aura of mana began to envelop its sharp claw. Suddenly, the mana burst into flames, engulfing the claw in a fiery blaze.

With a menacing growl, the monster slashed at Dave with its flaming claw, aiming to inflict as much damage as possible. Dave stood his ground, ready to face the challenge head-on.


As Dave noticed the enemy's impending attack, he quickly shifted into a defensive stance and readied himself to block the oncoming strike. Just as the sharp claws drew near his sword, he expertly executed his special move known as [Parry], effectively deflecting the attack with ease.

[Parry: the user enters a parrying stance that adds a chance to block incoming attacks against the user and retaliate. A successful counterattack deals damage to the caster's opponent. No damage is received when parrying is successful.

Counter Damage = Skill level x 200% [Physical Attack]

Mana Cost: 70

Cooldown: 7 seconds] 


The clash of the claw and the sword resonated in the air, sending a metallic ring that echoed through the surroundings.


Dave, the skilled swordsman, deftly blocked the enemy's attack with his sword. Suddenly, a gush of swirling force enveloped him, a familiar sensation that he had experienced many times before.

Without wasting any time, Dave unleashed a powerful slash that included the swirling force surrounding him.


The enemy was thrown back three meters, losing 300 HP in the process. Dave frowned and glanced at the enemy's status panel, trying to gauge the level of damage he had inflicted.

[Name: Flame Lion]

[HP: 2900/3200]

[Mana: 1000/ 1100]

[Physical Attack: 190 - 230]

[Rank: Iron ★★★★★]

[Skills: Flame Claw, Fire Fang, Flame Charge, Fire Breath...]

[Description: In the vast expanse of the kingdom, there exists a ruler of all monsters. This being is known to erupt in great fury when its authority is challenged. With its powerful flaming claw, it is capable of tearing apart any and all who dare to oppose it. Its fearsome presence commands respect and instills fear in all those who dare to cross its path.]

The two opponents stared at each other as the Flame Lion slowly stood up, shaking its head. Suddenly, its body was engulfed in flames, and the sound of crackling could be heard.


The flames danced with the wind, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Dave prepared himself for the lion's next attack, forming a sword stance and letting mana surge through his body. He knew that one wrong move could mean certain death, so he activated his talent and waited for the opponent's move.

[Infinity Edge: Form a stance and collects energy around the caster, after charging is complete (if the users will it) the caster will dash forward and performs several (Max of 10 slash combo) slashes to the enemy. During attacks, damages from enemies are reduced by 70%. If the 10th slashed hit accurately, additional 300% damage can be given. After completion of the attack, caster will suffer from mana depletion and will not be able to regen its Mana. The higher the mana depleted the higher the damage.

Damage Per Attack: 200% [ PATK+pPEN+ ManaDepleated/10]

Final Damage: 300% + DPA

Mana Depletion Duration: 10 seconds

Mana Cost: All remaining mana (min. 100)

Cooldown: None]

As Dave stands still for a few seconds, his body begins to glow with an intense, luminescent aura. The ground around him trembles and cracks under the immense pressure of mana that is building up within him. Suddenly, he charges towards the enemy with incredible speed and agility, leaving behind a trail of shimmering light.


In response, the Flame Lion also prepares to attack. With a fierce roar, it activates its powerful skill, [Flame Charge]. The flames surrounding its body grow more intense, and the air around it becomes unbearably hot. The earth beneath its limbs starts to melt as it charges towards Dave, ready to engage in a fierce battle.

[Flame Charge: The Flamed Lion cloaks itself with flame and attacks. Building up more power the further itself with its enemy. It also increases its speed because it is still wrapped in flames. Once the attack is done the flame cloaks to it will be vanished.

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 15 seconds]

The sound of two powerful auras could be heard in the distance. Two powerful beings were about to face off against each other. As they met, they clashed with such force that the rocks beneath them shattered, and flames burst forth in all directions. Despite being dealt a staggering blow of -113 HP, Dave was able to withstand the damage due to his unique talent assisting effect that reduce incoming damage by 70%. With his life intact, Dave quickly recovered and launched a flurry of attacks at his fiery opponent.

He began with a Side Slash that dealt -330HP of damage, followed by a Downward Slash that dealt -299HP. The Flame Lion retaliated, but Dave was unrelenting. He continued with a Horizontal Slash that dealt -350HP, followed by a Diagonal Slash that dealt -300HP. Dave's confidence grew with each successful hit, and he seemed to be enjoying himself. He then performed a Forward Slash that dealt -320HP, followed by a Twisting Slash that dealt -350HP. He then leapt into the air and delivered a powerful Jump Slash that dealt -310HP, followed by a Backhand Slash that dealt -300HP. With only one attack left, Dave pivoted and delivered a devastating Pivot Slash that dealt -320HP.

As he swung his sword for the final time, he felt a sense of invincibility wash over him. He was so focused on defeating his opponent that he didn't even notice the golden light that enveloped him. Suddenly, the sound of a deafening explosion filled the air. Dave had expected to see his opponent fall, but instead, he found himself outside the mystical realm. Confusion etched on his face as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.