
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 17: Principal Dail Dalhmer

Outside the Mystical Realm.

After the principal's speech at the Green Leaf Academy, all the teachers gathered around a long table to discuss the students' performance in the mystical realm. It was a crucial assessment, and the teachers were busy analyzing every detail to determine the students' strengths and weaknesses.

However, as they went through the data, they came across a disturbing trend. They noticed that a considerable number of students had suffered injuries and casualties during this particular assessment. Some of these injuries were caused by unforeseen incidents, while others were due to negligence, leading to their untimely demise.

The teachers were baffled and deeply concerned about the safety of their students. They quickly arranged for medical assistance to be provided to the seriously injured students. However, for the unfortunate students who lost their lives, the school arranged for their bodies to be buried with utmost respect.

The teachers also made it a priority to inform the guardians of the deceased students about the unfortunate events that had occurred in the mystical realm. As they went through the data, Mr. Hanz, one of the teachers, couldn't help but feel the cruelty of the monsters. It was a heartbreaking moment for everyone at the Green Leaf Academy.

As a teacher, Mr. Hanz is not allowed to assist his students during the assessment. However, he feels deeply concerned about their well-being. He has been their teacher for nine long years, and he knows each one of his students. So far, 27 of them have successfully awakened and are participating in the mystic realm assessment.

But his worry only intensifies as he learns that nine of his students have already been injured and are unable to continue the assessment. The rest of his students are still inside the mystic realm, and he has no way of knowing what's happening to them.

Out of the 27 students who entered, five were injured, and four have already died. Mr. Hanz is deeply troubled by these statistics and realizes that this is only the simplest mystic realm. If his students want to enter an organization, they will have to pass another assessment, and after that, they will have to enter another dungeon and fight an even stronger monster.

Mr. Hanz is worried about his students' prospects because if 33% of them were out of commission in this low-level assessment, what would happen if they attempted the assessment provided by those organizations? As he ponders these thoughts, suddenly, a fluctuation of energy occurs at the entrance of the mystic realm. A large quantity of mana is being sucked, and the entrance of the portal is shaking.



The peaceful atmosphere of the campus was suddenly interrupted by a violent shaking of the ground. It was accompanied by a chaotic surge of mana that could be felt all around the area. Strong gushes of wind could be heard, and the pavement started to crack at the exact location of the entrance to the mystical realm.

Amidst the chaos, someone suddenly exclaimed with a hint of nervousness in their voice, "What's going on?!" The suddenness of the situation caused everyone in front of the dungeon portal to panic and start running away from it.

However, before another strong mana surge could erupt, a powerful wind barrier was quickly cast, enveloping the entrance. The barrier was 5 meters in length, width, and height, with a total volume of 125 cubic meters.

All the people who had panicked due to the sudden incident turned to the person who had cast the wind barrier. They had arrived at the vicinity just in time to save everyone from a potential disaster.





The person who cast that magic was none other than the headmaster of the Green Leaf Academy, Mr. Dail Dalhmer, according to the rumor that spread throughout the empire, he was said to be a peak level Orion.

Principal Dalhmer was once considered to have the highest potential to reach the Legendary Level when he was young. His exceptional skills and remarkable abilities made him stand out among others. However, a devastating incident occurred about ten years ago while he and his party were fighting on the frontline. They encountered a monster that was rumored to be at the level of legend, and the ensuing battle was gruesome and bloody. Tragically, some of his companions lost their lives, and Principal Dalhmer was severely injured as well. This catastrophic event left a deep emotional scar on him, and he still blames himself for the loss of his colleagues. Despite his physical recovery, he has never been the same since that day, and the incident has haunted him to this day.

Principal Dalhmer's calm voice echoed through the school grounds as he shouted, "Everyone step back!!" He immediately ordered one of the teachers to check if anyone was seriously injured in the incident that had occurred. While the teacher was attending to the injured, the principal turned his attention back to the portal of the mystical realm.

As he examined the portal, James, one of the teachers with him, asked, "Sir, what is happening at the portal? Why does it have such a violent fluctuation of mana?"

The principal turned to James and began to explain, "There are a few reasons that are now known why a mystic realm becomes chaotic. One is that there is a mutation taking place, and it evolves into a high-level realm. The second one is that there is a monster being born or evolving to a level that is higher than the level of the mystical realm...."

"... and the last thing is, someone is sabotaging the mystical realm" the principal uttered his last sentence.

As he spoke, the principal kept a watchful eye on the portal, making sure that nothing bad would happen while they were watching it. He knew that the mystical realm was a dangerous place, and any disturbance in its balance could have catastrophic consequences. The portal was pulsating with an ominous energy, and the principal remained vigilant, ready to take action at a moment's notice.

As soon as the principal finished his speech, Miss Claire, a young teacher with a worried expression on her face, stepped forward to ask a question that was bothering her for a while.

"Sir, what about the students who are still inside the mystical realm?" she asked, glancing at the principal and her fellow teachers. "According to the data we gathered, there are still about 600 students left inside."

The principal took a deep breath and looked at Miss Claire with a stern expression. He paused for a moment, as if thinking about what to say next.

"For whatever reason this thing is happening, there is only one result for those students, except for one," he finally replied, his voice low and grave.

The teachers exchanged nervous glances, wondering what the principal meant by "except for one". They waited silently for him to continue.

"As for the reasons i mentioned earlier, the only result is for the mystical realm to force exit the students from inside, whether they want to or not," the principal continued. "And as for the last reason, the only result is... death!"

The teachers gasped in horror, unable to believe what they just heard. The principal's words sent chills down their spine.

Suddenly, the portal lit up, shaking violently once again. The teachers watched in awe as golden lights were thrown out of the portal, more than six hundred in total.

The golden light enveloped the human figures inside, gradually fading away to reveal their true form. The teachers were in awe.

As soon as the students emerged from the portal, one of the figures of light that had been gushing out to the portal performed a swift slashing motion. The motion was so quick that it was difficult to see what exactly had happened. However, as soon as the light faded, an explosion was heard near the figure.


The sound of the explosion was loud, and it made the teachers flinch. However, they quickly realized that no one had been hit by it. They breathed a sigh of relief and started to inspect the students one by one. As they saw that their students had returned safely, they felt happy, but their faces still showed their concern.

At the same time, the portal started to shrink until it vanished, including the token used to open the dungeon. The teachers were left wondering what had happened inside the dungeon and what the students had encountered during their journey.


A few minutes earlier, before the explosion.

Be it the teachers who were paying attention or the students who failed in the assessment that watches the live feed, they were all numb.

Some excelled in their performance, some don't, some just stay in the safety zone since they are afraid of going out and some just give-up entirely.

For the students, watching the performance of the other makes them more ashamed of their individual performances along with their party members, blaming each and every one of their respective party members for their bad performance.

Inside the mystical realm

"Damn!" someone said with a hint of frustration.

In a dense forest, a burly young man in ragged clothes stared at the rankings. He suddenly punched a tree next to him and cursed.


Points are divided base on the number ok kill and the number of stars they have.

Iron ★ = 10 Points

Iron ★★ = 20 Points

Iron ★★★ = 30 Points 

Iron ★★★★ = 40 Points

Iron ★★★★★ = 50 Points

Iron 5★ is the highest rank monster/ magical beast allowed by the academy for a low-level mystical realm for them to use as assessment grounds for their students. Any monster higher that the said ranking will be immediately killed by high level Orion before the assessment starts.


[ Assessment Ranking Board]

[First Place: Gabriel Heart

No. of Kills = 3 - Iron ★ , 6 - Iron ★★

Points = 150

Class: Support - Type, Healing]

[Second Place: Tigram Gray

No. of Kills = 6 - Iron ★ , 4 - Iron ★★

Points = 140

Class: Berserk- Type, Barbarian]

[Third Place: Dave Green

No. of Kills = 12 - Iron ★ 

Points = 120]

[Third Place: James Novack

No. of Kills = 7 - Iron ★, 2 - Iron ★★

Points = 110

Class: Mage - Type, Fire Element]

[Fourth Place: Dave Blake

No. of Kills = 4 - Iron ★, 3 - Iron ★★

Points = 100

Class: Warrior - Type, Swordsman]


The individual in question is none other than Dave Blake, who holds the fourth rank. Dave's family background is renowned, and he has been hailed as a prodigy since he was a child.

His previous academic institution recognized him as the top student at their year level. However, due to his family's business affairs, Dave had to relocate to Reid City, which resulted in him transferring to a new school.

Unfortunately, since Dave's enrollment in the new academy, he has been outranked by another student, Gabriel Heart. Despite his relentless efforts, Dave's academic performance will never surpass Gabriel's, and he always falls short of winning, no matter how wealthy he is.

Dave's intense hatred and jealousy towards Gabriel eventually led him to commit a malicious act. However, instead of targeting Gabriel directly, he chose to harm one of Gabriel's acquaintances, Tigram.