
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 14: Tigram Gray

The Green Leaf Academy was a prestigious institution where students were trained to become powerful warriors and mages. In one of the spacious classrooms, all the teachers were gathered in a circle, discussing the situation within the mystical realm. A large holographic projection displayed the realm, providing an opportunity for the teachers to assess their students' abilities.

The mystical realm was a recurring place used for academy assessments. As long as the students had the corresponding token, they could enter the realm infinitely. The high-level Orions could enter first and eliminate all the high-level monsters, leaving the low-level ones for the students to train against. Moreover, the teachers could set up a safe place such as an array formation platform to ensure the students' safety. They could also install surveillance devices inside the platform, allowing them to observe the students' performance even when they were outside the realm.

Despite the students' success in awakening, the teachers couldn't help but feel disappointed with their performance. Many students struggled with the practical and theoretical aspects of their training, making it challenging for them to fight and face the monsters and magical beasts. The teachers knew that the students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed improvement if they were to become successful warriors and mages.


As the students entered the mystic realm, their teachers watched the screens intently. Suddenly, one of the teachers, a fat bearded man, shouted in frustration. He pointed to one of the screens and exclaimed, "Look! Look at them! Damn it! What are they doing?" His colleagues turned to see what he was referring to.

The teacher continued to express his disappointment, "The archer turned around and ran, she did not even attempt to shoot her arrow! The warrior didn't even look at the positions of his teammates and dashed towards his opponent singlehandedly. And this knight! Does he even know how to use his skill [Provoke] properly? He will cast it on the enemy, and when he gets their attention, he will suddenly run. Of course, the enemies will join him, and there will be no one left for his party mate to kill." The fat bearded teacher spoke quickly, his saliva sputtering with every word.

One of his colleagues tried to calm him down by saying, "Just relax, bro."

But the fat bearded teacher retorted, "Hmph! What do you even know? With this kind of combination of a warrior, knight, and archer, they can easily defeat a five-star monster, let alone a one-star monster!"

Gabriel's teacher, Mr. Hanz, interjected and spoke, "Sigh, after all, they only learned theoretical knowledge in the past. Today is their first time facing monsters, so it's inevitable that they won't be able to react in time."

Although he tried to keep a calm demeanor, Mr. Hanz couldn't hide the concern he felt for his students. As they watched some of the screens, they noticed that many students had already fled to the safety zone. Some were forced to withdraw from the assessment, and some failed and faced casualties.

The assessment of the mystic realm that the students first awakened would not have any monsters above level five. However, the number of failures and casualties in today's assessment was unexpected by the teachers. It was clear that the students' lack of practical experience had put them at a disadvantage, and they would need to work harder to improve their skills.

As the teachers engaged in a conversation, the principal's voice boomed suddenly, interrupting their discussion. He spoke with a commanding tone, emphasizing the importance of the skills and talents that the school had imparted to the students. He stressed that it was up to them to apply these skills effectively and survive the challenges that awaited them in the dungeon. The principal's words held a sense of urgency, as he made it clear that the students' abilities would be put to the test in the dungeon, and it would reveal who had the potential to face the severe tests in the future.

The teachers listened intently and nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth in the principal's words. They fell silent, watching the holographic projection intently, eager to see how the students would fare. As they watched closely, frustration began to show on their faces, despite their attempts to conceal it. They knew that the students would face immense challenges in the dungeon, and they couldn't help but worry about their well-being.

With the principal's words echoing in their minds, the teachers shifted their focus to other students, observing them carefully to see how they would use the skills and talents that they had learned in the school. Every move, every decision, and every action was scrutinized closely, as the teachers tried to assess the students' potential to survive the challenges that lay ahead.

The principal of the school instructed the teacher in charge of the projection to proceed with the holographic projection. The teacher obeyed instantly, nodding in agreement and directing the focus of the holographic screen to one of the participants of the assessment. Within a fraction of a second, a colossal figure appeared in the projection.

Mr. Hanz was taken aback and exclaimed, "That's him?!"

The principal, noticing Mr. Hanz's reaction, turned to him immediately and questioned, "Mr. Hanz, do you know this student?"

Without any delay, Mr. Hanz nodded affirmatively, confirming that he recognized the student in the projection. It was none other than Tigram, one of his students.

The holographic projection displayed Tigram in the middle of a fight with a low-level monster. The scene was so realistic that it almost felt like Tigram was battling the monster right in front of them.


Tigram's POV

The moment the monster caught sight of Tigram, it charged towards him with great force. Tigram was taken aback by the sudden attack, but he didn't let that deter him. Despite his theoretical results being unsatisfactory, he was always a skilled fighter. He quickly regained his composure and began observing the monster closely, trying to figure out the best way to take it down.

As the monster closed in on him, Tigram's analytical mind began working at full speed. He assessed the monster's size, speed, and strength, and came up with a plan of action. His physical characteristics allowed him to block and dodge the monster's attacks with ease. He was quick on his feet and agile, and he used these skills to his advantage.

As he continued to fight, something unexpected happened. Tigram discovered that he had a hidden talent - his first skill! This realization gave him an extra boost of confidence, and he continued to battle the monster with renewed vigor. With his newfound skill and his quick reflexes, Tigram was able to withstand the monster's attacks effortlessly.

[Wrathful Attack Level 1 - Attacks an enemy with a furious axe, leaving a branding effect for 3 seconds, each successful attack increases the casters attack speed by 15%. The target with the branding effect will receive 10% increased damage taken.

Damage = {(B. level + STR+VIT)/2 x Skill Level x 3 x (1 + Piercing%) + Patk}

Branding Duration: 3 seconds

Increase Attack Speed Duration: 5 seconds

Mana Cost: 100

Cooldown: 15 seconds]

With unwavering confidence, Tigram deftly avoided the monster's menacing strike and swiftly countered with a powerful blow from the gleaming iron axe held tightly in his grasp.


Tigram, with his axe at the ready, charged towards the enemy monster again, determined to strike a decisive blow. However, just as he was about to deliver his attack, the monster unleashed a powerful ability. The force of the attack sent Tigram reeling, and he was knocked back a full three meters away from the monster. Despite the setback, Tigram remained undaunted and quickly regained his footing, ready to continue the fight.

[Prompt: opponent uses skill [Reinforcement]]

Tigram acted quickly upon hearing the enemy's call for reinforcement. He utilized his exceptional combat skills to strike the enemy at the precise moment when it was casting the [Reinforcement] spell.

Tigram boldly charges towards his opponent and leaps forward, using his body as a shield. With a fierce expression on his face, he swings his axe downwards with great force, aiming to strike his opponent with all his might. This move, known as the [Wrathful Attack] is a powerful and aggressive manoeuvre that requires both strength and skill to execute successfully.


-230 HP

As Tigram's strike hit the ground, the earth beneath it shattered into tiny fragments that flew in all directions. The sound of the impact echoed through the surrounding area, as if a powerful force had been unleashed. The ground trembled for a few moments, as if struggling to regain its balance, before settling back into an uneasy stillness. It was a sight to behold, and one that left a lasting impression on anyone who witnessed it.

[Attack Speed Up] Experienced effect! Increase attack speed.

[Prompt: You killed the Wild Goblin! Gained 15 exp!]

At the same time, he heard the prompt on his successful killing of his enemy, he heard another prompt.

[Prompt: Reinforcement Has Arrived]

Tigram gritted his teen while looking at the status of the reinforcement of the goblin.

[Name:Red Goblin]

[HP: 350/350]

[Mana: 150/ 150]

[Physical Attack: 50 - 70]

[Rank: Iron ★★]

[Skills: Slash,Charge, Heart Pierce...]

[Description: This goblin has a strange affinity for fire and has been observed setting itself ablaze on multiple occasions. Once the goblin is engulfed in flames, it charges at its intended target with reckless abandon, seemingly unaware of the danger it poses to itself.]

Tigram prepares himself for the impending battle. He tightly grips his trusty axe, feeling its weight and balance, and takes a deep breath to steady his nerves. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he lets out a resounding battle cry as he charges towards the enemy lines.

As he gets closer to his foes, Tigram quickly casts his second skill, unleashing a powerful [War Cry ]that echoes across the battlefield. The sheer force of his cry instils fear in his enemies. With his axe at the ready, Tigram charges into the fray, ready to fight until the bitter end.