
Six Paths

*Click Clack Click*

The only thing that could be heard was clicking of futurist looking keyboard, which was used by a beautyfull woman.

After a while, she stopped and sighted. At this moment the space in between her desk and the chair in front of it ruptured and out of it fell a man. It was Jack.

"Hello to Six Paths company, I am Miriel and will by your assistant for today. Our company offers six different ways to continue your existence. Before we continue, would you like to ask some questions?"

*A moment of silence*

"Um... Where are we?" Asked Jack, a bit confused but without freaking out.

"We are within the company building of Six Paths Company, within what you could call last stop before the after-life. Any other questions?" However calm she acted, it didn't change one thing - she was extremely surprised at Jack's behavior.

The reason she preffered paper work, over HR work, was the fact that most of the clients were freaking out and didn't listen, which was completely different from how Jack acted.

"...What am I doing here?"

"You Jack, have died. Due to the fact that you did not believe in any god, we - the Six Paths Company were chosen as your service providers since you were born in the location where most of the populace, believed in buddhism."

"I see, so now I'll be classified into one of the six worlds?"

"No you won't. It's been decades since we expanded our services."

"I see... Wait what? You changed your services?" Asked shocked Jack.

"Indeed. Right now we are categorising people into one out of six categories, then randomly select a world to have them reincarnated into. You yourself are in-beetwen class 3 and class 4, that is in-beetwen human and an animal. As such you will be reincarnated as a human and given a task to do or you will be an animal without one. The task depends on the world you'll end up in. That brings us to the next step" At this moment Miriel snapped her fingers and the desk she was sitting at disappeared and was replaced by a roulette table.

The woman took the ball from the top of the roulette's handle and gave it to Jack.

"Even - black numbers represent animal and uneven - white - human. Each number corresponds to different world. Differently from nofmal roulettes, there are a total of 66666 fields, for 33333 worlds, e.g. 1 and 2 are the same world but different reincarnation. Do you understand?"

"I do." Responded Jack.

"Excelent. Let's begin." Exclaimed Miriel as she turned the roulette. "Throw the ball, when you're ready."

Minute... Two... Three...

Finaly Jack let go of the ball allowing it to fall into the roulette.

*SFX for ball rolling within the roulette, here*

After a minute or so the roulette stopped.

"Congratulations! It's white, 37429! Good luck!"

These were the last words Jack heard at the SPC, as he lost consciounes.