
Lee's aunt.

With the failure of a portal cohesion, Li Congxin finally urged down his arm powerlessly and said to Hill beside him with a bitter smile, "After a dozen or so teleportations successively, I think it's already safe here, right?"

 Hill was shocked at his words and hurriedly asked after him, "You still haven't told me, what exactly happened?"

 Feeling that his consciousness had become somewhat blurred, Li Congxin said breathlessly, "There's no time to explain. I can only tell you that there are nearly half as many HYDRA hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D., and their leader is Alexander? Pierce."

 His words made Hill almost triple-take, because that name was definitely one of the most trustworthy and least hackable names in S.H.I.E.L.D.!

 Hardly anyone would have suspected that he would be a Hydra.

 Doubting whether he had heard it wrong, Hill hurriedly pursued again, "What did you say?"

 Li Congxin now but did not have the strength to repeat his previous words again, just continued to say to himself, "In this situation, acting rashly is tantamount to looking for death, but I think that with your wisdom, you should know what to do after calming down. Remember, be sure to protect yourself ..."

 After saying that, he just fainted to death.

 "Clark!" Hill exclaimed, and hurriedly took out her communicator and started calling Nick? Fury: "We're in trouble now, Clark is fatally and seriously injured, requesting backup!"

 "Repeat, requesting backup!"

 "He's only in a coma right now, an injury like this would kill anyone else, but for him it just takes some time to recuperate and he'll recover on his own. It's just that he's losing too much blood now, if you want him to wake up quickly, you have to hurry up and give him a blood transfusion."

 The voice did not come from the communicator, but from Hill's side.

 Turning her head sharply to look, she saw a black woman inspecting Li Congxin's injuries while saying so carelessly.

 Hill hurriedly shut down the communicator under great shock, while quickly jumping out of the pistol to point at the other party, "What are you, what exactly do you want?"

 By the pistol pointed at the head, the black woman is even eyelids did not raise a bit, as if Hill hand holding is not a weapon enough to take a person's life, but for children to play with the water gun.

 Turning her head, her eyes fell on Hill's face, the black woman first nodded with satisfaction, as if praising Li Congxin for picking a woman's sunshine. Only then did she answer her question, "I'm Lee Goon's aunt, you can also call me directly by my name, Monica."

 A slight beat, Monica continued: "My full name is called Monica? Rumble, I think you must have investigated Li Goon's life, and you should also know that there is such a person like me in existence."

 Hearing this, Hill's mind immediately surfaced relevant information about her.

 Monica? Rumble:

 Gender: female.

 Born with the state of New Orleans, lost her father at a young age, and later remarried to a Chinese with the surname of Li, that is, Li Congxin's grandfather, although her mother.

 As an adult, Monica chose to enlist in the military, and later disappeared after a test accident.

 The information ends here, but after seeing the other party in person, Hill is beginning to suspect another possibility.

 That is, the other party's real information S.H.I.E.L.D. did not not have, just her agent's authority is not yet authorized to view!

 This guess was very bold, but out of a woman's intuition, she still preferred this possibility.

 It was important to know that Hill, as the assistant director of S.H.I.E.L.D., was now at the eighth level of agent authority, second only to Nick Fury and Pierce, two big b-boys. Fury and Pierce, the two big bosses, equal to Natasha at this stage, and one level higher than Coulson.

 She does not have the right to check the other party's information, then does not it mean that the existence of this person's degree of importance is definitely more important than a lot of powerful superheroes?

 Of course, now wasn't the time to delve into this. The first thing Hill did after hearing the other party's reminder was to take out the spare blood transfusion equipment.

 As a qualified agent, she certainly did not lack these first aid appliances, and even each one of them was a high-tech product, possessing the smallest size and complete functions.

 After testing her own and Li Congxin's blood types with the professional instruments, Hill couldn't help but show a disappointed look on her face.

 Because the two of them did not have matching blood types, if they were to haphazardly transfuse blood, there was a greater chance that it would cause Li Congxin's condition to further deteriorate!

 At this time, however, she heard Monica speak once again, ''Use my blood. Although he and I are not related by blood, our blood types happen to be the same."

 With the injection of fresh blood, the wounds on Li Congxin's body, which had already stopped bleeding, slowly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his pale face quickly became red.

 About half an hour later, Li Congxin violently opened his eyes, followed by quickly bouncing up from the ground, turning his head to look at Hill in doubt: "How long have I been unconscious?"

 Seeing Li Congxin's tense look, Hill helplessly explained, "You're really a pervert, after receiving such a heavy injury, you actually recovered so quickly, and there's not even a single scar left on your body."

 Saying this, he glanced at his watch before continuing, "Less than half an hour has passed since you passed out, 27 minutes to be exact."

 Li Congxin frowned when he heard this, was his recovery ability already so strong that it had reached this point?

 It wasn't right!

 Li Congxin clearly remembered that he had lost a large amount of blood when he was injured before, even causing him to fall into a coma at one point, even if his body could be healed, his state should still be very weak.

 However, his current condition was unprecedentedly good, and his body was even filled with strength. Even compared to before he was injured, it was still better than ever!

 This feeling could not be wrong. He had actually gained a higher level of strength in this short period of half an hour!

 Just as Li Congxin was puzzled, Hill then said, "Right. Just now, your aunt came and helped you with a lot of blood transfusion, but now she has left."

 Following that, the events before and after Monica's appearance were detailed with Li Congxin.

 "She destroyed the blood transfusion equipment before she left, and UU Look Book www.uukanshu.net also asked me to relay to you that Lord Man was seriously injured by her, and it will take a long time to recover."

 "However, she didn't completely help you with your troubles, but instead, she was going to let that Lord Manchu serve as a touchstone for you, and a motivation to spur you on to become stronger. After you become stronger, you will take your own revenge."

 "That said, are Lord Manchu and your aunt both stronger than you are still?"

 "I guess so?" Li Congxin smiled bitterly with uncertainty, "Lord Manchu is not something I can deal with right now, but my aunt was able to defeat him, so she should be even more powerful than that. It's just that my memories of my aunt are still stuck in my childhood, I only remember that she always liked to bully me and called me Li Goon."

 Retrieving his thoughts, Li Congxin turned his words around and said, "Have you contacted Halogen Egg?"

 Although he was not very satisfied with the name Halogen Egg, Hill still nodded and followed with a serious voice, "He said that Natasha is in the same danger right now, not far away from us, and he asked us to try to round if possible, and reinforcements will arrive within an hour."