
Chapter 11: A great opportunity to be a director.

"That's the second time you've gotten a headline this week." Sitting in the restaurant's card table, Carla put down the knife and fork in her hand, "I really don't know what to say."

  Murphy swallowed the last bite of food, picked up a napkin to wipe his mouth, and said, "I've been studying framing lately, and when filming, if the framing is good, it not only attracts the viewer's eyes, but also makes the eyes linger long enough for the person being photographed to become one with the location."

  These weren't just something that could be used for the current job, but would be equally useful if they made it to Hollywood.

  Carla was more than a little surprised, "You're a very motivated young man."

  "You make yourself sound too old, don't you?" Murphy laughed, "You're only twenty-six this year, and you only look twenty."

  This kind of compliments women like to hear, Carla was no exception, but after this period of contact, she was clear that the opposite side was a young man with a strong purpose and a very complex mind, her brows slightly frowned and deliberately asked, "Talking so nicely, are you trying to pursue me?"

  "You think we are suitable?" Murphy asked back.

  Carla looked at him but didn't say anything, as if she wanted to see through Murphy's real purpose of inviting her.

  "You're competent, pretty and sexy ...," Murphy's eyes purposely swept over Carla's tall and exquisite figure, "When wearing professional clothes, you have a very attractive temperament, and you're a very good one-night stand. "

  Not waiting for Carla to respond, he added, "If you're willing to have a relationship with me that goes beyond friendship and doesn't involve love, I welcome it with upraised hands, forget about a girlfriend, not many men can put up with your work hours."

  "Murph," Kara asked instead of getting angry, "Tell me, what is the purpose of your visit to me? It's not just for these boring jokes, is it?"

  "I think this story should be followed up." Murphy thought about it and simply said, "The news has already been broadcasted, I think the police will soon be looking for me, and there are some places where I need your cooperation."

  For the sake of ratings, Carla wouldn't give up the news, "As long as there is no court injunction and the police department has no way to take the station, I will continue to pursue this as well."

  Murphy nodded, only if the TV station was willing to keep digging, his later actions would be more valuable, otherwise it would be a large amount of revenue less.

  "You came to me just for this?" Kara wondered a little, not letting the story go by herself by any means.

  "Yeah, just wanted to get your personal confirmation." Murphy took a sip from his glass of water and said nonchalantly, "I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to handle the pressure from the police and give up, like you did with the Long Beach serial murders two years ago."

  "The person I am now is not the person I was before,"

  She was too young then, far more adamant about journalistic ethics than she was now, and her character was weaker. Carla asked in surprise, "How did you know about this?"

  "There's a thing called the Internet." Murphy lifted his finger and pointed at her in the air, "There are a few emerging search sites, as long as you type in your name, some of the things you've done will appear, and you don't even need a name, as long as a license plate number or a social welfare number, your contact information and detailed address can all be found."

  This era of North America's Internet, than the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean is developing too fast, even Murphy himself was released from prison before realizing that it is simply not possible to use once this era of the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean's eyes to look at the Internet industry in North America.

  In North America through so much suffering, the only thing that makes Murphy happy is that the smoothness of information is far more than the level of the same period on the other side of the river.

  Carla said with slight mockery, "I didn't think you would still use the Internet."

  "Of course! I've learned a lot through the internet." Murphy said half-heartedly, "I just took a business marketing course."

  For these words of Murphy, Carla believed 80% of them, the Murphy she saw was a person who knew how to work hard, and such a person was also worth appreciating.

  Therefore, she tentatively asked, "My program team has an outside running position, interested?"

  Such a position with stable income and corresponding benefits was a career that many people wanted, and Carla recognized Murphy's working ability, which was why she threw out the olive branch.

  "No!" Murphy directly shook his head, "I won't stay in the news circle for too long, and I don't want to change our relationship from collaborators to superior and subordinate."

  "You want to change careers?"

  Hearing down Carla's question, Murphy solemnly nodded, but didn't say anything more, with the position he was in now, saying that becoming a Hollywood celebrity was just a laughing matter.

  Leaving the restaurant, Murphy said goodbye to Carla, strong spirit, driving toward downtown Los Angeles, his mind is still filtering everything that happened last night to now, this is undoubtedly the best opportunity he can earn the first bucket of gold, as long as there is enough start-up capital in his hands, his movie plan can also be implemented.

  Like everyone, the first step and the first bucket of money were always the hardest.

  Murphy once again remembered the preliminary plan formulated last night, if the police acted in the usual way, the possibility of gaining the opportunity is infinite, and can control the development of events as a kind of dominant player, to use an inappropriate analogy, he will be the director of the whole scene!

  Murphy's spirits were lifted at the thought, this was indeed a great opportunity to be a director, and to direct what might also be a real, fiery drama!

  He would be the director and cameraman, while the police and the two black murderers would be the main actors ...

  Returning home, briefly washing up and putting these thoughts aside for the time being, Murphy collapsed into sleep, only to be woken up by a duh knock on the door not long afterward.

  "Just a moment!"

  He picked up a towel and briefly wiped his face, looked through the cat's eye, then pulled open the door to his room, outside the door were a man and a woman, two middle-aged white men.

  The man among them glanced at him and asked, "Are you Murphy Stanton?"

  Seeing Murphy nod, he pulled out his badge and ID and introduced himself, "I'm Detective Collins of the LAPD, and this is Detective Sarah."

  "Please come in."

  Murphy motioned the two men to the couch in the room, and when they sat down, he asked, "Need coffee?"

  "No need."

  The two men were clearly dominated by the middle-aged man, who waved his hand and cut right to the chase, "You were at Bill's Road in Santa Monica Valley last night, weren't you?"


  Receiving Murphy's affirmative answer, the middle-aged man stood up and walked over to the handheld video camera placed on the table, "You took footage from the house?"

  Murphy had expected the police to come looking for him and nodded painfully, "Yes, I filmed it."

  "You entered someone else's residence and filmed everywhere," the male detective turned back to face Murphy with his arms folded and said sternly, "You even filmed the body of the victim, and that was all before the police arrived!"

  Put it before he came this way, Murphy would have panicked if a police officer had shown such an attitude, but the last year or so of honing his skills had been enough to keep him calm and collected enough.

  "The doors to the manor and the house were open."

  True to form, Murphy's words were true in their truthfulness, "I was passing by on Bill Road and heard gunshots inside and thought I'd go in and see if I could help."

  "You went to a crime scene!" The male detective stared at him intently.

  After learning that someone had broken into that residence early, the police had suspected it might be the killer, but quickly dismissed it.

  Although there was no road surveillance in the residential area, video pulled from the main valley road showed that the guy across the street was still driving in the direction of Beverly Hills when the victim called the police.

  "I didn't realize it was a crime scene when I started." Murphy stretched out his arms and spread his hands, "I thought someone was in trouble, and as a law-abiding ethical and enthusiastic citizen of Los Angeles, I thought I should go over and take a look at it, maybe help someone in trouble."

  The male detective's gaze grew sharper, "You filmed the scene and sold it to the TV station."

  "I am a very ethical person, engaged in professional news video gathering." Murphy said rightfully, "It's my job."

  Other than breaking into a private residence, Murphy hadn't done anything else excessive, and with the people in the residence dead, who would hold that aspect accountable?

  Murphy knew that the two detectives were bluffing and wasn't afraid of them, not to mention that he had expected this situation and was prepared for it.

  The female detective stood up at this point and walked over to the male detective, gently patting him on the back and asking in a softer tone, "Mr. Stanton, did you see anything in particular?"

  In the words of the other side of the ocean, this was a classic case of one singing white, the other black.

  "Yes!" Murphy, however, nodded.

  Both detectives' eyes lit up at the same time.

  "What's the situation?" The female detective's attitude was better.

  "Two men driving away in a car." Murphy made a thoughtful gesture, "It should be two black men."

  The female detective pressed, "You saw them?"

  "Just a hazy appearance, UU look at the book www.uukanshu. net It was dark and I was too scared to approach." Murphy thought hard, "The car was a black or some other dark-colored sedan, and the two black men were tall and should have both had bald heads."

  "Can you be more specific?"

  People with that kind of profile could be identified in LA by the hundreds of thousands at least, "Like height, profile, tattoos, scars."

  "I'm sorry." Murphy said with feigned helplessness, "It's too dark, and they're too dark, it's unrealistic to see a black man in those lighting conditions."

  The two detectives were helpless as well, it was indeed too difficult to see a black man's appearance on a poorly lit night.

  But they didn't die, the male detective asked again, "You didn't take these?"

  Murphy shook his head without hesitation, "No, I didn't start filming until I entered the room."

  Seeing that she couldn't ask anything more useful, the female detective added, "We'll need a copy of the video footage you took."

  "No problem." Murphy led them into the studio, made a copy from his laptop, and handed it to the two detectives before saying, "I'll contact the police if I can remember anything of value."

  Although holding a certain amount of skepticism, Murphy's positive and cooperative attitude dispelled some of the two detectives' doubts, and after they got the video, they quickly excused themselves and left the place.

  Closing the door to his room, Murphy returned to his workroom and sat down in front of his laptop, checking the latest news in this regard, and by mid-afternoon, the police finally announced a heavyweight reward.

  The LAPD is offering a $100,000 reward for valuable leads in last night's case.