
Hisoka's Deadly Twin (Phantom Troupe x reader)

Hisoka had a sister named Haruko Morrow. She was stronger than everyone else in the world of nen. Will this be an advantage or danger to Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio? Read the story to find out. The main romance is between the Phantom Troupe but there is still some romance between other characters. The Phantom Troupe members except Franklin, Nobunaga, Kortopi, Belenolov, and Hisoka are the romance targets. If you want anything in the storyline like a change in plot or Yuri, fluff, angst, lemon and so on between Haruko and any characters, please put it in a comment and I will put it in consideration. Slight BDSM A good amount of Yuri Enjoy, comment and share.

Black_Cutie · Anime & Comics
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Author note... again

Hi! This is Black Cutie here. I sincerely apologize for not updating for the past few weeks or months. Everyone out there by now knows exams are coming up and thing will be hectic. I've been way too busy to even allow the thought of updating cross my mind but as soon as this blows over, I will get back to updating. No promises though😉. Either way, I just got a bit of free time so I felt the need to apologize for leaving my followers bored without my fanfics. Any of my free time usually goes to relaxing or reading. I really hope understand. I also wanted to say that I would attempt a HP fanfic and fanfics of as many animes as I can since these are the only ideas anyone commented on. The HP fanfic would be a normal Harry Potter various x reader with various Harry Potter males liking the female reader romantically. This story will start in first as per the request. Please spare me because I have never written anything before let alone a romantic sort of story. Bear with me! Anywho, If you have any ships you want like RonMione, Harry and Cho, Ginny and Harry or if you have anyone you want to ship with the reader like draco, blaize, Oliver wood, Cedric or the Weasley twins, I would love to hear you out. After this fanfic, I'll write a HP Yuri fanfic as per the request starting first year and as always if you want to ship anyone like Pansy x Hermione, Bellatrix x Hermione, Luna x Ginny, Bellatrix x reader, Hermione x reader, Cho x reader, Pansy x Reader, Put it in a comment and I'll put it into consideration. Bye!