
His Woman

Falling in love is meant to be a two sided story, its incomplete if it's just one sided, you can't stop until you find the missing piece..... ***** Amanda Collins, a successful businesswoman is on the peak of her career. She got thousands of men who belittle women beneath her foot and a strong determination to win world. **** Kristian Black, leader of 7ELE1, the most successful boy band of the decade. He have concurred the world with his strong will and magnetic voice. After years of hard work, he's now dream of millions and ideal man of many. **** Brian is oldest of the group 7ELE1. During his darkest days, it was Kris who helped him. Somehow he found himself falling for a girl whom he saw last week on airport. He can't stop his thoughts for her. **** Who in the world would've think that the nation's boyfriend share an amazing past with the business woman of the year? What will happen when their stars will collide after so long? Will the passion in them ignite once again? Can Kris stop his best friend from falling in love with her? This book is entry of wpc #love triangle Brian X Kris X Amanda *THIS BOOK IS PURELY FICTIONAL AND IS MY CREATION* Join my discord server:- https://discord.gg/Y7cxZDwd8d

jhushi · Urban
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30 Chs

Hungry Wolves

Amanda enters the conference room along with her assistant and took the first seat to the right of the head of table.

"Miss Director." Everyone greets her bowing a little from their places. She took their pleasantries with a small smile whilst observing all of them.

"Crazy old men." She mutters under breath which only Mia heard. Letting out a snicker while cheering her boss' sassy attitude, she went back to checking the materials.

Amanda was managing director and because of her amazing background in law, she's also have the final say in every legal matter of company, making her official director of legal department.

Though many accepted her as their leader, 3 years ago she got a lot of opposition. It took her long to convince them, while some old hags still have their keen eyes on each of her movements. Making her cautious of every step she took.

She knew that her becoming MD disrupt most of them who had plans of being next leader. Like the shareholder on her left, Mr. Erin, 50-year-old businessman who's someone with her father from very start has been trying to earn good points from her dad to make his son next chairman.

When she appeared as the next heir suddenly, this man got shock of his life. As his father kept their family away from mess most of shareholders never knew of her as his daughter. Unlike many, this old man still haven't give up. He tries her to set up with his son who's 30 this year.

'Well at least he is handsome.' This was what Amanda thought when she got a whiff that Mr. Erin's son, Eric, have designs for her. He was pretty jovial guy who want stick around her like gum. He's her only friend since she shifted there. A cute guy but obviously not her thing.

One thing Amanda find herself fortunate with is the amount of smart and handsome candidates around her. But she already got a guy to set heart on.

'Eric will soon be here.' She thought as he was her subordinate in legal department. Another trick to win her heart. Mr. Erin asked her father to transfer him to same department as hers as an act to 'help' her.

"Where's dad." She asks the head butler/ assistant of her father, Mr. Cho. He was an American-Chinese man with strong built in mid 40s. Wide shoulders and crisp butler suit clearly show how much of heartthrob he would've been in his days.

"He's in his office. Having tea." He speaks gently. Despite his dark appearance, he was total softie for Amanda. To him, she was more like his own daughter rather than his boss' daughter. He was her only emotional support when her mother went missing and she too, provided her warmth when his wife passed away 15 years ago. She was just a baby at that time. This was the time when their family was 'normal'. Her father used to work 9-5 and had small office in neighborhood.

Mr. Cho couldn't get out of shock that his wife left him so early and almost went berserk when Amanda helped him to break the shell. These two share the bond since then. He have two notorious boys from his late wife. Amanda is only person they think as their older sister and mother from long. They both are famous as their father in school for insanely macho physique and handsome face.

"How's your day Mr. Cho?"

"Day couldn't have been any better than this my dear." He replies to his little strawberry.

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