
His Woman

Falling in love is meant to be a two sided story, its incomplete if it's just one sided, you can't stop until you find the missing piece..... ***** Amanda Collins, a successful businesswoman is on the peak of her career. She got thousands of men who belittle women beneath her foot and a strong determination to win world. **** Kristian Black, leader of 7ELE1, the most successful boy band of the decade. He have concurred the world with his strong will and magnetic voice. After years of hard work, he's now dream of millions and ideal man of many. **** Brian is oldest of the group 7ELE1. During his darkest days, it was Kris who helped him. Somehow he found himself falling for a girl whom he saw last week on airport. He can't stop his thoughts for her. **** Who in the world would've think that the nation's boyfriend share an amazing past with the business woman of the year? What will happen when their stars will collide after so long? Will the passion in them ignite once again? Can Kris stop his best friend from falling in love with her? This book is entry of wpc #love triangle Brian X Kris X Amanda *THIS BOOK IS PURELY FICTIONAL AND IS MY CREATION* Join my discord server:- https://discord.gg/Y7cxZDwd8d

jhushi · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Funky Brothers

[When will you leave my thoughts? When will I be independent of the shackles of past?]

Suddenly a picture of a beautiful girl in high ponytail flashed in his mind.

[Where are you? I hate to admit but I still want you]

'AHH..' All those memories only trigger his reverse scale and Kris keeps on punching with all his might.


"Someone push those carzy people out of gym. My stomach is protesting." Jimmy whines with his eyes fixed on the piece of meat that Blake just put in bowl after grilling.

"No touching the food without everyone present." Blake roars, hungry too, but still spats his hand from the beloved food he made.

"Just a little bit brother."


"And this old couple is at it again." John comments from the single seater sofa besides the kitchen. Silently recording their bickering.

"I heard that John." Brian, the oldest, smiled as he took his seat across him with a bowl of cherries.

"Can't you wait for them?" John said eyeing the bowl in his hands.

'This eldest is worse than kids. The cherries look delicious though.' John salivates.

"Those two aren't going to step out of gym even if apocalypse happen. Why should I suffer again and again my poor stomach for them." Brian said munching cherries while scrolling his social media casually.

A sudden gush of wind caught him off guard. After a while, he saw that the bowl which was few moments earlier in his hands now with Jimmy.

"Yaaaaaah!!!!!" A loud thunder of eldest rang in all four corners of room.

"Who dare to steal MY FOOD!?" Brian said. Angered to death. His ears turning red slowly as he put down his feet ready to kill the mortal who dared to dare to offend the king.

"One thing about Brian you need to know. Never eye his food. If you don't want to dig your grave, let this guy eat in peace." John said loudly as he uploads the video of all what happened earlier to their Insta gram.

"Bring out Nick if you don't want to be served as dish with wings in dinner punk." Brian hiss angrily.

"Okay bro." Jimmy whines before walking away.


Jimmy made his way humming and munching the cherries along the way towards the computer room at the end of hallway.

'Aishh, this vampire is needed to be drag out of his den as always.'

"Who dared to mess with the almighty NICHOLAS WHITE!! Now you will know what the real hell is…Mwahahaha.."

A thunderous voice, which can scare the sh*t out of anyone under 200m radius rang in small room. The soft glow from the computer highlight his soft features. Pointy nose, sharp jawline, dragon eyes and sword like eyebrows. His soft brown hair adore his face added to his charm.

"Kill, kill, kill…" The man with handsome face is currently playing with his team mates a survival game, venting out his frustration on his poor keyboard.

"Leave no one alive bro. Fighting." Jimmy, used to this scene, enters the room and begin stroking ego of his friend.


Finally a big WIN appeared on screen and they both begin cheering loudly.

After logging off and putting headphones back, Nick pull his arm to Jimmy as they both made their way towards the dining room.

They're kids aren't they? Join my discord server for more fun activities as well as daily spoilers<3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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