
CHAPTER 62: Shame on You

  “Gotcha, cousin”

  The boundaries which disappear from our book now returned to the place they belong; Harrison La Luna gets his body off me after managing to tease me.

  All of my power that had been locked by him was now released and I could feel my arms again as I get them off my back. My body which had been bent over the bridge wall now stood straight up.

  “That’s not funny!” I smoothed out my shirt and put on a face that was as tight as the pants Alpha Drax was wearing.

  Harrison La Luna could not help but laugh out loud until tears that he should keep still when I beat him soaked his eyes, I was so mad when I realize he was messing with me.

  “How could I smell your scent, cousin? There is no way somebody except your mate could smell it” He declared while laughing.

  His laughter harmed his belly and it immediately stopped Harrison La Luna from continuing his ridicule toward me, what he did is inappropriate.