

Angel was an inoccent child that was born by loving parents and her life was a living paradise for a while . Untill the prying eyes that had been around her finally showed up and turned a life of an Angel in heaven into a living hell. Each and every piece of her happyness was snatched away from her . She became lonely , every friend of hers always seemed to have a life running smoothly. All of them becoming wives and having their families whlist she always met morons and jerks that always took her for granted. No one ever came into her life and permanently settle. Is there ever gonna be a day someone would come into her life and risk their lives just to become one with her and stay forever? Is anyone ever going to make her HIS WIFE....

Daoista1VWb1 · Teen
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7 Chs

What's going to happen?

Back at Angel's home . Ares and Daisy had just finished eating lunch and they were now doing their dishes happily as a stress free couple full of happiness , t hey entertained each other so well and they were so inlove .

" You know what babe . Angel is such a beautiful Blessing brought to us by God. If it wasn't because of her we wouldn't have made it . I could have lost a beautiful loving woman like you Daisy . I'm so grateful to Allah " said Ares with a big smile but to his surprise . Daisy suddenly started tearing off.

" Tell me something Ares ! Why do you want to remind me of that horrible occurance . Didn't l tell you before that l never want to talk about that ever again and it tears me apart . Just drop it and yes l need some fresh air just leave me alone for now" said Daisy as she sadly walked away .

Ares was now regretting what he had done and it was one sharp and he was only left with four hours to go and collect Angel from school. He was hurt to see his wife cry after a long time and because of him again .

Suddenly a light bulb in his head lighten . He went out bought ice cream and flowers Went home and headed to the garden . He then set the table in a romantic way . He was a spectacular designer . The view was more than just beautiful. A box with a gift was put at the table along with a apologizing card . He went upstairs and led her to the garden .

Daisy's mind was blown away by the fact that she was gifted with a very attractive romantic man of her own . Though she was not going to give in and just forgive Ares like that . She wanted to punish him for bringing up bitter memories . But the legend of romance Lord Ares knew how to handle his wife .

After having the ice cream he stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist and started kissing her neck without her approval. He suddenly stopped and stared deep in Daisy's eyes whlist licking his bottom lip sexily. He suddenly smirked and started teasing her . He caressed her cheeks and leaned in closer to her face . Out of the blue he started kissing his wife swiftly . Daisy had to admit she was enjoying this to her surprise she started pulling her husband much more closer . She was now yearning for more .

Ares was expecting to be pushed away but he was flabbergasted to notice that his wife was yearning for him to be undressed He was surprised by the sudden behavior. She teared his shirt with want . She was becoming wild and her eyes were full of want . Her behavior made Ares feel uncomfortable with his private part . He was left with no choice but to give in and satisfy his want before it became uncontrollable . He was now eager and impatient .

He knew they were both becoming naughty he pulled his wife indoors .The moment they got inside , he pinned his wife's hands on the wall and started pressing his lips hard on his wife's . Their tongues touched and Daisy's mind was blown away . She was already on cloud nine . Their body's were burning as their bodies pressed hard against each other . Daisy started mourning with pleasure and that made Ares turn crazy .

Daisy felt something poking her as their bodies pressured aganist each other and she knew he was awake and that caused goosebumps . Their lips finally parted as she knelt down to unzip Ares' s pants but at the exact moment suddenly Ares's phone rang in his pocket . They tried ignoring it but it kept ringing and they both knew . Duty was calling but Ares wasn't in the mood of duty . He pushed his wife on the couch and started undressing her as he payed attention to each and every body part .

He removed her bra as he started licking her breast like a young baby being breast fed . He became more than just wild as he saw his wife drowning with pleasure . Her mourns and facial expressions made him crazy and he had no intention to stop . He started licking her stomach going down and slipped his hand in his wife's panties . After playing with her thighs with his hands . He teared his wife's panties and started using his mouth this time .

Daisy threw her head back as mourns escaped her mouth with pleasure .

" Ares .... please " she blurted with excitement

" Baby do you forgive me . If you do l will send you to heaven " he whispered in Daisy's ear as he licked it .

" Oh Ares .... Yes yes yes . Please don't stop " she cried and as pleaded he continued with his work but his phone kept ringing and he finally glared at it and that very moment he stood up leaving Daisy with want on the couch . He answered and he was disappointed to know he had to leave and Daisy went berserk with anger this wasn't exciting . Being cut off at the climax.

Ares ran upstairs , showed and changed his clothes leaving Daisy naked sitting on the couch with disappointment . Ares apologized kissed her and went off running. Daisy kept sitting on the couch with her legs still open watching her husband living .

She threw her head back and started penetrating her own finger inside her vagina . She mourned all by herself trying to satisfy herself since her husband had just left . She started doing it fast whlist touching her body whlist she was busy there was a knock on the door .

Her face lighten up thinking that Ares was back to finish his unfinished business . She ran to the door naked and opened it .

Her eyes glimmered with lust and want as she saw a handsome face. The man was charming , his eyes were sexy . The man's mouth opened with shock seeing this women standing naked infront of him .

" Ma...d.....a...m l..l..." he starmed and to his surprise Daisy invited him in . His private part was up already and he wasn't alone he had a woman besides him . They both entered .

The man wasn't Ares it was Evans the driver and his wife . What was going to happen !?


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