

Angel was an inoccent child that was born by loving parents and her life was a living paradise for a while . Untill the prying eyes that had been around her finally showed up and turned a life of an Angel in heaven into a living hell. Each and every piece of her happyness was snatched away from her . She became lonely , every friend of hers always seemed to have a life running smoothly. All of them becoming wives and having their families whlist she always met morons and jerks that always took her for granted. No one ever came into her life and permanently settle. Is there ever gonna be a day someone would come into her life and risk their lives just to become one with her and stay forever? Is anyone ever going to make her HIS WIFE....

Daoista1VWb1 · Teen
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7 Chs

Oh no!What just happened?

Daisy came back to her senses when something penetrated . Shit ! What the hell had she done . Her hand flew to her mouth . She felt other hands playing with her breast . She gasped and looked around . The man infront of her was Evans who was ejaculating with her . His wife Lydia was playing with her breasts and they where all naked .

Her head started spinning when she had someone opening the door . She just pushed Evans away and sat silently waiting for the door to open helplessly . There was no escape .

Her heart broke into pieces when her shirtless husband entered along with her little princess . The first to notice the shocking scene was Angel when Ares was busy closing the door . When he faced the place were the three where . He felt all his blood being drained from his body . What kind of a nightmare was this . He opened and closed his eyes assuming it was just a dream .

Realizing that it was not a dream. He felt like he was stabbed in the heart . He quietly started tearing off in disbelief . Was this his wife Daisy or was it a imposter . Daisy stood up and tried walking towards her husband but the man quickly dragged his daughter and dashed out of the place . Daisy ran after them naked ! But Ares was too angry to be reasoned with .

A man saw the naked woman running after the man . He took pictures and videos . It became worse when Evans and Lydia followed naked too . The man kept taking videos.Ares started his car and drove off . Daisy was left sitting on the road naked ! Damn was this going to work .

What had she done . When Evans tried to help her up . He was welcomed with a hash slap . She pushed them both aside and ran indoors then locked herself inside leaving them standing naked outside.

She tried calling Ares but he wasn't picking up and in the end her number was blocked .She was going insane all by herself surrounded by regrets.


Ares and Angel drove to a far away hotel . Angel was unable to talk to her father. They were both traumatized and speechless. Ares couldn't believe what he had saw his heart was hurting and he couldn't help it but try to be strong for the sake of his daughter.

When they arrived Ares just went out telling his daughter he was coming back . Angel wasn't even hungry worst of all her past started to haunt her . She then remembered how hard she hard worked to get her parents back after their last separation and all she had went through . The thought of them breaking up again brought an uncomfortable feeling to her .

She felt hatred arousing inside her . Every time she saw the picture of her mother with another woman and another man . She felt so angry . Finally she decided to go and refresh her mind . She wanted to ask her father if she could visit her friend Tanaka . So she set off to look for him . She went outside their room and started looking for him everywhere . She started feeling anxious thinking that maybe something had happened to him .

'He was so depressed , what if he hurts himself . Of course his not himself right now . He is heart broken what if he does something stupid . Oooh no ! I have to find dad right away ' thought Angel as she ran to the car park to check if their car was there . She was now walking at the car park searching for their car every corner. A car suddenly entered the car park at the gate was a boy standing in front of it . The driver looked drunk , his music was loud and he was talking to someone else . He didn't notice the boy infront of the car . Angel was near by and before the car could hit the boy Angel jumped and pushed him out of the way just in time .

To her surprise the man did not stop dispute the fact that he almost ran over an inoccent child . Angel felt so angry that she didn't even notice that she was actually leaning on top of the boy and the boy was staring at her with cold eyes . She was still frowning looking at the car angrily when finally she snapped back to her senses when she felt her body fell to the ground .

" What the hell man " she frowned whlist dusting herself . When she finally looked at the boy she felt herself being taken to heaven at that exact moment . What a charming young prince !Gosh damn! This guys was giving off a hot blaze . He had unique green cold eyes , his lips were a bit pale and grey but his skin was as white as snow and to her surprise it had no wrinkles despite him being out in the cold at night . He had dark and lovely black hair which sparlked . Wait a minute was he a lost prince!? The hair was short but most of it covered his eyebrows .

Whlist Angel was busy studying the young frustrated boy she was interrupted before she could start going down because all these seconds she was still starting his elegant beautiful face .

" Hey you! " a cold deep voice said . It was the boy and the moment Angel heard his voice she felt her heart race wildly . What was this new akward feeling she had just felt !

Instead of shivering with fear upon hearing such a cold voice , she smiled widely as she cupped her face in a cute way . She looked like a cuddly cute bear that if any other young normal boy had seen her at that moment , they would have fallen for her but here was Mr Annoymous he wasn't even attracted not even slightly. Instead he frowned and pushed her out of his way as he head out of the car park .

Here was the hypnotized Angel she couldn't get her eyes off him and to what seemed like a shock she followed the guy . Where the hell was she going !? She was just depressed a while ago and then boom ! There she was with a smile on her face following a stranger going somewhere she didn't know ! Worst of all she wasn't even familiar with that place .

She had already forget their situation. As she was following the boy she saw him again crossing a green robot . Was this guy from the past ! Even though she didn't see any incoming vehicle. She quickly jumped on him and pushed him to the other side of the road and to her surprise a motorcycle almost hit them . Again there they were on top of each other and this time staring in each other's eyes .

Angel felt like she was on cloud nine . The boy's eyes were so appealing . They glared at each other in what seemed like forever until what Angel didn't want finally happened again . He pushed her letting her fall on the ground. He stood up and started dusting himself and that's when Angel got the full view of the boy .

He had broad shoulders and a perfectly sculptured muscular abdomen. It was like he had six pack and she was flabbergasted to realise that he actually did but what startled her more was his dressing . He wore tattered clothes and that is how she was able to see the six pack through the holes of his shirt .

The boy just looked at the crazy girl confused .Why was she following him around like she was a puppy which he owned !? And the way she kept staring at him scanning him everywhere made him a bit mad . Worst when she set her eyes on his private part . He quickly covered it and Angel's eyes widened his trousers had holes on the private part and she had just saw a males part again !

Her hand flew on her mouth embarrassed . If she is not mistaken she was suppose to get traumatized at that very moment but instead , she flushed red . After the painful experience she had with males she should have been terrified but instead she was shy . They both looked away . As Angel was busy being shy not knowing what to do , the boy was already walking away .

When she turned around he was already a distance away . If Angel wasn't crazy she should have took that chance to escape but instead there she was running after him again. What the hell ! Was she still looking for her father !?

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