
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 5

Qi Ran look at her son and brother. She Feel want to laugh when see her son face, expressionless . He just look her brother like he not exist before his eyes.

He turn his eyes to her direction. His face like he want to say directly . Mommy who this weird guy? Why he look stupid?.

Qi Ran caress his dark hair with a loving face.

"Its your uncle. Mommy's young brother, Qi Tian."

After she introduce his brother to her son, Qi Tian make a  proud face. But his spirit fell down when the little guy didnt pander him. For the first time he want to cry!. Is this cute nephew didn't acknowledge him as his uncle?!. He feel worry now. He look at his big sister with a down face.

"Little doll go greet your uncle".

Feel pity to see her brother down face when Little Doll didnt see him and ignore him.


Just want word popped out from his cute mouth but that enough to make Qi Tian feel relieved and happy to die!.

"Oh my cute baby doll. You are my angle! My savior!"

He scream like a fanatic boy. You are already adult now bro....not a child anymore dont dont make face like that!.

Woshh...that... i feel want to punch my brother face. Dont make face like that or my son will not like you more!.

"Is he nickname Little Doll?" Ask Qi Tian.

"Yes". Qi Ran answer with just one word and nodded before the three walk together to the Premium Palace. Last year she buy this place to her brother when he get in to the Yungsten as his present.

Beside her brother Palace Premium is her Palace Premium but the second big palace. The most big palace premium at here is the noble family eldest son palace. Actually she want that palace but its to late, he buy it first before her. Its really make people disappointed!.

For tonight Qi Ran and her baby will sleep at Qi Tiana palace because their palace still in consturction and decoration.

her brother look at her with his weird expression. Qi Ran lift up her eyebrow as why you look me like that?.

"Little doll really your son. I ask you two with many word and you two just answer me with one word. This world is really unfair!".

He sulk she think. She just look at him a second before look at her son. He look her too. Her empty and cold eyes automatic become bright. My son is my sun in this world!. If i am dark he will be my only sun and my savior to run away from the darkness.

He eyes like he want to say are you okey mommy?.

"Mommy okey baby". Qi Ran kiss his red cheek.

Like her brother say she dont like speak and always quiet 24/7 and she just speak when the time need her to speak. And she agree to her brother that her son, Yun Lingyu, inherit her attitude. Well as long it not my bad attitude thou....

"He dont speak but you understand what little doll say? Amazing"

Qi Ran sharp eyes stab her brother like a arrow.

"Of course i understand. This is my son ah!" Qi Ran feel a bit exasperation.

Her brother just smile shyly. And feel sorry because his word.

"Oh yeah sis, are you dont want to meet mother and father?"

Ask Qi Tian with his fright voice. Well he know his sister still angry to their parent but he dont want to see his sister sad again.

"I dont know"

She answer with voice didnt have any emotion. She still dont want to forgive what they did to her. Its still hurt her when she remember it!.

Qi Ran look at her baby son again when feel someone pull her skirt. His face pale and look tired. Feel sorry again she pet his head. He must be tired just sit in the flight for a long hour.

"Come baby. We take shower first before sleep okey"

Qi Tian look at we quickly.

"Hey!, you two eat first before sleep"

He squealed when the duo mother and son walk without looking at him!. Am i ghost? Why i feel i dont exist at their eyes? Its really make people feel heartbroken now like he want to cry.

The pair continue walk and ignore Qi Tian.

Qi Tian scratch his head dont know what to say anymore. The world is so beautiful arh...urrmmm..

- - -

Yun Zheng walk out from his car he slowly approach his cousin. He face cold and make everyone near him feel  numb and dont brave to make any noise. He shook his head.

"Hei Lei, what the hell with your face. Period time?"

He ask with a joke. Normally everyone scare to this man. Except him because he grown up with this cousin of he and so he know this man. He not say he didnt scare to this man but its just he already familiar with this man temperament .

Yun Leifeng stare Yun Zheng with a sharp eyes. He face look like he want to say. Are you want to eat my palm!.

Yun Zheng grin and sit on stone chair. Now they sit outside Yun Leifeng's Premium Palace. The sky already dark and have many star. Its so beautiful view but when you sit with someone who cold 24 hour the area around this place become cold! Like now is a winter and even though now still summer....

"So are you really dating with the goddess?"

He ask. Now the entertainment world so full of CEO Yun gossip with the famous artist, Ling An Yin the goddess and the pretty woman in this city.

The man just nodded. He eyes cold and fierce, he look the sky. Dark and blink with the stars. Pretty but he now not in the mood to enjoy the view!.

"So how about the girl? Are you give up now?"

Yun Zheng ask even he know the topic about the girl is taboo and if you dont want die in this man hand dont mention about that girl. But now he want to ask about it because if his cousin want to marry his new girlfriend he must find the girl to broke their marriage.

Now its already 5 year that girl run and no one find her even his cousin build force to find that girl but they always fail.

"Give up? Ahah....."

Yun Zheng feel goosebump when he hear his cousin laugh. Its like a evil! Are you still human!


"In a few day i will find her!"

So determind ah...he must feel pressure when he still cant success to find that crazy girl this year!.

He never feel lose in his life but just with this girl he feel lose and angry to die started that day!.

Yun Zheng look at Yun Leifeng. He dont know he want to believe or not because whatever way they use to track that girl they always find die end. Its like there something block their eyes to track that girl! Its like that girl never exist in this world. If he not attend his cousin wedding day that year he must feel misgivings!. And cant believe that girl exist!

Its scary to think when there still people in this world can make his cousin feel defeat. You must know CEO Yun is someone don't want and couldn't afford to offend for. If you make him angry you will die without you know what the reason you die!. He was the one who have the power to control this asian. Even powerful than king!.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow is audition for a new artist. I will handle that audition and you must come!"

The cold man knit up his eyebrow. What the reason he must come to see the audition? Its just audition full of people who think they pretty without any brain!. Its just make he want to puke if he remember the momment he faced everything when he come to the audition as special guest.

"Dont make face like that! You dont know there special participant take audition tomorrow!"

He say with his excited sound and he make weird move like he want to fly like a bird.

Yun Leifeng look at him, annoy.

"Hey! You must know right, that girl twin sister been adopted to the Qi family when they still baby. She back yesterday from oversea and she will participant at the audition tomorrow!"

"So what if that her twin sister!"

He dont take the bait. He know this annoying cousin of he just want he to feel interest and be a special guest tomorrow. Hell! There no way he will come!.

Even the Phionex Entertainment company was his but that company is just small in his eyes and its dont have any worth to make he come and whatever...

Even though PEC was list Top1 as a entertainment company in this asian!.

"Huh...okey! I give up!"

Feel disappointed he almost want to cry!. Why it so hard to make this monster come to the audition as a special guest!.

"But Lei you just sit you dont have to do anything...."

With a sad voice he still not give up to persuade this man.

"I am to handsome to come at that dirty place!"

Werkh! He want to puke when he hear what his cousin say. Well.... even he know what this man say was real.