
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 15

Because of her brother study in the Yungsten University its make Qi Ran worried about her son safety at home.

She pondered alone to choose what decision she should take and that idea must be what her son feel comfortable and safe as she will go to her work outside City A, where they live now.

One, she have to find a babysister for her baby ...but...when she remember her son personality just sigh come out from her mouth. The little doll never allowed people beside her to take care of him!. She still remember when they still stay at England there so many babysister been hire to take care this doll when she busy with her work but all of them run from home even they only stay for an hour! The highest recorded how long they can stay to babysister her son is only 1 week. After that no one beat that record!. Only god know what her son doing to make all of them scared to him!. Its weird you know...Little Doll that time still small and little but he already make people scare.....

But whatever they said about her son she can't believe it because when her son with her, he is so cute and good son he never do something like what the other discribe him....its just make her angry when they talked bad about her son so they just end up eat my fist or kick!.

Second, bring her son wherever she go?. That will never happened! I don't want meet people i know!. Cancel!!!


"Mommy are you okey?"

All the thought in her head gone like it's been wipe out by the wind in a blink of eyes.....

Little doll look curiously to her mommy. From earlier he look her mother sit on the sofa while think something which can make her face changed with many expression.

"Mommy okey. Baby doll come here"

She stretch hand to Little Doll who make a bright eyes and take her hand.

Little Doll sit beside her mommy. His sour mood earlier gone just smile hook at his small lip.

"Baby doll...urmm...baby know right tomorrow mommy will start work?"

Little Doll nod his head. But his face displayed resentful because he know what his mommy want to say!.

"So... mommy want to register Little Doll to some private elementary school.."

Little doll."....."

"..dont worry baby! There will be many friend at the school and baby can make friend with the other childr..."

"Mommy are they cute like me? Or pretty like mommy?"

Little Doll cut before his mother finish her speech to convinced him obedient to go school.

Qi Ran. "..." what a hard question ah!.

"Are they clever like me?"

"Good son like me?"

"Has a pretty mommy like me?"

"Know many language!"

Qi Tian who just wake up from slept walk to the duo direction. He pondered why the duo face like they  talk about the crisis economy in this year?!.

"Are they handsome like me too?"

"Or has a annoying uncle like this?"

His small hand pointing to the annoying uncle who just come and sit on the sofa infront them.


Qi Tian rolled his eyes. I just come and you already shot me with that rude small mouth!.

Qi Ran. "...."

'I just realized now that my son really narcistic arh.....just who the one he followed this attitude?...'

"Are they don't have father like me too? Because I don't want befriend with annoying child who have a father! Digusting!"

Qi Tian couldn't help but feel pity to this Little Doll father!. RIP for you brother in law! But... i don't want brother in law! Nobody suitable to be my sister husband! They all trash like Little Doll said... Hurm!

Qi Tian look at her sister who make a desperate face and want to raise a white flag to the little boy which still don't want to stop from speaking!. And he don't know what the hell this Little Doll said, 90% word come out from this little boy mouth is being narcistic with himself....

Qi Ran only can shook her head to Qi Tian, she too can't speak anymore...!

"And mommy! Do all of them have a cute nickname like little doll? Have a high IQ like me? Have...."

"Pffttt!!!...sis! Little Doll really like you when you're still young! NARCISTIC! Serve you right have a son clever like this...haha"

Qi Ran shot Qi Tian with her sharp eyes. This boy really want to eat her fist!. He not only didn't help her but laugh at her like a crazy boy! Why you so happy when Littel Doll boom me with that all Hot Question!.

"So the conclusion my pretty mommy, Little Doll don't want to go school and meet all the puppy child who not mature yet in that school!"

Little Doll blink his eyes to Qi Ran make the woman speechless. He face look like he want to say. 'Mommy i am the most perfect child in this world! I don't want to go school they all not mature yet like me!'

Because of he don't want his mommy to send him at private or public school he forget everything that he too still a child and still 5 year old this year!.

Qi Tian."..."

Puppy child?


He really want to kneel to this little boy! His narcistic is more worst than his sister when she still child until now!.