
His White Wolf

Series of deaths in his life has left him a suspect to the police, a pity in the small town and hollow inside with nothing, not even numbness to feeling. He finally decides to move out of the place, the house was too much of a remainder of everything, it was burnt up anyway. If he knew what the new smaller town had waiting for him, he might’ve run in the other direction instead, might’ve. Something finally worth enough to forget the past over but not the first he met, hopefully not the second he’d lose. ~~~~~~~~ Tiny bit of a slow build in the start but it gets better please try to stick through the first 10 chapters Thank you for reading

Fudge_Music · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

It was 3 hours into the drive when he finally made it into the next town, it was rather louder than the previous one he passed through. Music, people, and just all the sound buzzed loudly and everywhere. The place looked like they had a celebration going on throughout the entire town. Nobody looked sad in the slightest, everyone looked like they had major things to celebrate. He wanted to drive out of the loud place as fast as he could. The town placements in the entire area were odd, the first two towns were 1 and half hours away from each other but the one he was moving to was further away, about 3 hours from here. He didn't understand why there were so many abandoned grass fields in the middle of the roads leading up to these towns, he thought somebody with enough money and wealth would've bought them off and used them to manufacture whatever crops they wished to sell. But it didn't make sense for perfectly rich soil to go to waste like that.

As much as it didn't make sense to him, he knew it was mostly because he never left the small town in the first place. Despite what happened, how much had happened, he never really moved away to another place. He didn't know much about anything outside of the town, of course, he knew the basics of general life but details about anything else he had zero knowledge on. This is exactly why he couldn't up and move into a large city area, he wouldn't be able to survive a day. As far as he knew everything was 10 times costlier and harder to maintain. He didn't have that kind of budget.

After a long wait through the commotion and the traffic, he finally had made his way out of the place. Now driving on what should have been a mostly empty highway. It was even odder, their cars going from and to the town, the amount and hurry it was made it strange. Maybe everything was getting to his head too much. He was now suspecting people driving from and to places, maybe he was getting paranoid and going crazy. He took a few deep breaths and concentrated on the road ahead. It was a long drive, and he didn't need to get himself worked up over every little thing he saw, has grown up in a small town he should know that sometimes things were just weird, he should have expected this and been used to it by now. But for a reason, he just couldn't brush it off, like there even could be a terrible evil reason for all of this.

Sighing he increased his speed, deciding since nobody else on the same road cared he might as well reach a little earlier than he had planned.

Despite going faster than he originally intended the drive still seemed so long and so slow. He finally arrived and turned to look for the house lanes which were separated from every other place in the area. During the drive, he tried to keep his head as clear as he could, but everything just felt so odd. Now that he had arrived, he looked around to see people's eyes on him. it wasn't an outright stare, but it felt like almost everyone kept glancing at him, 'it's a smaller town, they all know each other and probably don't recognize me that's why they're looking' plus it wasn't like they just kept staring at him, it was short glances.

Driving around the small place he quickly realized the odd placements of buildings in the town, it was too…. organized? It wasn't random and just a spread-out mess like every other place. It all seemed in some way organized and each road connecting to one major one that leads to the other side of the forest. Maybe he could drive around and look at where that road leads after he settled in.

He quickly realized he had left every single piece of furniture and any form of utensils at his older house, most of it was burnt but some of it was salvageable. Sighing loudly, he parked onto the side of the road, he wasn't sure if there was any law that he wasn't supposed to since there really weren't the usual markings of a parking on the side of the footpath, but he parked anyway.

He quickly pulled out his phone and searched up for any major store around, there weren't any. Of course, there weren't any. It was a small town what was he expecting. Groaning loudly, he slammed his head onto the steering wheel, how could he be so stupid? What the actual fuck was he thinking just leaving out with nothing? Maybe part of him thought he would be able to buy everything once he got there. 'Wait, everything is generally sorted into smaller family-owned stores instead of one big one' he thought to himself as he looked through the map more. Guess it made sense since no one had the money to open one big supermarket in small towns and just ran their own small little stores.

He looked up from the steering wheel to see multiple people looking at him, he didn't know if he should scowl at them or just stare. They didn't look like they meant harm, but he wanted them to fuck off. Maybe if he seemed unpleasant from the start, they all might start to keep their distance, but then he what if he needed some help? He had zero of everything. No knowledge of this place apart from his house's location and the now current store he just saw on the map.

He tried to give keep his expression and demeanor pleasant, not fully smiling at all of them but trying to be as less unpleasant as he could. They after a long while finally decided to look away.

'maybe this place is worse than old shit was. Damn it.' He screamed in his head slamming his head against the steering wheel again.

'Why is everyone so weird here? But it wasn't anything more than he was used to. Did they know? Did they seriously fucking know? So did the news skip some towns or some other shit?'

Groaning even louder than before he slammed his head on the wheel for the third time forming a bruise on the side of his head and in his small frustration not paying attention to where his head went, causing the loud horn to echo through the street now has the attention of everyone on the street. Showing his frustration even louder now, he sat up straighter avoiding looking at the others in the eye. Drove out the sideway. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed in front of all the staring eyes.

'damn it, why the fuck is everything already going wrong?'