
His undying devotion

Irene Hensley, the Daughter of a director fell in love with her junior at school-Ethan, who loved her dearly. Having strict parents, she had a hard time dating him. "Ethan, let's break up," One day, Irene said despite feeling pain inside and forced Ethan to part ways. "I understand. I hope you won't regret today's decision and remember my words." Those were the last words he said to her before leaving. However, ten years later, she broke free from her family's confinement and decided to live for herself without getting married. After several attempts, she got accepted for a job where she ran into the company's CEO. The face looked awfully familiar yet foreign as she felt nostalgic and her loud heartbeat. Being suspicious, she observed every move of the CEO, who turned out to be the person she thought he was-Ethan Marc. He later sent a marriage proposal to her home and they arranged everything without Irene's opinion. ___ "Didn't I say I'll never let you go? Was my words a joke to you? You'll pay for the words you said by staying with me." Ethan pinned her down to the bed while whispering in her ear, "The soft guy you knew is long gone." ___ Even though Irene and Ethan were able to start anew, another devastation of their relationship is soon to appear. When there are optimistic times, there's also desperation which was no different in Irene's life.

AS_Tomoki · Urban
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Unusual wedding trip

I smirked as my eyes followed the breeze-like passing road with the mind of escaping as soon as I got the chance. It wouldn't take much hassle to get away from him since it was Italy. What's much better was I had money with me right then, and there was a vast off days due to the wedding ceremony. I wouldn't have to worry about my job either.

"What're you thinking?" My thoughts broke up as I flinched back at hearing his whisper.

"W-what? I was just watching the road!" I looked away, covering my mouth.

"Is that so?" I didn't know what exactly it was, but he was probably staring at me for a long time, and I kept my head forward without moving an inch or blinking.

"We'll stop after 15 minutes. Let's change and have lunch at a place I know." He took a breath and unbuttoned his calves while brushing his hair backwards. Because of the air conditioning inside the car, his breaths and smell were lingering inside.

"Mmm..okay!" Hearing my dead-ass reply, I suppose he wasn't happy.

"Are you upset?" His question made me question his IQ. Is he stupid? Who would be happy in this kind of situation where they were married off without their consent? However, I couldn't act suspiciously since I had a plan in mind. So I decided to act as normal as possible. If I suddenly behaved all gentle and friendly, he'd probably suspect me that something was wrong.

"Is there any chance for me to be upset?" I continued,

"You gave me a wonderful wedding like any other woman dreamed of and a honeymoon in Italy! What more could I ask for? Unless it wasn't something I asked for." A long sigh slipped out of my lips as I turned to meet his eyes.

"There's nothing I can do, can I? Since I'm already here, why not just live with it." The tension between us was already awkward, and I made it even more awkward.

He hesitated for a moment and brushed my hair strands backwards from my cheeks, inserting them inside my ear.

"You've already become mine. Do you remember what I said before? If you stop loving me...I will make you fall for me again." His words stabbed my ears, making my emotions weaver, but my mind was fixed on my plan.

"What's the point of that now? Tell me something first, will you?" I Caressed his rough hand and removed it from my cheek.

"What is it?" He looked at me with confusion, his lips slightly apart from each other.

"Was it you who made my father's company go bankrupt?" My question made the atmosphere go silent.

He moved back a little and fixed his posture.

"Yes, It was me. In order to get you to agree to this marriage, I had no other options."

"Why? Why were you so desperate to marry me? We had nothing between us anymore. We could've just passed by like the normal assistant and boss. What was so wrong with it?" I had so many questions, and they wanted to bulge out one by one until he yelled back!

"Because I was afraid you'll be taken away if I didn't do something!"

Once again, the atmosphere went silent.

"I thought for ten years, I've gotten rid of these emotions, but when I saw you near the elevator... I felt like I was choking with all the feelings of how much I've missed you. How much I've wanted to hold you. And when I saw other guys approaching you, I couldn't take it. I was impatient."

"You call that an excuse?" I felt my vision getting blurry hearing the words, that were similar to my thoughts. Should I forgive him and start over again?

No! I won't do this. He needs to be taught a lesson that using me won't do any good. He could've Waited for me to change my mind and do nicer things, so I fell for him. But no! He chose to go out of his way and be a red flag to make my family suffer and make them use me. I will stick to my plan.


Fifteen minutes passed by within our silence. As soon as I stepped outside the car, a huge villa caught in sight of my eyes.

"What are we doing here? This is the place that you know?" I pointed at the villa and stared at him with a frown.

"Yes, it is !" A smirk flashed on the corner of his lips as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Must be nice to be rich, huh?" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the tail of my huge dress, lifting it to start walking, but he suddenly grabbed me by my waist and picked me up again.

"Hey!!! Put me down! Can you not do that, you shameless!!"

"What's there to be ashamed of when you're my wife? Now stay still unless you want me to carry you upside down."


He put me down on a soft cotton-like bed in a room with a wide ceiling and a big chandelier hanging in the center of it.

"Let's get Changed! The dressing room is that way. You can Walk around and see if you want!"

"I'll get changed first." I left saying that inside the dressing room. There was a receptionist. It almost felt as if I was from a noble family.

After removing my makeup, I put on a comfortable short gown. It was made of silk in a rose gold pattern. I could finally breathe comfortably in that dress.

I dropped myself on the bed, thinking about all the various things that had already happened and my thoughts were interrupted by my phone's ringtone. I picked it up to see Emma calling.

"Are they ready?"

"Yes! Your flight is tomorrow at 11.00 am at Malpensa airport. Uber will be there by 9 Am. I sent him the address."

"I get it. If I succeed at distracting him, it's a win-win!"

I cut the call and looked outside. A scoff slipped out of my mouth while I mumbled, "Didn't I say I'll make you regret it?"