
chapter 3 : Logan Knight

Logan's pov

Today was a hard day for me since l had a fight with my father. l could'nt believe why he wouldn't make me the CEO of Knights cooperation. After all, he is sick and need to live the country for treatment so l didn't understand why he wouldn't step down. It's not like I wasn't capable, he knows am the smartest in my class. Even thou am arrogant l still learn hard and always get good grades before I knew l was the sole heir to all the wealth. l still learned because I wanted to be capable and make him proud. And now that is my time to shine he has handed the responsibility to my uncle till I turn twenty one telling me he didn't want to burden me. l was so busy in thought l didn't look anywhere and bumped into a small frame. She was about to fall down but I caught her hand. That's when she looked at me my breath left my body. l was blown away by her beauty. She didn't have any makeup on just a eyeliner but she was still the most gorgeous girl l have ever seen. Burden me my foot, l was so engrossed in thought that I didn't look and bumped into some girl.

She was about to fall but l caught her hand preventing her from falling. l looked at her and all my breath left my body. She was gorgeous. She didn't have makeup on just a eyeliner. She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Just to feel her tapered waist l pulled her to me. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, sunlight blonde hair. Her enticing, constellation-blue eyes gazed at me over her puffy, heart shaped lips. Her lips would taste like strawberry sweet when I kissed her, l thought.

She was breathing me in like her life depended on it. l was happy that even she was affected by me the way I was with her. l didn't want her to notice that I was looking so l said

"Are you done checking me out and smelling me". She quickly lot me go as if she had been burnt. Am sorry she stuttered and blushed like crazy. l smiled in my head at her tomato looking face. I could see she was shy because her eyes were constantly glances on the floor whenever she looked at me. Am sorry, said said again stating is would be late for class and was about to pass me but I caught her hand. She looked at me with those

impeccable eyes. We will meet again l said and smirked at her then let go of her hand. l watch her till she was no longer in my view. l want to my locker and took out my thing. Am late today because of my father, l thought. l hope Miss. Atkins doesn't ask me why I was late. l don't like lies but I would have to lie becourse I don't need there poking noise in my affairs. l sight and made my way towards class. When I every ones concentration was on the board. l looked in the room and saw a familiar girl's hair color and I knew it was her. l grinned and made my way to my seat but l heard my name being called my Miss Atkins. "Mr. Knight, my l know why you are late? She asked. l wanted to tell her it was none of her business but I kept my cool. "l was late because the road was jammed, l said annoyed. l looked up and my eyes met a pair of surprised emerald green eyes. She was surprised to see me here l could tell. So we meet again angel, the world is too small. l thought. She quickly adverted her eyes from mine and look in her books. "Mr Knight, when I was coming l didn't come across any traffic". she said flatly thinking that she had trapped me but l was Logan Knight and l never loss. If you came without any traffic that doesn't mean that there were no traffic when I was coming. I knew that some of the people in the class knew that I was lying but they knew best to keep quiet. "okay, you can go but, next time I will do proper investigation and when I found out you are lying, you would be sorry". Don't worry Miss. Atkins there won't be any next time. l said arrogantly and made my way to my seat. The class continued but my only focus was on the emerald eyes girl. I wondered her name. Her friend besides her told her something that made her shift now and then in her seat. She turned her eyes towards me and met my eyes and as always, she glanced away from me.

Eva's pov

The bell soon rang for lunch break. l and Karen left the class. l did not look around because I know my eyes would fall a Logan and I didn't want to see him because it would make me nervous. We went to the cafeteria the whole school were there busy eating and chatting. "Ellen, urhhm. what are you thinking you have been thinking and nervous ever since Logan entered the class. Do you have a crush on him because if you do l totally understand". No no no, who said I had a crush on him. it's just that he's been you know looking at me so much and it makes me uncomfortable. His has been looking at you, OMG he likes you Ellen. l don't think so, l said whiles taking at a tray. I want a sandwich and a milkshake please. l want the same Karen blurted beside me. We took our food and went to sit near a window. We passed by Rebecca's and her group table and she looked at me with some much hatred that I would have been six feet under if her looks could kill. l also looked at her with the same intensity. We sat down and l started digging in my food. "She is insecure about you, Karen whispered". What me, why would she be insecure about me."She has been trying to get Logan's attention but to no avail. He only sleep with her and nothing more but you haven't spent even a week here and you already got him crazy about you. so is is insecure that you can take Logan from her, oh wait he doesn't even belong to her. She said chuckling". Well she shouldn't be intimidated by me l mean look at me and at her. She's classy, beautiful, hot and the cheerleader of this school, and look at me, am not classy, am not gorgeous like her, am not popular and definitely not hot so l don't see why Logan would even show any interest in me. "You under rate yourself Ellen, Yes it's true that you are not classy, popular or beautiful then her. But you are smart, intelligent, kind, full spirited, cute. Ellen she said holding my hand you are not beautiful but gorgeous inside out. You don't need any makeup or plastic surgery to define your beauty, you are a natural and that the difference between you and her. You have a glow in you, don't ever under rate that". After she finished l practically had tears in my eyes. That the nicest anything anyone has said to me who is not my parent. She are welcome, she responded. "l mean have you seen her surgeryed noise it is hideous, she crooned and we both burst into uncomfortable laughter. l turned my head and saw Logan entering the cafe with his friends and he was looking straight at me. All my smile died. Karen traced my eyes to where my attention now was. "I see your true love has come to liberate you from the hands of Rebecca, she softly whispered in my ears". l glared at her, shut up Ellen don't you have anything better to do, l said showing my annoyance but she kept laughing. "Don't you want to know anything about your crush? l don't, but you can tell me anyway. "okay, then l guess I won't tell you since you don't care". l knew what she was doing, she was trying to make me admit that I want know about Logan's life. Okay, tell me about him. "Now you're talking, okay so Logan is the son of Eric knights, one of the richest man in the world. His father owns multiple business across the globe but the base of all the business is kights corporation and Logan is the heir to all that fortune. So you got yourself a millionaire darling. "Am not going to jump on him because he's a millionaire or anything. Am here to learn not to date millionaires and again I have made up my mind not to get into any relationship because it always leads to heartbreak. "One day you will meet someone who will change your perspective in love and you would see that love is a beautiful thing". Karen are you in love or have ever been in love because you seem like a love expect? "urhhm, yes". Really, who is it tell me. Urhh, it's one of Logan's friends the one in a black jacket. He's name is Blake". My eyes travelled to him. He's really handsome. "Yes why wouldn't he be, all of Logan's friends are good looking, she said dreamily". So, does he know? "No, l haven't told him because l have never even talk to him before". I turn around and saw Blake and Logan looking at us. I think he likes you too because I can see the way he looks at you. "l hope so, now all I have to do master the courage to confess how l feel to him without seeming like a golddigger who wants to be with him for fame". Okay am done eating, can we go. Okay, let's go. We went out but l still felt a pair of eyes watching me. Ellen am going to the washroom so go ahead l will join you soon. I went into the washroom room and did my business. l was coming from there when a hand held and pushed on to the wall. Hello angel.

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Isabella_Mcbrowncreators' thoughts