
19. Denial

He was one person with the personality of two people....


"Hi pretty girl" I open the door and I'm met with a sexy looking Leo. He's wearing a broad smile across his face and has a bouquet of roses in his hand. I try my best not to react to the nickname that has somehow found a way to stick

"Hi, I had no idea you were coming over" I lean against the door frame

He shrugs "Wanted to surprise you. Can I please come in? I got your favourite" He brings the bouquet forward

I have it in me to lie and tell him that I have a visitor. But it seems my mouth and mind do not agree "Sure, come in." I step aside to let him pass through

After he's seated i collect the bouquet of roses and take it to the kitchen to put in a vase. "You're mad at me?" Is the first thing he says when i walk back into the living room

"I'm not, why would I be?" I shake my head before sitting down

"I got your voicemail." He tells me

From two nights ago,amazing.