
His To Marry

“Do you, Tay Payne, take Olivia Ferguson as your lawfully wedded wife?” Olivia Ferguson is perfect in the eyes of the public but she is weeping on the inside. Best selling author yet unknown. Parents who will do anything to look good in the media. Olivia just graduated from the Universityof Johannesburg and is set to marry a successful entrepreneur Tay Payne. She is instantly attracted to him on the first meet but she doesn’t want to be involved with him romantically because she has a devastating past and only living because she opened her eyes in the morning. Tay Payne is a young powerful billionaire, the eligible bachelor of Sandton and he knows it. His brothers are everything to him. She is a puzzle to him and he is determined to complete the puzzle no matter what but he is not without his faults. Join the world of secrets, lies, passion and betrayal

PearlMampetlana · Urban
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39 Chs

chapter 31

"I thought we were going back home?" I ask as Tay changes directions.

"I want you to meet someone," Tay informs.

"Who?" I ask.

"You will see," Tay says as he drives through the highway. It is raining.

"I don't think I can handle another surprise for today, don't you think?" I say.

"Relax." Tay chuckles, and we stay silent for the rest of the drive.

The car comes to a halt at a graveyard. I turn to look at Tay.

"What are we doing at a graveyard?" I ask. I have never set a foot in a cemetery before, it's my first time.

"Come on," Tay says instead of answering my question. I unbuckle my seatbelt and hop out of the car. Tay offers me his hand as I close the door. I take his hand and we walk through the graveyard under the umbrella.

After minutes of walking, we come to a halt at a creamy tombstone. I turn to look at Tay, but his eyes are fixed on the tombstone.

I snapped my eyes to the tombstone and my eyes widened in surprise. He took me to his twin sister's tombstone.

"Meet my twin sister, Innocent," Tay says and kneels in front of the tombstone. There are fresh flowers on top of the tombstone. Someone must have visited her recently.

"Sorry I couldn't visit sooner, but I ordered flowers for you. I know how much you loved them." Tay says, cleaning the leaves of the tree from the tombstone with his hand. So, he ordered followers to get delivered here when he couldn't come.

"I brought someone with me today," Tay says, and turns to look at me. He is doing everything he can not to cry. They must have shared a special bond since they were twins. I know some believe that dead people can hear them, but I think it's just superstition. I have nothing against people who believe in ancestors and those cultural beliefs but sometimes I think it's kind of crazy.

"Baby girl, I want you to meet my wife, Olivia Ferguson Payne, your favorite author sweetheart," Tay says with a smile dancing on his lips. I watch as he talks to the tombstone like it's his sister in front of him.

"You would have loved her. You would have loved asking her questions about her book too. God! I miss you so much." Tay swallows a sob, and I place my hand on his shoulder to offer some sort of comfort.

"You were so full of life and so carefree. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you; I will never forgive myself for not being observant." Tay says, and my heart aches for him.

"Come on," I say and help him up.

"It's not your fault." I cup his cheek and wipe off a small trail of tears on his cheekbones.

"It is Olivia? I wasn't a good brother. I should have been able to tell when she was sad but I didn't." Tay says, and I pull him into a hug. He buries his head in the crook of my neck, his hands around my waist.

"I think we should go back home," I say, and Tay pulls away. I open my palm.

"What?" Tay asks.

"You are way too emotional to drive," I tell Tay. He sighs and hands me his car keys.

We walk back to the car, and I get into the driver's seat and Tay in the passenger seat. I drove away from the cemetery and hit the highway. This car is exotic, the sound and everything about it is perfect.

We say nothing to each other until we reach home. I figured Tay needed some space to think. I pull into the house's driveway and we both hop out of the car.

We walk into the kitchen to find Andrew, Future, and Nate eating ice cream.

"Hey guys," I say and make my way to the cupboards. I need something sweet to eat and, to my luck, I stumble upon a bag of Doritos.

I grab them and sit on the barstool next to Nate. "So, Nate, when are you leaving?" I ask as I open the bag.

"Tomorrow," Nate says, and I shove corn chips into my mouth.

"So, today is your last day with us?" I ask the obvious.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. I will be back before you know it." Nate says and sides hug me.

Tay's phone rings. I watch as his face goes from being happy to a worried one.

"Excuse me," Tay says, and walks up the steps.

Could it be about Andrew's mother? After battling with my thoughts, I excuse myself and go look for Tay.

After looking in our room, I head to his office. I knock and walk in; Tay is sitting on the chair talking on the phone. He puts his finger up to signal me to wait until he finishes. I walk towards him and stand in front of him but lean my butt against the desk, both of my hands on the side of my hips gripping on the edge of the desk.

"Okay, so what did you find out?" Tay asks. An idea pops in my head and before I can even think about what I'm about to do, I go for it.

I lean to Tay and place a kiss on his neck; he eyes me, giving me a look that says 'what are you doing?' But I ignore him and kiss his neck. I suck, and he lets out a moan, my lips form a smile against his skin.

I placed my hand on his chest. Thank God! He took the jacket off. I run my hands up and down on his chest while sucking his neck.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" Tay asks the person for the tenth time. I pull my head away from his neck and kneel in front of him. His eyes widened even more than they already were.

I take a sharp breath.What the hell I'm I doing? I have never done this before.

I unbuckle his belt and look at him through my lashes. He is also staring at me. I realise he is no longer talking on the phone. I unzip his jeans with shaky hands. I massage his throbbing length, and his grip on the chair tightens.

I slowly place my hand in his boxers and pull out his length. It is hard as a rock and he is big. I run my hand up and down his length and he moans.

"Shit," Tay says, and throws his head back. I lean in and graze my lip on his head, and he moans.

I wrap my hands around him and open my mouth to take him in, and within seconds he grips my hair, moaning. I move my mouth up and down, and Tay's grip tightens on my hair. I move my mouth down his length to take him fully in, but I choke and pull away.

"Christ Olivia!" Tay moans, and I lick the tip of his head. I swirl my tongue around his head and he moans, tugging at my hair.

I take him again and this time I move a little faster and within seconds salty liquid moves down my throat. I retch and pull away.

"Ah!" Tay moans and throws his head back.

"Are you okay?" Tay asks, and after catching my breath, I nod.

"That was an incredible love. I needed that," Tay says and molds his lips with mine. The kiss is slow. He slips his tongue in my mouth, and within seconds, we move in sync. I moan and tug at the roots of his hair.

Tay pulls away and takes out a blue pill and brings it to my lips.

"What is it?" I ask.

"it's for your mouth," he says and I swallow it without questioning.

"We have to get you cleaned up," Tay says and walks away. I stand up using the table for support and somehow, I flip some files and they fall off from the desk.

I groan and bend down to grab them; I grab most of them. I flip the file on the floor somehow and it opens, causing my jaw to fall on the floor. I place the rest of the files on the floor and grab the file with my name on it.

I open it and tug page by page, not believing what I was seeing. Everything about me is in this file, everything!

Tay walks in, holding a towel, and I look at him with pure disappointment. All this time he knew everything about me but pretended like he didn't know.

"What's wrong?" Tay asks as he walks towards me.

"All this time you knew," I say, and push the file against his chest.

He drops the towel and looks at the file. His eyes snap up to meet mine. "I can explain," Tay says, but I walk past him and out the door.

I make my way to our room and walk towards the bathroom. I can't believe that Tay knew my past from the beginning, but kept quiet. Watched me making a fool of myself. I should have seen the signs. They were all there, but I was too blind to see them.

'What did they do to you, love?'

Argh, I can't believe it.

I strip out of my clothes and turn the shower on. I close my eyes as the warm water cascades down my body. I wash my body, hair, and wait as the water cascades down my body. I wrap my body with a towel, then grab another one to dry my hair. I stand in front of the mirror as I dry my hair.

After drying my hair, I grab shorts and a t-shirt and put them on. I leave my hair to air dry, put on my slippers on and walk out.

I walk down the steps and into the kitchen. I find Future drinking water sitting on a barstool.

"Hey," I say and grab a banana from the wire basket and lean my arms on the kitchen counter.

"Someone is in a gloomy mood," Future comments with amusement, dancing in her tone.

"Don't start," I say and peel the banana.

"What happened? You were the happiest girl on the earth hours ago. What puts you in a prissy mood, huh?" Future asks. I take a bite of my banana and chew.

"He had me investigated. Can you believe it?" I ask.

"That sounds like Tay," Future says, and tucks her hair behind her ear.

"That is insane. If he wanted to know something about me, he should have asked me. Like normal people do," I say, and Future chuckles.

"I'm serious here; he had no right to do what he did. It's like I'm a suspect in an investigation, for fake's sake," I say and take a bite of my banana.

"I also don't agree with what he did but look at this from his point of view. You were a total stranger to him, he knew nothing, and he felt like a little of information about you wouldn't hurt." Future says.

"Still, he could have asked me if he wanted to know about my past," I say.

"What is in that file exactly?" Future takes me by surprise.

"What! Why are you asking?" I ask. My heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest. That was the last question I expected her to ask me.

"Well, you are freaking out that Tay investigated you. I'm just curious," Future says.

"It's nothing, I just think, he should have asked me," I say and finish my banana.

"I have an idea," Future says and I wait for her to finish.

"Let's make tonight girl's night," Future suggests.

"Okay, what do you have in mind?" I ask.

"We are going to the blue night club tonight," Future says and I almost choke on my breath.

"What! You, are, Pregnant" I say slowly as it seems like she forgot.

"So, that doesn't mean I can't have fun. I won't drink if that's what you are worried about. So, are you game?" Future asks.

"I don't know. Clubs are not my type of thing," I confess.

"Come on, a little fun won't hurt," Future says and I zone out to a place I have been trying to forget.

Remember how you got raped in the first place, my subconscious reminds me.

"I... I don't know," I tell Future.

"Come on, you only live once. Pretty please," Future begs.

"Okay," I give in. I'm so going to regret this.

"Yay!" Future exclaims and drags me up the steps to her room.

I sit on the edge of the bed in Future and Andrew's room. In a matter of seconds, Future has placed all her favorite dresses on the bed.

"What about this one?" She asks, holding a red dress.

"Am not really into dresses," I confess.


"Yes! This one." Future says and hands me a black dress pushing me into the bathroom.

I strip out of my shirt and shorts, then put the dress on. It hugs my body perfectly and rests just above my knees. My chest is exposed but not too much.

I walk out to show Future.

"And?" I asked Future.

"Yes girl, god! You have the body of a goddess." Future says and I blush.

"Thanks," I tell Future.

"Now that I think about it, can you wear my clothes for my next clothing line?" Future asks.

"Whoa, I think the hormones are kicking in," I say with a smile.

"Can you at least think about it, your body is times better than the models I have worked with," Future pleads and I nod.

"Now we have to get heels," Future says.

"Whoa, you got to choose the dress. I think it's only fair I choose the shoes, don't you think?" I say.

"Okay fine," Future gives in, and I walk out, making my way to my room.

I walk into a silent room and grab my white Adidas superstar sneakers and put them on.

I walk back to Future's room and walk into Future combing her hair. She has changed into a red dress that rests on her knees.

I sit on the bed and watch her as she applies a bit of makeup. After what seems like an eternity, she finally finishes her makeup.

"Your turn," Future says, and pulls me to the chair she was sitting on earlier.

"No, I'm fine," I tell Future.

"Let me at least curl your hair," Future begs.

"Okay, fine, but no makeup," I say, and she nods.

I sit still as she combs my hair and curls it at the end. She takes out a lip gloss and before I can protest, she puts it on my lips.

Once she's done, I look at the mirror. The lip gloss she used is nude. She slips in her red heels.

Jesus! She is pregnant and still wears heels.

"All done, now we can go," Future says, and grabs her purse.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Eight-thirty," Future says. We walk to the door, but we don't make it, as Future almost damages my eardrums.

"Oh no!" Future says and looks at me like I'm a ghost.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You are wearing sneakers," Future says and I sigh and drag her out the door.

"They are comfortable, unlike those heels of yours," I say as we walk down the steps.

"You are not normal. Who wears sneakers going to a club?" Future asks.

"Me," I say, and we walk to the living room.

"Where the hell are you two going?" Tay asks and stands up from the couch.

"Out," I say as Future grabs Andrew's car keys.

"There's no way in hell I'm allowing you to step out that door wearing that," Tay says and Andrew walks in.

"Well, it's good that you are not my boss, Tay," I say through my teeth.

"What's going on?" Andrew asks.

"We are going out," Future tells Andrew.

"Babe, you know it's not safe for you to go out, especially in your condition," Andrew reasons, but Future is breathing fire right now.

"Okay fine, but please be careful," Andrew says after he realises that Future is about to explode.

Future grabs my hand and drags us out the door.

"Olivia, get your ass back in here I'm serious," Tay booms as we walk towards the car.

"Bye." I wave and get into the passenger seat and Future in the driver's seat.

The club is already packed with horny teenagers dancing like there's no tomorrow. We walk through the sweaty teenagers.

"Hey," Future greets the bartender as we sit on the bar stools.

"Can I get a martini and a glass of water, please?" Future asks the bartender.

"Sure," the guy says and gets to work. I wonder if Peter still works here or not. I hope Tay didn't fire him.

The bartender places a glass of martini and water in front of Future.

"Thanks," Future says and turns to hand me a glass of martini. I take a sip and watch as people dance.

After hours of ordering drinks, we head to the dance floor. The drinks are kicking in and for once I feel free. Nothing to worry about.

"I missed this," Future says through the loud music. My feet ache. I'm surprised Future is not tired yet since she is the one wearing heels.

"I'm going to the bartender island okay," I shout to Future's ear, and she nods.

I sit on the barstool and watch Future; no one would suspect that she is pregnant the way she is dancing.

"Can I have a bottle of water, please?" I ask the bartender. Ordering another martini is not a good idea. I'm wasted as it is.

'Here you go, miss," The bartender says and I grab the bottle of water and open it.

I take a large gulp and place it on the counter. I was lost in Future's dancing that I didn't even notice someone sitting next to me.

"Penny for your thoughts," a voice says, and I gasp.

"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me," I said to the guy and placed my hand on my pounding chest.

"Sorry," the guy apologizes

"Am Liam, by the way?" Liam says and places his hand in front of me to shake.

"Olivia," I say, and shake his hand.

I grab my bottle of water and drink. "Is this your first time here?" Liam asks.

"No, it's my second time," I say, and continue to drink my water.

"Did you come alone?" Liam asks.

"No, I'm with a friend," I tell Liam.

"Mmm," Liam hums. My bladder annoys me. It has the worst timing ever. I'm in a club for god's sake.

"Excuse me," I say and stand up, but my vision becomes foggy for a second and I lose my balance, but strong hands grab me.

"Whoa, are you okay?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, and he lets go.

"I'm just going to the restroom," I say, and walk to the restroom with a foggy vision, but luck has never been on my side.

Someone grips on my arm and before I can do anything he covers my mouth and drags me somewhere. My body feels funny, it's giving up, and I don't know why.

My back hits a wall, and I wince in pain, "Beautiful," a voice says, I know the voice, but I can't remember whose. I try to open my eyes, but they won't open.

What is happening to me? Why can't I move or open my eyes?

"So naïve, learn to hold your drink when you are at a bar," a voice says, and I recognize it as Liam's.

Did he drug me?

I feel his lips on my neck, his hand caressing my thigh. I try to fight him, but my body is just numb, and my breath hitches on my throat when he pulls my panties down.