
His To Marry

“Do you, Tay Payne, take Olivia Ferguson as your lawfully wedded wife?” Olivia Ferguson is perfect in the eyes of the public but she is weeping on the inside. Best selling author yet unknown. Parents who will do anything to look good in the media. Olivia just graduated from the Universityof Johannesburg and is set to marry a successful entrepreneur Tay Payne. She is instantly attracted to him on the first meet but she doesn’t want to be involved with him romantically because she has a devastating past and only living because she opened her eyes in the morning. Tay Payne is a young powerful billionaire, the eligible bachelor of Sandton and he knows it. His brothers are everything to him. She is a puzzle to him and he is determined to complete the puzzle no matter what but he is not without his faults. Join the world of secrets, lies, passion and betrayal

PearlMampetlana · Urban
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39 Chs

chapter 27

"How could you allow him to do that?" Andrew asks.

"What kind of evidence did David's lawyer show him?" I ask.

"I'm afraid I don't know," the lawyer says.

"I know my brother like the back of my hand. He will destroy Payne Corporations in a matter of seconds," Chris says and sits back on the chair. I know I don't know David that well but I think Chris is right; he will drive Payne Corporations to the mud.

"Is Tay going to be released?" Nate asks.

"Yes, he's just signing some papers," the lawyer informs us and I release a heavy breath I didn't realise I was holding. At least he is getting released, that's all that matters. David will have to wait. One thing I know about Tay is that he doesn't decide without having a reason or backup. A door opens and Tay walks out, rubbing his wrist. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I couldn't help myself but run to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck and his arms go around my waist. We stay like this for a while, none of us wanting to break the moment.

"Can I have my turn now?" Nate asks, pulling me away from Tay, and I swat his arm, but he chuckles and hugs his brother. Andrew and Future hug him too and when his father hugs him, something changes in him. I don't know what exactly, but he didn't react the way he usually reacts when his father hugs him.

"Are you okay?" I ask, checking his wrist. They are slightly bruised from the handcuffs.

"I will live...come on let's get out of here." With that, he entwined our fingers together, and we all walked out.

"So, any inmates' friends you made in there?" Nate asks, and Andrew smacks the back of his head.

"What the—" Nate cuts off his sentence and rubs the back of his head.

"If you have nothing productive to say, shut that pipe of yours," Andrew says and I chuckle. Nate is a sweetheart; I have never met someone so full of life and carefree like him.

We walk to Andrew's car, Nate slides first in the passenger seat from the other door on the left side, and Tay opens the right one for me to get in.

"My house," Tay tells his father and guides me in. I'm in the middle of Nate and Tay, Andrew and Future in the front. I rest my head on Tay's shoulders as Andrew drives away from the police station. Tay wraps his arms around my torso, pulling me closer to him than before.

Andrew drives into the garage and parks his car. We all climb out and walk inside.

"So, what made you to hand everything to David?" Andrew asks that we all have been wondering for the past forty-five minutes.

"Let me shower first, eat, then I will explain everything." Tay request, we all nod in understanding. I walk towards the living room, but he grabs my arm.

"Come with me," Tay begs, and we ascend the stairs to our room.

"What happened that made you snap the way you did?" I ask as Tay takes off his sweater.

"Shower with me?" Tay changes the subject.

"Why are you avoiding the elephant in the room?" I ask figuratively. Tay sighs and walks towards me in his boxers. My body hits up from the closeness of his body. He slowly runs his fingers up my arm, leaving a burning sensation behind, and my breath hitches in my throat.

"Tay," my voice comes out as a moan, and I mentally smack my head for not being able to think straight whenever he is so close. And by the looks of it, he knows how my body reacts to his.

"Shhhh, just enjoy the moment," Tay says, his figure tips tugging at my t-shirt.

"But—" Tay places his finger on my lips.

"Don't think about what happened today." Tay whispers; chills run up and down my spine.

"What should I think about then?" I ask, my chest heaving up and down.

"About adding this next forty-five minutes part of our story," Tay says, and before I can reply. He molds his lips with mine, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls my t-shirt over my head, revealing my breasts, and attacks my lips again. I tug the roots of his hair, and he moans, sending tingles down my spine. He bites my lower lip and I gasp and he takes it as an advantage and slid his tongue in, and within seconds our tongues move in sync. He pinches my nipple, and a burning sensation forms in the pit of my stomach. He pulls my shorts along with my panties down and I step out. He hoists me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His prominent bulge hits my core, making me wetter than I already was. He walks to the shower and turns the water on. The warm water cascaded down our bodies, and this time I started the kiss. The kiss is fast, and I struggle to keep up with Tay's pace. My back hits the glass wall, and he puts me down and pulls his boxers down. I stare at his face, not once diverting my eyes to his length. He closes the space between us and places both his hands on my breasts, making my legs wobble.

I wrap my arms around his neck, but he takes them off and pin them above my head. He sucks my nipple, and I shut my eyes due to pleasure overtaking my body. He sucks harder and my mouth half open and I throw my head against the glass wall. Pure pleasure overtakes my body in ways I have never imagined. He trails kisses down my stomach, and I lift my body from the glass a little. He releases my arms and kneels in front of me.

"I love the fact that I'm the only one who gets to explore this body, the only man you have slept with on the same bed, the only one you take showers with, the only one who knows your secrets, the real you. The only one you get soaking wet without struggling." Tay says, and his tongue plays with my clit, and I bury my hands in his hair. His fingers circling the entrance of my sex.

"Tay," I moan out his name.

"Stop teasing me," I say through my rigid breaths. He stands up and rests his forehead against mine, his finger on my lower lip. I peck his lips and move my hand to his shaft. He feels hard but soft at the same time. Tay looks at me with curiosity and I look back at him shy. I do not know what to do, so I remove my hand from his erection, but he stops me and guides my hand up and down his erection. His eyes close in pleasure and I increase my speed.

"Fuck! Keep doing that, love," he moans, his accent coming out, and it's music to my ears. My finger grazes the head of erection and Tay trample before me and he releases his come on my stomach crashing into me.

"You don't know how much I want to be inside you right now," Tay confesses.

I stand against the glass wall, unable to speak or do anything. I know I am comfortable with him doing pleasurable stuff on me and I want to taste him but after I failed to have sex with other guys; I told myself that I will never attempt it with anyone ever again because of my condition. What if sleeping with Tay brings back those memories? I worked damn hard to get rid of them; I can't afford to have a relapse. I don't think I will handle it, and I will certainly go insane from the nightmares. I can't go back to using sleeping pills. It hurts like hell not to have nice dreams. It will take much more time to recover than the last time. I get Tay is my husband, and he may sleep with me, but I can only offer him this much. I shouldn't have gotten so deep with him. Now I have a big dilemma, I'm afraid I'll be able to handle. I can't expect him to wait for me to decide; he has needs as a man. I know he is in control of my body, but I cannot come to terms with an idea of us making love. Why can't I have a normal life? Why wasn't my childhood as easy as others'?

I feel like my life is a book or movie that people are watching or reading. It is full of drama and complications more than the telenovelas I used to watch. Sometimes I wish I was a character in a movie or book, at least that way I would get a happy ending like the books I read. I remember reading a book series called Chasing Red and Always Red by Isabelle Ronin. That book was addictive that I had lost count of how many times I read it, I got lost in it, I even wished I was living the character's life instead of my own.

To me, Veronica was one of the bravest characters I had ever read about. I could relate to her in so many ways. Her past was painful, just like mine, and we both prefer to just bury it. We pretend as if it doesn't exist daily, but at night they haunt us in our sleep. She had Caleb, a man who loved her to an extent that it consumed him. She built walls around herself, afraid to give love a chance because she thought she will get hurt when in reality he had only pure intentions about her; to love, spoil and assure her that the world is not entirely cruel as the part she experienced. She was going to be happy only if she gave herself a chance in love. Now that I think about it, Veronica and I are quite similar in a way.

"I know you are not ready for that step, and I would never force you to do anything. I respect you way too much." Tay brings me back from my train of thoughts. I stare at him, and he caresses my cheekbone with his thumb. My eyes close on their own accord, welcoming the warm feeling traveling down my body.

"I know how hard it is for you to open up about your feelings. You are beautiful in and out, never doubt that. You can lean on me at the edge of the night, you are safe in my arms, and you will always be." Tay whispers, his breath sending pure bliss down my body.

"Don't think too much about it. I will live once I have a cold shower," Tay says, and guilt forms in the pit of my stomach.

"Don't do that," Tay scolds, and I snap my eyes up to meet his.

"What?" I ask.

"That face, I didn't tell you so that you could feel guilty. You should be proud that you made this guy…" Tay points a finger at himself. "Hard as hell!" he finishes, and my lips form a smile.

"Come on, let's wash you up," Tay says. He washes my body and hair. After the shower, I wrap my body with a towel.

"I will be with you guys later. Right now, I need a cold shower," Tay says, and I nod with a smile on my face. He didn't shower when I was showering, he was helping me.

I walk into the closet and pull out a white sweater and a black legging. I put them on after I pull my panties up my legs. I leave my hair to air dry, put on slippers, and walk out of the room.

I find Nate, Andrew, Future, and Chris sitting around the kitchen island.

"Where is Tay?" Chris asks.

"He will be down in a minute," I tell Chris, and grab an apple from the wire basket on the kitchen counter and sit on the barstool.

"So, guys, what do you think happened?" Future asks.

"I honestly have no idea. I can't think of anything. Tay has never let his anger control him. Whatever it is must be bad." Andrew tells us and I'm sure many of you guys know the say that says,' speak of the devil, and he shall appear'

Tay walks in and sits next to me, grabbing the apple I was eating. If it's not Nate with my coffee now, it's the big brother.


"Why did you do it?" Chris asks his son.

"I gave up everything for a reason, even though you might not understand now. You will someday," Tay says casually, as if it's not a big deal.

"What is the secret, I like secrets?" Nate asks and I roll my eyes.

"And you are also bad at keeping them," Tay says, and Nate pouts.

"Okay, I understand even though I don't understand," Nate says, and Andrew smacks the back of his head.

"Dude, you gotta stop doing that!" Nate says as he rubs the back of his head.

"And you gotta stop thinking like a ten-year-old kid," Andrew says, and shakes his head in disbelief. It is never a dull moment with Nate.

"What does he have on you?" Chris asks his son.

"Do you really want to know because I can assure you it's not about me at all?" Tay asks, with venom in his voice.

What the hell is going on? Tay has never spoken like that to his father.


"You know, when I was young, I thought you were my hero, but... now that I think about it; you are an excuse for a man." We all gasp at Tay's sudden outburst.