
His To Marry

“Do you, Tay Payne, take Olivia Ferguson as your lawfully wedded wife?” Olivia Ferguson is perfect in the eyes of the public but she is weeping on the inside. Best selling author yet unknown. Parents who will do anything to look good in the media. Olivia just graduated from the Universityof Johannesburg and is set to marry a successful entrepreneur Tay Payne. She is instantly attracted to him on the first meet but she doesn’t want to be involved with him romantically because she has a devastating past and only living because she opened her eyes in the morning. Tay Payne is a young powerful billionaire, the eligible bachelor of Sandton and he knows it. His brothers are everything to him. She is a puzzle to him and he is determined to complete the puzzle no matter what but he is not without his faults. Join the world of secrets, lies, passion and betrayal

PearlMampetlana · Urban
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39 Chs

chapter 24

I cannot believe that Tay left with that bimbo; well, she said she wanted him to meet someone, and I refused to go with them. Now I'm bored out of my mind. Melta can't stop touching Tay, and my anger increases by the minute. I take a sip from the glass of wine, my eyes still on them. If looks could kill, Melta would be six feet under the ground.

My phone buzzes, and I break my gaze from where Tay is.


"Whoa! I take it as someone pissed you off?" Future asks.

"Some chick called Melta," I informed Future.

"Then what I'm going to tell you will piss you even more."

"What?" I ask.

"They used to hook up, but I'm not sure."

"Future you are not helping my situation here."

"You asked, but don't worry I heard she got married a few days ago to some business, old tycoon."

"The way her hand is clawed at Tay, it's like she is not even married at all," I tell Future.

"The old hag must be bad in bed." I chuckle.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I can bet that he cannot keep up with her libido. I wouldn't be surprised if one day the old hag dies while they are fucking each other." I laugh out loud, heads turn to look in my direction, and I bite my lower lip to prevent a laugh from coming out. I meet my mother's gaze, and she has a 'Don't you dare and embarrass me in front of everyone 'look.

"I'm hanging up; my mom is looking at me like a piece of meat!" I chuckle, and she giggles, saying goodbye.

I escape when my mother tries to talk to me and rush to the restroom. To say my heels are killing me is an understatement. I walk into the quiet restroom and make my way to the mirror.

I take off my heels and place them on the counter. The door opens and Tay walks in.

"You realise that this is the ladies' restroom, right?" I ask, but he ignores me and locks the door.

"I made my wife a promise that I won't let her get bored," Tay says and crashes his lips with mine. I don't respond for seconds because of shock, but end up responding. I tug the roots of his hair and he moans. His hands move to the end of my dress and move up my thigh. Chills run up my spine and my stomach erupts with butterflies.

"Tay, we are in the restroom," I say weakly.

"You don't know how badly I have been holding myself back. Fuck," Tay says against my lips. His tongue asks for entrance and I let it in. He thrust his tongue in my mouth like there's no tomorrow. His fingers play on my panties and my breath hitches in my throat.

"So wet," Tay says, and trail kisses down my jaw.

"Your body knows my touch, and I cannot wait to have my fingers in you," Tay says against my skin. He pulls down my panties and plays with my clit. I clench on the edge of the bathroom counter to keep myself from falling. I bit my lower lip as Tay continues to bring me pleasure. And it's the best feeling ever.

"So beautiful." with that, Tay slowly inserts his finger into my sex. I moan and bury my head in the crook of his neck. He pumps in and out so fast that you wouldn't even be able to count the thrusts. I place my hands around his neck, and he adds one more finger, and I don't think I will handle it. My walls build up around his fingers.

"I'm coming," I tell Tay.

"Hold on a little longer." With that, Tay increases his pace, and seconds later, we reach our climax together. The restroom is filled with our panting. Tay is still inside me, his face buried in the crook of my neck.

After we catch our breaths, Tay pulls out, and I suddenly feel empty. I watch as he licks his fingers.

"You taste so good," he says and crashes his lips with mine. I bury my hands in his hair and he moans.

"Let's get out of here?" Tay suggests, and I nod. He helps me fix my dress and hair. I put the heels back on, and we walk out as if nothing happened in the restroom. We get in the backseat

"Come here," Tay demand and I look at him as if he has grown two heads.

"We are in a car and Justice could see us," I whisper to him, but he pulls me to his lap. Justice doesn't turn through the trimmed mirror between us.

"Justice can't see or hear us," Tay says, and I pull my lip between my teeth. He pulls me even closer and my breath hitches on my throat when I feel his throbbing shaft under me. I had totally forgotten that he took my panties in the restroom. He pulls me back and forth on his erection. The clothing separating us makes me hold on to him and increase my speed to feel more friction.

"Oh shit!" Tay holds me so right that a whimper leaves my lips, but I don't have time to deal with it as pressure builds in the pit on my stomach.

"You are doing so fucking good, love," Tay says as he increases the speed, and soon enough we both reach our climax. He holds me as we are both catching our breath. He places me on the seat and says, "Look at what you do to me," There is a little wet spot on his pants and I blush and fix myself. The car comes to a stop and we climb out.

We walk up the stairs to our room. I take off my heels and Tay wraps his arms around me from behind. He sucks my collarbone.

"I like the dress on you." Tay sucks my collarbone again, sending chills up my spine.

"But I like you more when you are naked." my breath hitches in my throat. Tay sucks my collarbone again. His hand unzips my dress. Within seconds, my dress is on the floor, and he turns me around. His eyes are now dark with desire and my stomach is in butterflies.

"You are so fucking beautiful," Tay says, and crashes his lips with mine. I bury my hands in his hair and he releases a moan. His hands go around my waist, he dominates the kiss, and I struggle to keep up with his pace. His tongue slid into my mouth and chills ran up my spine. I tug at the roots of his hair, and he moans. I don't know why, but I love hearing those sounds from him. I slowly remove his jacket with my shaky hands, and before I can unbutton his shirt, he rips it off his body in one swift motion.

He moves his hand to unclasp my bra, and my breasts bounce to his display.

"I love your tits," he says and takes my nipple in his mouth.

"They are round and big, so natural." He whispers against my lips, molds our lips together and leads us to the bed without breaking the kiss, and hovers over me, trailing kisses down my jaw. He sucks my neck, and I close my eyes at the sensation forming in my stomach. I dip my head further into the pillow as he sucks my nipple. I release a moan, and he sucks harder than before.

"You Taste So Good." Tay says against my nipple and my back arches.

He trails kisses down my stomach while his other hand works on my hard nipples.

"Wet already," Tay comments as he watches my sex. The bulge is prominent in his trousers and can't help but wonder how big he is.

He sucks my inner thigh before going to my sex and I clench and unclench on the bed sheets, trying to control my breathing. My breath hitches in my throat the moment Tay's tongue connects with my clit.

Tingles danced around my body and my hands tugged the roots of his hair involuntarily.

"Are you okay?" Tay asks and I nod, as I seem to have lost my voice right now. He attacks my clit again roughly and hard and I let out a cry of pleasure.


He places his hand on my stomach and places the other one at the entrance of my sex; teasing the hell out of me.

"Tay," I moan his name.

"Hmm," Tay hums.

"Stop teasing me," I almost snapped at him.

"Very well then." with that, Tay thrust his finger in me, and I let out another cry of pleasure. My eyes close on their own and Tay increases his speed. He pumps in and out fast, hard, and rough. He pulls away and before I can complain, he enters me again. This time with two fingers, and he thrusts deep and hard. I can feel my walls building around him, and seconds later, I reach my climax. We stay silent for a few minutes, trying to calm our breaths.

Tay hovers above me and wastes no time attacking my lips. The kiss is slow and loving, but demanding at the same time. He slid his tongue in and Goosebumps erupt. Seconds later, he pulls away and walks to the bathroom without saying a word. I stare at the ceiling, trying to catch my breath, and within seconds he comes out wearing boxers and lies next to me. He pulls me to his hard toned build up chest.

"Good night, love," he whispers softly in my ear. "Good night Tay," I close my eyes to sleep with a smile. After so many years of trying to give my body to a man and I finally did it.

Shivers run up my spine. Why? I don't know. I can't help but moan when I'm supposed to be asleep. I open my eyes to find Tay sucking my nipple and playing with my breasts.

"Morning, wife," Tay says and pecks on my lips.

"Morning, Husband," I smile at him. He grabs my head and crashes his lips with mine. The kiss is demanding and hard. I run my hands through his hair, and he moans. He pulls away, and we both try to catch our breaths. His forehead resting on mine.

"Come take a shower with me?" Tay suggests, and my eyes widen.


"Shower with me?" Tay says, and I capture my lower lip between my teeth.

"I want your scent all over me or else I won't be able to work today," Tay informs me, and I battle with myself whether or not to shower with him. I mean he has seen me naked, but I haven't seen him.

"Okay," and that was enough for Tay to pick me up in bridal style and walk to the bathroom.

I was already naked, so I turned the shower on and closed my eyes as the hot water hit my body. Seconds later, hands run up my naked body and chills run up my spine. His length pokes me from behind, and I release a shaky breath. I turn around and look into his captivating grey eyes. He looks handsome even in a shower. I grab the shower gel and pour it on the shower sponge. I wash his toned chest and I finally see his big, long erection. I can feel his gaze on me as I watch it and wondering how the hell it is going to fit in me the day, we decide to have sex.

He grabs my hand and takes the sponge away from me. "Let me," Tay says, and runs the sponge over my body. I watch as he trails the sponge down my body. Seconds later he washes my hair and I moan as his finger caresses my scalp.

"If you moan again, I will have no choice, but to take you against the cold tile in here," my insides throbs, and I release a shaky breath. Tay's gaze on my lips sends chills running up my spine. If I don't get out of here, shit is going to happen. Tay leans in, and I make my escape.

He chuckles. "We sleep in the same bed. You can't run away forever," he shouts and I walk into the closet. I dry myself and dress up in leggings and a sweater. I leave my hair to air dry and walk out. Voices are heard as I walk down the staircase.

"Nate, we can't keep doing this," a voice says, and I stop in my tracks. I know it's not well to eavesdrop, but my curiosity is bigger than the planet itself.

"We can, Rachel. I don't care that you are older than me. I love you, and that's all that matters." To say I am shocked is an understatement.

Rachel and Nate.


Why didn't anyone see it?

How long have they been together?

"Nate, I could practically be your mother! This is wrong and you know it. No one will ever accept it and the last thing I want is to be called a cougar," Rachel says harshly. It is clear in her voice that she is scared to be judged by the society.

"Don't talk like that," Nate says, and I stay glued to my spot, listening.

"I don't know, Nate. We started this for all the wrong reasons," Rachel says.

"Hey, listen to me. I love you and I would allow no one to insult you. Believe me, do you?" Nate asks softly.

"I need to go before anyone sees me," Rachel says. I wait and after what seems like forever, I hear footsteps approaching my direction. I hide and watch Nate walk to his room.

Looks like Rachel finally got the player to settle down.

I continue my journey to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee. I sit on the barstool and seconds later Tay walks in, holding his tablet with a frown on his face. I take a sip from the mug and watch as he keeps tapping on his tablet. He hasn't even noticed me, what a husband I have.

He knocks on the tablet, and I frown. If I don't step in the poor tablet will surely receive the ends of it.

"Let me see?" I say, and he snaps his head in my direction. He sighs and hands it to me.

"The stupid tablet doesn't want to start and I need to send something."

I almost...almost let out a laugh but contain myself. I fix it for him and hand it back.

"What is this?" Tay asks.

"It needed to be updated, that's why you couldn't open it. Your software expired, so I downloaded a new one for you." I take a sip from the mug, and Tay frowns yet again. Nate walks in holding a book. Tay looks at him like he has grown two heads.

"Since when do you read?" Tay asks.

"Wow! I'm hurt, big brother! What kind of question is that?" I chuckle and Tay sighs like he is done with Nate. Nate sits on the barstool, and Nate being Nate he pulls my mug, takes a sip and continues reading, "We still need to talk about the car racing thing, I can't have you doing illegal street racing and except me to bail you out every time Nate. I thought we had an agreement?" Tay says, but it's like he is talking to a wall. He gives up and plants a kiss on my forehead, then walks out.

"Nate?" I say.

"Yes?" Nate says, with his eyes still glued to the book. I sigh and grab the book away from him.

"Hey!" he whines, and I roll my eyes.

"Why haven't you said anything about you and Rachel," I ask, and he sighs.

"I wanted to, but Rachel doesn't want me to tell anyone. We can't go out on dates because she is ashamed to be seen with me or for people to call her a sugar mama or cougar." Nate informs me.

"I'm sure it will get better." I tell Nate.

"I just hope my brothers take it as easily as you did. The age thing is already causing trouble for us; she is like five years older than me." Nate says and runs his hand through his hair.

"You are turning nineteen tomorrow. Maybe it will ease her mind a little," I say and Nate nods.