
His Sweetness

[ Real name of the novel is His Sweetheart] Marrying her he didn't plan to she wasn't the one who was going to be his bride. Keeping her with him he also didn't plan to but he did. She wasn't made for his world. He knew he was going to ruin her, he will break her. But he was going to cage her just for himself because she was his to touch,his to ravish,his to devour,his to cherish. She belongs him he made sure of it. She was his dangerous yet a peaceful desire. He is Michael Kingston and he gets what he wants. She had no choice but to marry him. She was going to pay for her sister mistake to save her father. She didn't know what she was putting herself in. She was in the arms of demon. [ also available on booknet! since webnovel is not letting me have its real name due to someone else having this name that's why hope you enjoy!]

WJiya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Chapter 1


"Why you went there when I told you not to go" dad who was shouting at Kate while I was standing in the corner of the room with my head down." You know I owe him debt then why did you go to Kingston club" ." Dad I went there with my friends" she was arguing back. "Then why you fuck that bastard tell me Kate you know how dangerous he is ". Dad cursed and I know he was loosing his clam. I didn't did it intentionally dad I was drunk! She said. I flinched when I heard the sound of slap that echoed through the room. And now he wants t marry you,you idiot!! He screams. Suddenly a hard knock was heard. He is here Kate Anna go to your room and don't come out till I say got it said dad we went to our rooms. I sat on my bed not knowing what's happening down there.


Kendrick went to open the door. Mr Kingston you are here he said with fear. Uncle you're older than me call me Michael instead of Mr Kingston. Michael said with a chuckle "Am I not allowed in Mr Kendrick"." Yeah sure sure come in". "Where is my bride Mr Kendrick bring her out' saying this he made himself comfortable on the couch his guards were standing beside him." Please Micheal let go of my daughter she is naive she didn't know what she did please". Anna dad was kneeling in front of him begging for his daughter. "Oh don't tell me how naive she is I saw her last night and got to know how naive she is! Bring her out" he said signalling to his guards. "Let go of me!!" He heard her shouting at his guards who brought her there.

He stood in front of her. "Please let go of me last night was a mistake I won't do it again please!" Kate was begging him but did it affect him no not a little bit of it. "Please leave my daughter" Anna stepmom said to him "she won't do it again". "Tie them up!" Her parents were now tied to the chairs." Baby girl you should have thought that before doing it now face the consequences". He held her jaw tightly while saying "and don't forget to dress beautifully I want my bride to look beautiful and Mr Kendrick I want my bride at the asile on time or else you know me too well". With that he left. Her parents got themselves free Kate mom hugged her saying to her dad "honey can't Anna marry him" she flinched at his voice "shut up  if she listened to me this wouldn't have happened and he likes Kate not Anna"


I heard his voice and it already gave me a bad vibe and image of his in my mind. He sounded dangerous. The door of my room opened and saw my dad he sat with me on my bed. "I don't want kate to marry him but I have no choice because I took a lot of money from his dad and now the company is under him I can't pay the debt what should I do" his voice was broken. "Dad why you took so much money from his dad" I asked him out of curiosity to know why he took such a big amount of money which now he can't pay it back. "You were little when your mom became sick I didn't had money that time so I took it from them for your mother's treatment but she didn't survived" I hugged my dad and patted his back who was now crying and me too. "Everything gonna be fine dad" I said to him. "Now stop crying okay".I look at the time and I was getting late for my job. "Dad I gotta go I'm getting late". I kissed his cheek and went out only to be stopped by my stepmom"where do you think you are going take an off today" she said.

"I can't if I do boss will cut half of my salary" I answered her back. She rolled her eyes at me okay go be back on time. Okay ma. I went out. Can't Kate work for herself she always take all of my money and give it to Kate I can't even buy anything for myself. I can't say anything because of my dad. I entered the cafe it was a lot busy then the others day. "Now you are here Anna get to work!!" I heard Liam shouting at me from afar he is a nice guy tho. "okay!" I shouted back. Let's get to work Anna. God there were a lot of order and customers toady time flowed by and I didn't realize that its time to go home. "Hey! Anna want me to drop you off today?" Liam asked me. "No it's okay I can go by myself"."Are you sure?". "Yes Liam I am sure good bye!"."Bye Anna!" He waved his hand at me. Let's go home.

It's dinner time but I straight went to bed early I was tired and tomorrow is Kate's wedding even tho it's her wedding but I'm nervous here.with the I drifted off to sleep. "Wake up Anna!!!!" Someone was shouting at me. I opened my eyes and got a clear view of my stepmom standing in front of me. "Yes mom do you need something?" I asked cuz she never comes to my room. She held my hand and started dragging me out towards Kate's room. When we entered her room I saw Kate with a boy. "Who is he?' I asked. He is my boyfriend Kate answers my causally. "But aren't you going to get married today". I told her. "You not me what do you think I'm going to pay for the debt that your father took from them for your sick mothers treatment". " You are going to pay for it". Kate said making my eyes turn wide.