
His Sweet Virgin( Caught In His Passion)

It all began when Sephy Bradford returned home to attend her twin sister's wedding. But she found out that Violet didn't want to get married to the man their father chose for her and Sephy could understand why her sister is hesitant to marry him since he gives off a scary and intimidating vibe. So being the crazy one of the two, Sephy thought of a plan to get her sister out. And right on the day of the wedding, Sephy claimed herself to be his lover causing chaos which got the marriage canceled. The twins were thrilled that Sephy planned to work but what they didn't expect is that the man who they had tricked would come back for revenge. He came back right on Sephy's wedding and caused the same chaos and his chaos is by kidnapping her and taking her to his den where most of his illegal activities were carried out. Living in the Lion den with a man she hates, Sephy tried to escape but all of her plans were futile because he wouldn't let her go. To him she must pay for having wreak his marriage to her twin sister a year ago and the only way to do that is by keeping her by his side as his s*x toy. But all that will change when someone.....

Salman_Abiodun · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



Violet got out of the bathroom only to see the door which had been closed a while ago open.

Why is it open? Isn't she a prisoner here? She thought as she pulled off the towel from her wet hair.

Getting to the entrance, she saw no guard at the door which got her wondering where they all went.

She was about to go back in when she realized something.

This could be her chance in escaping from this wretched place, she thought as she looked around for any sign of the guards that were meant to watch her but there was none.

She takes to her heels, her first task is to find out about Sephy's whereabouts, and from there on, they can both find a way to leave.

After all, two heads are better than one, she thought as she kept running.



"Have any info on Don?" Raphael asked.

"I don't but the little I heard is that he is planning something big, '' Rex replied as he kept searching for a file on his disorganized table.

"Can't Miranda do that for you?" Raphael asks, knowing Miranda is the one who always helps his brother due to his disorderly personality.

"She's busy with other stuff and besides she is starting to get on my nerves" Rex replied.

"Why? I thought you two are more fond of each other" Raphael said, folding his arms on his chest while waiting for his kid brother to reply.

"Find my foot! Am just like you" Rex answered quickly.

"And how am I?" Raphael asked.

"The sleep and no string attach type," Rex said and that got him laughing.

"You've got that right," Raphael said, staring at his watch.

"Did you get that when trying to have your way with that crazy twin?" Rex asked, referring to Sephy.

Raphael stared at his hand to see the scratch Sephy had left there.

"She's one hell of a wild cat," Raphael replied, remembering how she kept fighting him.

"Is that a smile I see on your face?" Rex asked, jolting him back to the present.

"What smile?"

"I saw it and you can't deny it. Has she gotten you falling for her already? Isn't that too soon?" Rex asked.

"She's got no one falling! I don't ever see myself falling in love and even if I were to fall for someone, it wouldn't be her'' Raphael declared.

"Fine then! Anything you say" Rex replied having a naughty look on his face and just then, the door barge opened revealing one of the guards working at Rex Quarters.

"She's the escape boss!" The guard said and that wiped off the smile on Rex's face.

"How exactly did that happen?" Rex asked as he left his seat, preparing to leave the office.

"The two guards stationed by her door both left for the toilet, apparently they had eaten something bad " the guard informed.

"And so they left her alone! They are both gonna live to regret it!" Rex barked out as he walked off with the guard while Raphael shook his head.

Both twins are crazy and troublesome, he thought as he picked up his phone to call someone.


After a few minutes of searching for the entrance, Violet finally got out of Rex Quarters.

But as soon as she got to the field, she saw three guards waiting for her and immediately she took the other direction which led to the training ground.

A training ground that has five students training with a gun while Justin instructed them on what to do.

"Put down your elbow, aim for the target, and shoot" Justin instructed as he stood behind a guy and at that precise moment.

A girl ran into their midst being pursued by the guards causing a distraction.

The student he was training chose that moment to shoot and on hearing the gunfire.

Violet stops in fear, crouching on the grassy floor.

On seeing this, Justin ran towards her and knelt in front of her.

"Are you okay?" He asked and Violet stared up at him In fear.

For a while, Justin was taken aback by her beauty but then he controlled the weird feeling in him and focused on the situation at hand.

"Are you okay?" He asked again and slowly Violet shook her head.

"I don't think...I don't...think...am...okay" Violet stuttered before losing consciousness.

She fell straight into Justin's arms and that was how Rex and his men found them when they arrived.

"She ran into the training ground just when he was about to shoot. She got scared by the shot and fainted, I should take her to the...."

"Let it be! I will handle it from here" Rex said moving towards Justin to take the sleeping Violet.

"Are you sure she doesn't need to be taken to the infirmary?" Justin asked as he reluctantly gave Violet to him.

"She doesn't and I know what my girl needs" Rex added as he walked off with Violet while Justin watched.



Ginger and Miranda were heading to Raphael's room when they came across Madam Jojo.

"Does that perhaps belong to Raphael's current lover?" Ginger asked Madam Jojo who gave her a snort in reply.

"I know you don't like me and believe me when I say the feeling is mutual but still I am higher in rank than you and so I suggest you show me the respect I deserve or I will get Raphael to fire you, do you want that?" Ginger glared at Madam Jojo.

"She's got nothing to say because she's scared," Miranda added, eyeing Madam Jojo.

"I certainly do not want to be fired and surely you are higher in rank than me. What do you want from me?" Madam Jojo asked stiffly.

"I want to know if that girl is still in Raphael's room?" Ginger asked.

"She is and I was told to take these clothes to her and....."

"We will take it to her, " Miranda said airily, taking the cloth from her.

"But have been told to...."

"Don't worry! We will take care of her after all she's part of us now" Ginger said even as Miranda took the clothes from Madam Jojo and they both made their way to Raphael's room.

Sephy woke up on hearing the door open.

"Oh! She's just waking up" Miranda said as Ginger followed.

Sephy recognizes one of the girls and she's none other than the blonde who she saw having sex with Raphael the second girl strikes no memory for her.

"Hello, sweetie!" Ginger greeted me.

"You must be surprised to see us here but Raphael told us to come help you with anything you need, am Ginger by the way and she's Miranda" Ginger introduced while Miranda waved at her.

Sephy nodded towards them wondering what the two of them were after.

"So we've been told by Raphael to give you something to do," Miranda said.

"Something to do?" The confused Sephy asks.

"Yes. You see Raphael told us to find something for you to do and since we have some pending work, we decided to let you work on one but firstly, you must put on this shirt and jeans" Ginger said showing her a completely different cloth from the one Madam Jojo was bringing for her.

"But I don't know how to do any chore," Sephy said but Miranda pulled her up.

"Don't worry, we are willing to teach you but first you need to get dressed" Miranda told her as she pushed her towards the bathroom shutting the door.

"That bitch! She's all dressed in a short nightgown trying to steal my man" Ginger muttered in anger even as she glared at the doorway.

"Just be calm, with what we have in mind. She won't be wearing that shirt night dress and neither will Raphael want to lay a hand on her" Miranda said reassuring Ginger who smiled at her in return.

A while later, Sephy came out in very tight-fitting Jeans and a shirt.

"Um, I think this is very tight for me," Sephy said, pulling at the jeans.

"Tight! But I think it's lovely and it suits the type of task we have in mind for you" Miranda said in excitement even as she pulled Sephy out of the room while Ginger followed suit with a devilish smile on her face.



"Are you kidding me?" Sephy asked aloud as they stood in front of the dirty and smelly stable

"Well it's the only task available and it's not hard. You only have to shovel out the horse feces and that's all" Ginger said.

"But my clothes are tight and I don't....have never done this sort of thing before" Sephy stated.

"You can start now your clothes are the perfect attire for this sort of job," Miranda replied.

"So get to work sweetie," Ginger said as she and Miranda left Sephy alone at the stable.

A while later Raphael was heading to the equipment room with Louis accompanying him when he noticed some of his guards staring at something.

"What are you all doing?" Louis asked, startling them.

"Nothing sir!" One of the guards replied.

"You are meant to be on guard but instead you are being distracted by whatever is going on at the stable!" Louis lashed at them but Raphael gave him a calming look.

"Well it's just that...she....she is freaking hot," One guard said and that got Raphael interested.

"She's been shoveling for a while now and....and she's so hot," another guard said.

"Move aside," Raphael said as they made way for him.

He stood at the railing to see the person they were talking about and his eyes widened in shock when he saw who his guards were staring at and what she was wearing got his eyes widened more.....