
His Sweet Temptation

[ WARNING : MATURE CONTENT] Jing Yue is a renowned business man in Shanghai. He is a widower who lost his beloved wife when she went to labor leaving him with a broken heart and a pair of twins to take care of. Tang Ning is a girl from a humble family background who struggles to provide for her family and to also take care of her sick father. This is a story where two people from completely different worlds and ambitions meet and find love. ________ #Excerpt Finding the door slightly ajar, Jing Yue slightly pushed it and looked inside where his eyes met the most unexpected sight. The woman was in only her underwear as she was rummaging through the drawers while speaking on phone. His eyes became glued to the sight and his legs could not move away. One could never imagine that under the big sweater pants and shirts she wore was a slender and curvy figure. Her skin was spotless and it looked soft and smooth to the touch. "He is still as kind as he was in school," spoke Daiyu on the other line. "Yeah. He has always been kind," replied Tang Ning who was searching for her comb. "But I think that he treats me nicely because he wants my help in pursuing you," she spoke. "Then enjoy the moment," she replied and then landed on what she had been looking for then closed the drawers. "You're so cruel. So, are you serious that you're not giving him a chance?" "I am more than serious," she replied as she turned to walk towards the closet. "Why?" she asked. After getting her night wear, she said, "Because I don't- " She couldn't complete her statement when her eyes fell on the door and the next moment, she dropped her phone on the ground. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts even though she knew that it was too late.

Kironde_Mariam · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 52 Thank his stars

When Jing Yue's parents left, Tang Ning finally came out of her room. She had decided to wait in her room since she didn't want to intrude their private time.

Walking towards Huan's room, she found that she was sleeping soundly. She properly covered her and walked towards Juan's room whom she found concentrated on video gaming. Realizing that he didn't want to be disturbed, she left his room.

As she was walking towards her room, she remembered how Jing Yue helped her by coming up with a story for his parents and she thought that it was only decent if she thanked him.

Going to his study where he often spent his time, he was not there and she wondered if he was in his bedroom. She then decided to wait until the next time she will be seeing him.

In the end, she was bored and had nothing to do. Remembering something, she smiled and she dragged her feet towards a certain direction.

Before she could reach, her ears picked a certain sound and she paused before continuing to walk forward. On reaching, she caught sight of Jing Yue who was sitting in front of the piano as his long elegant fingers pressed the keys. The sight was eye catching, akin to a painting and she couldn't help but lean against a pillar as she watched him intently.

The music was serene, slow and relaxing.

Looking at him, Tang Ning wondered what such a man saw in someone like her.

Jing Yue who was busy playing the piano suddenly felt somebody's gaze on him and on turning, he caught sight of her.

She smiled sheepishly at being caught staring and left with no option, she walked to where he was.

Standing next to him, he stopped playing and she said," You're such a good pianist, Mr Jing Yue." "I'm not that good. You're far better than me," he said looking at her. "That is not true," she replied.

"You came to play?" he asked. "Yes. I thought no one was here," she replied.

He pushed himself to make space on the seat and said," Come and sit here."

Looking at the space, she gave it a thought before saying," I-I think I will just go back."

"Don't go. Come and have a seat with me," he insisted and she became still. She suddenly regretted why she came here.

Taking a deep breath, she took steps to where he was before taking a seat. They were sitting so close that she could inhale his scent. Turning to look at him, their faces were so close and she immediately looked at the piano. "Ain't you going to play?" she asked him, after clearing her throat. "No. Play something for me," he said, his breath falling on the skin of her neck. She immediately rubbed her nape where goosebumps had formed due to the ticklish feeling.

"S-something for you? I don't have anything in mind," she said, feeling her heart skipping several beats. "You can come up with anything," he said and soon, her fingers reached for the keys of the piano.

She then came up with a piece and when he didn't say anything, she asked," You like it?"

Giving no reply, he placed his hand on hers and she paused with what she was doing, turning to look at him questioningly.

"I haven't been able to forget about you however much I tried to," he said and her heart pounded in her chest at the words, not knowing what to say.

When he saw her speechless, he used the opportunity to say," Should I take your silence us acceptance?" Confused, she didn't know what to say.

He let go of her hand and placed his fingers on her neck before trailing them upwards and placing them below her chin, he turned her face to look at him.

He looked directly into her eyes as he moved his fingers along her neck. She quivered with his touch. He held her face in his palms and touched her forehead with his own. His nose rubbed onto hers and he saw her closing her eyes.

"Say yes to us," he whispered. "I don't promise to be perfect but I will do my best to make you happy. Give us a chance, please," he added and silence reigned between them. A while later, he felt her nod her head slightly.

He immediately opened his eyes wondering if he was hallucinating and he asked," Was that a yes?"

She nodded her head again with her eyes still closed.

He couldn't thank his stars enough for this moment. He hugged her tight like he didn't want to let her go, like ever. She slowly raised her arms and hugged him back.

Getting to her room, Tang Ning was grinning from ear to ear. She closed the door behind her and she went to sit on her bed. She didn't know if she had done the right thing, but she decided to follow her heart this time. If things didn't work out for the both of them, they could break up, after all, it wasn't like they were married.

The thought of having a boyfriend was unbelievable, and that, her boss, Mr Jing Yue.

She rolled on the bed and she got her phone before giving Daiyu a call.

After the two friends greeted each other, Tang Ning said," I really need to see you. I have something important to tell you." "I don't know if you can make it tomorrow. It's my day off," said Daiyu.

"Tomorrow? Alright. I will see if I will be able to make it," she replied. "What do you want to tell me? Give me a hint," said Daiyu. "Not here. I will tell you tomorrow at once," she answered. "Alright."

When it was time for supper, the four sat at the table and they ate quietly.

Tang Ning's eyes could subconsciously wander to look at Jing Yue whom she caught looking at her. Whenever their eyes met, he could smirk at her and she averted her gaze away from him.

When they finished, she tucked the kids into bed as usual and she walked to her room. Opening the door, she couldn't help but feel disappointed when she didn't find him there. She had thought that since they were a couple now, he would be here to wish her a good night. Closing the door behind her, she was yet to lock it when it was opened and she saw him.

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