
His Sweet Temptation

[ WARNING : MATURE CONTENT] Jing Yue is a renowned business man in Shanghai. He is a widower who lost his beloved wife when she went to labor leaving him with a broken heart and a pair of twins to take care of. Tang Ning is a girl from a humble family background who struggles to provide for her family and to also take care of her sick father. This is a story where two people from completely different worlds and ambitions meet and find love. ________ #Excerpt Finding the door slightly ajar, Jing Yue slightly pushed it and looked inside where his eyes met the most unexpected sight. The woman was in only her underwear as she was rummaging through the drawers while speaking on phone. His eyes became glued to the sight and his legs could not move away. One could never imagine that under the big sweater pants and shirts she wore was a slender and curvy figure. Her skin was spotless and it looked soft and smooth to the touch. "He is still as kind as he was in school," spoke Daiyu on the other line. "Yeah. He has always been kind," replied Tang Ning who was searching for her comb. "But I think that he treats me nicely because he wants my help in pursuing you," she spoke. "Then enjoy the moment," she replied and then landed on what she had been looking for then closed the drawers. "You're so cruel. So, are you serious that you're not giving him a chance?" "I am more than serious," she replied as she turned to walk towards the closet. "Why?" she asked. After getting her night wear, she said, "Because I don't- " She couldn't complete her statement when her eyes fell on the door and the next moment, she dropped her phone on the ground. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts even though she knew that it was too late.

Kironde_Mariam · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 50 I'm here for you

Checking under her pillow, she caught sight of a book and she picked it to check what it was about. Opening the first page, she read the words,' My diary, don't read it without permission.'

She laughed at the words and closed the book before placing it back.

Sitting in the room with absolute silence, she wondered if Huan had woken up or if the doctor had left.

As she was planning to go and check, the door was opened and she stood up the moment she saw who had entered.

"Mr Jing Yue," she called and she watched him close the door behind him.

"I-I thought that you were still discussing something with the doctor and I decided to wait here," she explained. He too did not expect to find her here.

Noticing something, he walked to her and got hold of her hand before looking at it.

Tang Ning too looked at her hand to see the red bruise that had formed on her wrist.

She remembered that it was when the man had gripped her hand and she forcefully pulled herself from his hold.

"What happened?" he asked and she softly gulped before lowering her head down. "Uh, I would like to first apologise as everything was my fault," she replied and when he didn't say anything, she continued," My sister came over but I swear that I didn't invite her and she also didn't tell me that she was coming."

She raised her eyes to look at his face expecting to see an angry expression but he was just calm.

"And when she was leaving, I decided to walk her outside and Huan said that she wanted to come with us. I couldn't say no because she was so excited and I also thought that it wasn't going to take long. But as we were still waiting for a cab..." Her voice trailed as she explained everything to him.

Reaching the part where Huan had gotten an attack, her voice chocked and she was was still clouded with the emotions she felt back then and her eyes glistened with tears.

"I am so sorry for making her go through something like this yet you warned me already. I understand if you don't want me to work here anymore," she said and the next moment, he pulled her into his embrace.

She got surprised at the action and she closed her eyes when she felt him rubbing and patting her back. Even though she knew that he had a soft spot for her, she didn't want to take advantage of that. "I will find them," said Jing Yue referring to the men that had caused this.

When he pulled away, she asked," Ain't you mad at me?" "It is not your fault," he said.

"But, my sister brought it all," she mentioned. "Didn't you say that you didn't invite her?" he asked.

"I'm always here for you. You shouldn't forget that," he said. "Thank you," she replied.

Remembering what he had said, she asked," You're going to look for them?" "Of course," he replied. "But..." "Tell me." "What if they go to our house and harm our father?" she asked.

He gave it a thought before saying," Then let's shift your father to somewhere safe."

Her eyes widened at that because she wasn't ready for it. "I hadn't thought about it and perhaps, I don't know if he will agree to it," she said. "You can try talking to him," he said before adding," You don't have to worry about a thing. You just have to convince him and leave the rest to me."

Going back to her room, she found Huan sitting on the bed and she quickly approached her. "Baby, are you fine?" she asked. "Water," she mumbled and she rushed to the table before getting some water from the jar.

Bringing the glass to her lips, she parted them and took a number of sips from the water.

"How are you feeling? Are you hurting anywhere?" she asked after placing back the glass. She shook her head and said," I want to sleep." "Okay. You can go to sleep," she said and she laid back on the bed before covering her with a blanket.

Before leaving the room, Tang Ning looked for her phone and on checking, she had a number of missed calls from Daiyu.

She then remembered that they had to meet and she called her back.

"Hey where are you?" asked Daiyu the moment she answered. "Where are you?" asked Tang Ning. "What do you mean by where am I? I'm at the cafeteria waiting for you for the past one hour. You've not been picking my calls," she said.

"I'm so sorry Daiyu I totally forgot. Something came up." "Don't tell me that you're not coming." "I'm so sorry but I can't," she said.

"Are you serious? What happened?" "Moyu came this side and you can't imagine what happened," she said before giving a brief account of what happened and she said," That is so terrible. Tell me how is she?" "Fortunately, she gained her consciousness but she's sleeping again," she said. "At least. I guess your boss is so mad right now. Did he talk about firing you?"she said.

"Surprisingly not," she said. "Hmm, how so?"

"I will tell you when I get to see you again. I'm sorry for not being able to come. I have to go now," she said before hanging up.

Making way to where the butler was, she said," Huan gained her consciousness." "That is great," he replied. "But she's sleeping again. Is it okay?" "Yes. She is usually lazy when she wakes up," he said and she nodded.

"That's why we prepare her special food to replenish her energy," he went further to explain. "So, she will eat it when she wakes up?" she asked and he nodded.

On getting away from there, she looked at the stairs that led to Jing Yue's room and she wondered if she should go and inform him that Huan had gained consciousness.

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