
His Sweet Temptation

[ WARNING : MATURE CONTENT] Jing Yue is a renowned business man in Shanghai. He is a widower who lost his beloved wife when she went to labor leaving him with a broken heart and a pair of twins to take care of. Tang Ning is a girl from a humble family background who struggles to provide for her family and to also take care of her sick father. This is a story where two people from completely different worlds and ambitions meet and find love. ________ #Excerpt Finding the door slightly ajar, Jing Yue slightly pushed it and looked inside where his eyes met the most unexpected sight. The woman was in only her underwear as she was rummaging through the drawers while speaking on phone. His eyes became glued to the sight and his legs could not move away. One could never imagine that under the big sweater pants and shirts she wore was a slender and curvy figure. Her skin was spotless and it looked soft and smooth to the touch. "He is still as kind as he was in school," spoke Daiyu on the other line. "Yeah. He has always been kind," replied Tang Ning who was searching for her comb. "But I think that he treats me nicely because he wants my help in pursuing you," she spoke. "Then enjoy the moment," she replied and then landed on what she had been looking for then closed the drawers. "You're so cruel. So, are you serious that you're not giving him a chance?" "I am more than serious," she replied as she turned to walk towards the closet. "Why?" she asked. After getting her night wear, she said, "Because I don't- " She couldn't complete her statement when her eyes fell on the door and the next moment, she dropped her phone on the ground. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts even though she knew that it was too late.

Kironde_Mariam · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 45 What we feel a chance

"I had no option. I badly wanted to see you yet you were not giving me the opportunity," he glanced at Mr Jing Yue who had come to where they were. "Mr Jing Yue, good evening," he greeted and he nodded. "How can we help you?" he asked standing next to Tang Ning.

"I'm sorry if I have inconvenienced you. I just wanted to see Tang Ning," he said.

"Why's that? Is everything okay?" he asked looking at Tang Ning who looked back at him.

"Yes. He wanted to tell me something about my father," she replied. "Is he okay?" he asked.

"Yes. He is fine now," she replied before adding," Feng Shufen is done with what brought him here. He was leaving."

"Uh, yes. I indeed have to go," said Feng Shufen who noticed the way the man refused to give them some space. It confirmed his suspicion that the man saw Tang Ning more than a mere employee. "Uh, have a good night," he said to no one in particular before walking to his car.

Tang Ning went to the twins' rooms and helped them with their bath before tucking them in the bed. Little Huan was too tired that she didn't wait for her to read a bed time story to sleep. After dimming the lights, she walked out of the room, and her eyes fell on Mr Jing Yue's room. The lights were turned off and she was sure that he was sleeping by now.

Her fingers touched her lips, where the soreness and swelling had dulled down.

She took a mental note of telling Daiyu about how she lost her first kiss, although she won't say to who in particular.

Reaching her room, she opened the door and got in. Her heart momentarily stopped beating when she saw him sitting on her bed.

"Mr Jing Yue," she called after a moment of gaining her composure.

When he didn't reply, she said," I am so tired right now. Can I have some sleep?"

He got up from the bed and walked to where she was. "I don't intend to keep you awake for so long. We have been having a lot of interruptions and it's why I decided to come here," he said standing before her. "What do you want?" she asked. "We have a conversation we didn't get to finish. Of where I told you how I feel about you," he said, not beating around the bush.

Tang Ning looked away from him and she said, "Of all the women in the world Mr Jing Yue, I don't get why you chose me." "It is quite simple. Because I like you. Because I haven't felt like this for so long. You are the only woman who has managed to evoke these feelings in me other than Liling," he said and he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked away from him and said," It might be because you were not giving yourself chance to be someone else."

"You're right about that and it's why I have decided to move forward. Let's give what we feel a chance," he spoke and she looked at him. "That cannot be possible," she whispered. "Why?" he asked. "Because, I cannot fill your wife's shoes," she said. "I don't need you to. I just want you to be you," he said and she shook her head.

"I don't have anything to offer," she said.

"You are enough for me. You're all I want," he said and she stepped away from him.

"I cannot do it Mr Jing Yue," she said shaking her head. "Is it because of Feng Shufen?" "I don't feel anything for him anymore," she replied. "Then what's stopping you?" he asked, confused. She took a while to say," I don't know what to say."

"Tell me what your heart has to say," he said his voice almost a plea.

When she didn't reply, he said, "If you don't feel what I feel for you just say it. I will leave right now and I will not bother you ever again," she heard him say and she closed her eyes.

"Just leave please," she said and heard him hum and a while later, footsteps, then the closing of the door.

She walked her wobbly legs towards the bed and she sat down. She couldn't deny that she liked him too but it scared her. It wouldn't be a normal relationship to begin with because first he is much older than her and he is a widower with kids. She didn't know how she was going to deal with the whole thing.

She wondered whom she should talk to about this. Getting her phone, she got her phone and texted Daiyu. "Hey there, are you sleeping already?" Shortly, a reply came," Not yet." "I need to see you. Have something important to discuss with you," she said.

"When do you want it to be?" she asked.

"Tomorrow. If possible," she replied. "Sure. No problem," she said. "Alright. Usual spot at exactly noon. Keep time," she sent.

The following day, Jing Yue wasn't present at the table during breakfast. "Did you have fun yesterday?" asked Tang Ning. "Yes but I wanted to stay at aunt FeiFei's place," replied Huan.

"You don't have to feel bad dear. You know that you can always go and visit them whenever you want," she said.

She glanced at Juan who was eating his breakfast and she asked," Should I add you more tea." On nodding, she poured more tea for him and as she was pouring for herself, she heard," Ms Tang Ning."

Looking over, it was one of the guards who had come. "Yes please?" "You have a visitor," he informed. "A visitor?" she asked. "Yes. She said that she's your sister," he said. "Tang Moyu?" she asked getting up. "Yes that's what she said her name was," he said before adding," She's at the gate."

"I want to meet your sister," said Little Huan and Tang Ning got her from the seat then walked with her outside. She wondered what Moyu was doing here.

Walking towards the gate, she caught sight of her waiting and she smiled on seeing her. "Tang Ning," she called as she walked towards her.

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