
His stubborn mate

what will happen when 20 year old independent mujde meets her mate the possessive king of all the alphas.

sara999 · Fantasy
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Just fantastic

Mujde pov....

It was never easy for me to move out from georgia it is my birthplace. It is where my pack is located. It is where I have memories with my parents how can I leave this place. but as usual my brother has a valid reason to leave because our most of the companies are located there and also my brother's mate's family lives there.

just take away every memory I had of those last moments with my parents and bury them. I don't want to remember those moments when my mother and father died saving me from the rouge king or my biological father. my hand was shaking when I went to pullout a cigarette and lit it as I scolded my self,I was acting like a frightened child just because of a damn nightmare. I'm sick of it. It's been years and that man still haunt my nightmares like some freddy krueger wanna be. I just want to forget, was that to much to ask?

* * *

A few hours later I came across a sign, Moscow 20 miles. Then as promised, twenty miles later I was greeted by another sign. welcome to Moscow was neatly carved on the massive wooden sign. "Moscow eh,?" I mumbled to my self as I entered the city. It had these historical and architectural monuments. It had some famous gardens, museum and cathedrals.

After driving through the city I came to a split road. The road slightly to my left would lead me further into the city; houses lined the streets at both the sides; people were out doing the shit people do in summer, kids playing happily under the suny sky.

The road straight ahead of me however would also lead me through the city, the houses unlike the left road were empty and only lined on one side of the road. I continued driving down the road, looking at the houses.

Most of them were big with at least 25 rooms for big families, but there were some smaller houses sprinkled in here and there. but they were few and far between . looks like people of Moscow were confident that their residents would want to get married and have huge families.

The houses all shared a classic monolithic style, painted with one pastel color or another. I was near the end of the city limits when I noticed these empty houses were for sale or rent. pulling along the curb I parked in front of a house of the very edge of the city. It was one of the smaller sized houses but it was no means small.

It was two stories tall, black with a big garden out front. It would do fine, but did I really want to live here? That was the million dollar question. I took my map out of the glove compartment and found Moscow, It was a little over 1,924km from georgia where I last lived. 1, 924 km was a long distance.

besides, something about this neighborhood Seemed comforting to me. It wasn't the homey atmosphere or tight knit community. It was hard to explain.... but something in me felt at peace for the first time in ages. I guess I just found my new home. There was a sign hammered in near the edge of the lawn, It gave me a number if anyone was interested in buying or renting the house. I pulled out my phone and dailed the number. The phone barely got a chance to ring before an over-cheery woman answered, "hello?"

"I am interested in buying one of the houses. "

" Oh that's wonderful ! I'd be honored to sell you a house, I'll be there in ten minutes tops" she gushed before hanging up. I got out of my car and leaned against the door. you people must be thinking where is her brother. he actually went to pick my sister in law and my younger brother their son after my parents died from his father in law's place. she came here a week prior. After nine minutes later a red Prius pulled up behind me. she hoped out of her car and raced over to me, her tall heels clicking rapidly on the concrete.

she stood before me with a bright smile, her eyes shining. I wanted to roll mine at how chipper and upbeat she was.she was a little shorter than me, long rust red hair pulled back in a ponytail with red lips to match and vibrant green eyes that seemed to match her personality. she grabbed my hand and pumped it quickly, while she said "Hi, my name is jane Lynn."

"Mujde" I replied gruffly.

"Well which house are you looking to rent mujde?" I walked over the house and placed my hand on the brown gate, she followed giving me a puzzled look, " Are you sure you want this house? I could find you a cozy house further into the city.

"I'm sure," I deadpanned what happened to the customer is right?

"but how can you live out here all by yourself? Everyone needs some company." she asked in amazement.

"my brother with his wife and son will be here in two weeks"

jane seemed like one of those social butterflies. chatting the day away with her neighbors over a cup of coffee or a pot, in her case.

people like jane who and breathe to socialize wouldn't understand why someone would want to isolate themselves from others. she can't comprehend the fact that some people just want to be left alone.

jane was knocked off kilter by my answer still trying to come to terms with it. she just stood there, stunned. "well I'll give you a tour then." she said as she started for the house "Not necessary. " I said, stopping her tracks. "You want to buy the place without seeing it?" she asked. I simply nodded.

she clicked her way over to her car to grab some papers and a pen before returning to me. I quickly filled out then paperwork, not wanting to waste any more of peggy's time.

who knows how fast she would go trying to gain back the time wasted on my writing slowly. she'd probably end up breaking the sound barrier when everything was filled out and signed I handed the papers and pen back to jane, who smile at me."Enjoy your new home, and welcome to the neighborhood."

she bot back in her Prius and drove off surprisingly slow. I would have figured that she drove her car like she would a race car and end up having thousands of speeding tickets under her belt.

I turned my attention back to my house when her car disappeared from view. The lush flowers that lined the yard filled the air with a sweet perfume.

I walked down the cobblestone path and came to screeching halt when I picked up another scent beside flowers. one that made my stomach coil with dread the familiar smell of musk and pine trees. I sniffed at the air again, just perfect I just buyed a new home on the edge of the royal werewolf pack fan- fucking-tastic.