
His Spite

All Avery Ambrossi ever wanted was to build a stable life and be independent. Coming from a wealthy family, she always had to negotiate her freedom for her security. And to achieve her only chance at her ambition, she had one task her way which was to marry the stranger that had entered her life. Aaren Cunningham was a man of dignity and compassion, everything a woman would want in her life partner. Hence, Avery was helpless to her growing feelings. Unaware of the strategies blooming behind her. The untold truth and the ugly reality of her life. She dreamed of a happy life with Aaren after her marriage, but that dream was soon fogged by the clouds of miseries. Step by step, he turned out to be a man she never imagined. A man who was on a payback rampage, wrecking her family. Was this the end of her happiness, under the flames of burning spite?

Agacia_Remis · Realistic
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9 Chs


Avery's POV 

After Gio persisted he would not leave until I stopped crying, I stopped for him so he would be relieved, and then cried myself to sleep. I couldn't help the terrible feeling in my chest, one that when you are afraid something is going to be wrong. 

I felt nauseous, and my head didn't help much, just the mere thought of not being able to see my friends made me more miserable than giving up my dream. I had paced, reckoned, and assembled a million strategies that could help me escape, but all of that ended up with my father finding where I am or locking me up until I agreed to what he said. My father is a powerful Man.

At least I used Gio's phone to explain everything to Wren and Tahi. I've been friends with them since middle school. My heart was a wrecking hurricane, with all the unfair happenings. I hastily wiped off the tear that had flowed down.

Gloria must be donating diamonds in satisfaction of ruining this for me, she had always been envious of me for some reason. Now with age, I see, her stupidity is only growing. 

I laughed mockingly at the thought of my mother, she had dropped by to give me lunch and advised me to listen to my father with an obligatory kiss on my head. I didn't hate my mom, if something I yearned for the love she provided Gloria and the Twins. I just can't fathom how someone can have a different level of love for their kids. 

I glared at the lunch, my stomach growling but I didn't think I would be able to swallow anything. When this burning bile in my throat is making me sick. I felt dizzy and agitated. 

"Avery?" I heard Amelia from the other side of the door. I rushed over to hold it open and crushed myself into her arms like a kid. I didn't mean to cry out aimlessly but I was too terrified of my father's decision. 

"Hey, it's okay, relax. Relax." She hushed me, once I was able to slow down my sobs she handed me a glass of water. We sat by the huge couch in my room and she wiped my tears dry. 

"Gio told me Avery I am so sorry I couldn't be here sooner. I went to mom's." She apologises. I shook my head in assurance.

"It's fine, I am just upset, that's all. I just didn't suppose he was going to make a big deal out of this." I sighed, but truly I was still confused. 

"Sorry to hear that but I am sure he's just saying that, talk to him calmly and he'll listen." She reasons lost in thoughts. 

"He broke my phone and laptop," I whispered, hanging my head, my lips wobbling at the memory. 

"Aw, don't worry about it. Gio will get back all your data and stuff by evening with a new laptop and phone." She smiled, making it somewhat easy for me. The world could flip but I know one thing: I'll always find my friends, Gio and Amelia standing right by my side. That alone is a strengthening feeling. 

"I don't want to do Fashion Amy, I don't even know the F of it to be with," I whined feeling my heart cry out to her, she was the only person I could be all vulnerable in front of. 

"Look, Gio assured me he'll talk to Dad when it's the right time. Just let his temper cool down. He loves you." She ensures holding my hands, she makes sense but sometimes when my dad has made up his mind, he never backs off. 

"I know. I just wish he'd believe in me. I don't want to begin my happiness without his blessing." I sulked, Amelia smiled, pulling me into a hug. My chest felt heavy with all the various feelings scampering inside. 

"Relax Avy, I am telling you, your Dad loves you so much. He'd be apologising right before these twenty-four hours." She laughed, making me giggle between my silent cries. 

She had a good point though, my dad might be a dominant man but he always gave in to my wishes. Either if it was having midnight ice cream or skipping school for odd reasons. 

"So how do you feel now?" She asks, tugging her heels off and extending her legs straight. 

"A little less unhappy." I shrugged and she laughed and grabbed the lunch tray from the table. 

"Eat this Avery, or else your brother will run insane." She grinned.

"I don't think I'll be able to keep it down," I whined. 

"Well, I am going to eat this all." She wiggled her fingers smirking at me. She moaned at the first taste, and my mouth watered. Amelia knew just right what to do to get to me, and I loved that she knew me so well.

"You're so mean." I slapped her arm and she chuckled mouth full of food. 

I dug into the food, sighing deeply at the savoury taste. Honestly, sometimes it was like the food was good therapy to soothe a choppy mind. 

I didn't want to eat alone so Amelia joined me for the rest of the lunch, and we chatted about casual silly stuff like we always do. Amelia was four years older than me but had been my best friend ever since my brother first introduced me to her when they were dating.

Now we both can't imagine our lives without each other, so I would say it's sucking a whole lot of courage from me. That I gathered myself to leave for two years, leaving my brother and Amelia behind, and maybe my family too. I had always been around their comforts and chatter that I would probably be homesick all the time.

Gloria is a witch, but she can be nice to have around when she's not acting like one. My mother can be softer at times too, and I cherished those. 

But I can't grow old with just these people right? They all have a life to live and I sometimes hate being a disturbance. Because of all my high school, and university years I have never come across a guy who seems good enough. 

Woah? What the hell am I even thinking about right now? My main interest should be going to France. Not some none existent dude. 

"Satisfied?" Amelia asked. I nodded satisfactorily. At least I wasn't hungry anymore. Yet the reminder of earlier events haunted my mind. I just didn't want to keep acting gloomy and pathetic. 

"So now that you're all good, listen to me carefully." She murmurs tilting closer. I narrowed my eyes and nodded seeing her being serious.

"Sometimes when you want someone to agree with you, you have to agree on some of their terms as well." She grinned leaving me confused. 

"What's that supposed to mean Amy?" I rolled my eyes. 

"It means if you want your father to agree with you, agree on something he's going to tell you." She spoke up, her eyes held a glint of humour and it made me suspicious. 

"I can't seem to get it," I utterly say, giving her a stern look. 

"Well, I wasn't going to bring it up this way, maybe Gio can tell you about it in an adequate way." She stutters nervously. I frowned at my best friend, she had those sparkly eyes when she was up to something, yet an uncertain shade in them as well. 

"Amelia," I warned her and she chuckled loudly.

"You'll know soon. Now I have something to do. I'll see ya later, wild girl. " She winked, making me roll my eyes. 

After she left I was left alone with my agonising thoughts that made my head throb. What a day!