
His Special Being

She is a normal girl, at least she thinks so. She meets him no wait a huge dog which is in fact a wolf. but he is a werewolf and he is droid dead gorgeous and did I mention he is her mate and she is the only survivor of an extinct species.

ODUJIE_FAITH_5751 · Urban
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4 Chs

What the fuck! That dog is huge!

Hey little girl,watch where you're going,you could get yourself killed" a hoarse and deep voice shouted.

"Sorry".A young girl with a black bag back shouted back as she ran across the road. She was average in height with a slender building which was hidden under the baggy crazy jeans and baggy black shirt. She wore a blue baseball cap which covered her head but you could see blonde strands of hair which was styles in a long braid behind her back. She could be said to be a great beauty with her incredible green eyes. She gave the feeling of an ancient empress or a beauty goddess.

Anyway, that didn't seem to matter to her who didn't give a damn about herself and one could see it in her appearance. And so this person's name is "Alyssia".

Alyssia as the name sounds is a very strange name which made people confused as to the origin of the name. She herself didn't know the meaning of the name but she liked it as it was unique and made her different from others around her.

Alyssia ran quickly into the school compound, she was panting as she had been running.

"Damn it, I'm late again". She quickly ran into the class and to her disappointment the professor was around. Contrary to her prayers he turned around and addressed her with a mocking gaze.

"Miss Alyssia, I believe you know you are late and have no right to bathe into my class like that".

Oh dear,here it was. She took a deep breath and counted up to ten and spoke."I'm sorry Sir, it won't happen again".

The professor looked at her and said "I don't think that you are sorry" he sighed "please leave my class, Miss Alyssia".

She couldn't believe her was asking her to leave in front of all the hundreds of cases disrespected at her. Some female students even snickered at her. She thought of making an argument but thought better of it. She silently turned her back and was almost to the door when she heard what made her stop in her tracks.

"And it would be better if you could ask your mother to teach you how to dress well, it looks like you need it".

On a normal day she would have silently left as this was not the first time this was happening but this time the professor touched a delicate subject. Without turning the answered him, " maybe I can't dress well but at least I got good manners".

She quickly ran away as many students started laughing, she didn't know if it was at her or at the professor. She ran until she stopped at an alley and crouched down and burst into tears. She was crying not because of being laughed at but because of her mother being mentioned. Alyssia was an orphan.

According to the people who raised her when she was a baby, she was found in a dumpster covered in blood with a letter saying that she should be called Alyssia. Due to the state of how she was found that day, the matrons of the orphanage kept her away from other kids. According to them she was an existence that came through mysterious and dangerous jeans. So she grew up without friends or even knowing what being loved felt like. At last she left the orphanage at age 16 and since then had been working her way through college.

"Oh mom,dad," she sobbed "if you guys were here I don't think I would be this lonely and miserable".

She took a deep breath and stood up to leave when she heard a noise that sounded like a whimper. She turned her head to search for where the sound came from and saw a figure by a dumpster lying on the floor. The first thing that came to her mind was a dead body but she shook that thought away and crept forward carefully and cautiously. She called out to the future"is anyone there? Are you okay?".

She was answered with more whimpers which sounded more urgent than before. As she reached the dumpster, her heart hammered into her chest and the next thing she said was with an exclamation.

"What the fuck! That dog is huge!".