
_"Yes Abhyasali now I have many super powers

Viraj closed the door of the room and left the room then closed the door of the room and proceeded to fix it.

As soon as he left his room, two bodyguards entered the room and Viraj cleaned the blood stain, then threw the tissue paper aside and moved forward with his hand in a pocket.

Then he took out a cigarette from his pocket and proceeded to blow the cigarette smoke. He had a terrible smile on his face and said to himself with a smile, "I can feel better today, I can tolerate this temperature, I don't have any problems in this temperature."

Saying this, he smiled lightly, got into the car and left from there.

And while leaving there, the bodyguards took a bag in their hand and saw a girl's hand in it. The hand is completely fair as if there is no trace of blood in his body.

Viraj walks forward smiling, he has a very attractive smile on his face.


Tanya's Bedroom Tanya was sleeping peacefully but suddenly she felt something and woke up.

With that, she started getting very cold. He covered himself well with a blanket and started getting cold. But the cold does not want to go away, he feels very cold.

Just then the door of the room opened and Viraj entered the room.

Tanya was surprised to see Viraj and said, "I feel very cold. Why is it so cold here? Why is the heater running? I have to cut the cold, otherwise I will freeze like ice. It cannot be so cold."

Hearing this, Viraj came to her and took her hand in his own, then she could feel how hot Viraj's hand was.

She would love to feel Viraj's warm handHe looked at Viraj happily and said, "Hey, you're a snowman, how come you're so hot, you're a big creature, why don't you feel cold now? You're a snowman, but I don't feel cold anymore because of you."

Hearing this, Viraj said with a light smile_"I wonder how this happened, Bikaz I am very very powerful! I have a lot of power that you know for which it happened."

Hearing this, Tanya realized that Viraj really has a lot of power which there is no reason to guess, that's why Virat went from so cold to so hot.

She smiled lightly and hugged Viraj and said, "Now everything is fine, this way I can stay with you and there will be no problem! Otherwise, I will not be able to explain to you the difficulties I was having."

Hearing this, Viraj smiled lightly and said, "Yes, Abhyasali now has many super powers, I have many super powers now."

Tania smiled lightly after hearing Viraj's words.

Saying this Tanya put her head on Viraj's lap and fell asleep. Viraj patted her head. And started looking at him with a smile.

Viraj will increase his power as soon as he kills the right people! Viraj is only doing this to increase his power! The more power he has, the more he can defeat all his enemies and rule their kingdom.

Thinking of this, Viraj smiled terribly and started looking at the innocent little Tanya, he likes to see Tanya very much. Because Tanya was his passion for which the Human World came. But he didn't know that coming here would be more beneficial for him. If Tanya had not gone there, then he would not have come to the human world.

He came to human world only for Tanya. But he got extra benefits by coming here.

That is the human blood that by drinking his strength has increased thousands of times. That power was now so rented that he could do whatever he wanted but he had to keep this power and increase it.

From which he can easily fulfill himself and make this innocent girl his own.

He has a lot of things to do now but he doesn't want to leave this innocent girl he feels so good to be with this innocent girl.

He looked at Tanya with emotion and said_"Oh Tanya, you are my passion, I came here for you and for you I got so much for which I will not eat your blood, I will keep you to myself. You are very lucky."

Saying this, Viraj started laughing.

And started to see Tanya smiling. The more he sees Tanya, the more he feels the desire to get Tanya, as if he wants to take this girl as his own.

Saying this, he hugged Tanya's small delicate body, Tanya's body was so small that it was completely covered by his body.

Seeing that the smile on his face deepened and he thought to himself_"Ugh this is getting a bit too much. Now I shouldn't be thinking about these things now should I be thinking about something else should I be focusing on the mission or on this innocent girl"

Saying this, he laughed lightly and saw Tanya's hair untied and took Tanya's hair in his hands and rolled them up well, then he said to himself, "Tanya's hair is very long and thick and I will not let her hair get tangled so easily. Her hair will be of great use to me. For which taking care of her hair is very important and necessary"

Thinking this and seriously looked at Tanya's hair, "Tanya, you don't care about your hair. Tomorrow I have to do something. Tomorrow I will do one thing on your hair. This hair of yours is very important."

As he said this, a monstrous devilish smile appeared on his face.

He hid this terrible smile on his face and kissed Tanya on her lips and forehead and then put the blanket on Tanya well.

Tanya started to sleep very innocently on the blanket. After pressing it on his body he will sleep better which Viraj knows very well.

Now Viraj is also not having problem due to high temperature.

He is now feeling normal.


Tanya was in deep sleep and Viraj was staring at her face for two hours.

He looks at Tanya who is not interested in her. He seems to think let's see Tanya.


Thus the night passed and the next morning dawned. Tanya's bedroom

Tanya woke up slowly and was very happy to see the surrounding scene.

His whole room is decorated with Christmas decorations because Christmas is two days later for which everyone is very excited.

What month of the year does Tanya stay alone? She had no one else in this world and she had to stay alone.

Tanya had no parents and lived in an orphanage where she was misbehaved.

He doesn't know why this happened to him, everyone just misbehaved with him, everyone tried to humiliate him with words.

She was so innocent that she did not say anything to anyone and silently tolerated no matter how badly they misbehaved with her.

Tanya has thought of only one thing since her childhood, she will grow up and leave her parents. And when he finds his parents and stays with his parents, no one will say anything to him.

He will be protected by his parents like the rest of the children are protected by their parents and saved from danger. He had a hope in his heart and he will be with his parents and will love his parents and will buy him whatever he wants.

And if someone says something, her father will protect her, her mother will caress her and tie her hair, but this wish of hers was never fulfilled because she came to know that she will not find her parents in her life.

As he was thinking this, two drops of tears fell from his eyes and turned into ice and he was surprised.

And immediately the door of the room opened and Viraj entered the room with a plate of food in his hand and saw her and said with a smile, "Good morning my dear angel! Everything is fine, there is no need to cry. Now have breakfast and from now on I will take care of you. Mom won't let Dad's down."

Tania was very happy after hearing this and ran and hugged Viraj and said, "Thank you for giving me such a beautiful live. My life was completely empty, there was no happiness in my life, but when you came, my life changed."

Hearing this, Viraj gently patted her head and said, "Now we don't have to think about anything anymore, now everything is fine, we won't think about anything sad anymore, now we will think everything happy, because now we will be happy only when we are happy."

Tanya was very happy to hear this and she was so happy that she became emotional and two drops of tears fell from her eyes to her cheeks.

But Viraj caught them in his hands before they fell down and said with a little anger, "Don't cry my angel. You won't cry anymore. If you cry, no one will be worse than me."

Hearing this, Tanya wiped her tears and said, "Yes, I will not cry again, I will never cry again. From now on, I will be happy because you are the reason for my happiness."

(So ​​what is going to happen next? You have to read the next episode to know)