
His second life (protecting her at all cost)

Kylie prepared for school with much excitement, she had so much to share with Vera and Gideon. After her graduation, they all got a tattoo at Hartley's as an induction sign. She was at the top of her left breast and Vera said something crazy happened at school as well. After greeting her parents, Kylie rushed out to catch the earliest ride to school. On getting to school, the sky started pouring out light showers. Kylie tried running into the school building before the rain intensified and just then she noticed her shoelace was loose. She quickly bent down to have it fixed but suddenly she saw a boy wearing black sneakers standing in front of her with an umbrella over her head, there was thunder and the rain poured heavily drenching her partner. The scene drew the student's attention as they couldn't believe that the new mysterious handsome boy stood in the rain to protect Kylie. Kylie looked at his face and immediately she had a flash of the scene at the garden in Hartley's. She was lost in his beautiful dark eyes, his nose, jawline, and lips all gave perfection. "How are you doing Kyle?" Zayn said to gain her attention. " I. I'm fine" Kylie stuttered for the first time because of a boy. Zayn was loving his effect on Kylie. She was pretty, her dark ember eyes gave a seductive look, and her lips were small and pink, they looked rosy. He took his eyes down to her exposed fair and fleshy neck, he could perceive her cologne even from a distance.

_Mercyyy1 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 39

Raymon staggered behind as he heard the heartbreaking news. Queen Tiffany rushed into King Yohan's embrace and cried. Zayn stood in anger as he heard the news, Rafael and Vera were shocked by the declaration.

Kylie sat at the edge of the bed and placed her hand on Alyssa's stomach.

"The baby is alive, " a nurse said. "It has a pulse again"

Everyone looked at the nurse and then at Kylie, as the doctor ran to take a test on the child.

"It's a miracle, the baby is alive," the doctor declared. Kylie opened her eyes and saw everyone smile at her thanking her profusely. Alyssa was still unconscious but everyone celebrated the good news.

Soon, Alyssa woke up, she was grateful to Kylie for saving her baby. Gideon was the next target, he had to pay for whatever he did to Alyssa.

"Gideon took my dad, I believe they've returned to dark eyes," Rafael said.

"They would launch an attack soon, we have to protect Alyssa, she's due in two weeks," Kylie said.

"Yes, I'm working on that," Raymon replied. "I'm not giving that bastard the chance to hurt my wife and child"

"We'd get our soldiers ready, I feel this would be a long and bloody war" Zayn suggested.

**The human world

Gideon and Prime Minister David arrived at Dark Eyes' hideout. Dianne and Rosette were discussing their war strategy against Daichi.

"You're welcome, Owen and Scorpion" dark eyes excitedly said. Her plans were actualizing. "Sorry, we took a long time getting you out of there, Hope I'm forgiven?" She asked, grinning wickedly.

"You're forgiven," he said as he cursed her inwardly.

"Now that we're complete, can we proceed?" Dianne asked with an evil smirk.

"With all pleasure my child, you may begin"

Dianne brought out a dark ball and hid it in a bag before flying away. She went into a busy street and threw it away, causing an explosion and death of many people. She came down in her demon form and started slaying people, making sure she was caught on camera. She dropped a large flag of Daichi kingdom in the middle of the scene and looked around her.

Everyone was running away in fear and confusion. "I like this, " she said to herself before flying away.

The Council of Humans (CH) called an emergency meeting. The president of the world had called them in for an urgent scolding. Demons were slaying humans and they believed it was from a kingdom called Daichi.

Demon hunters and students of Hartley's were invited as they'd be fighting the war against the demons.

"I appreciate your interest in this case, this is our world and no one is allowed to threaten us all like that, Dianne said as the other members nodded their heads in support.

"Eliminating demons from our world is what we swore our lives to do but we have a traitor in our midst" she added and everyone gasped in disbelief, looking at one another.

"What do you mean by that, Dianne ?" The CH president asked

"Our traitors are members of the Squad 3 warriors, the McLoy couple, " she said. " Their daughter, Kylie is presently in Daichi and I'm sure she had shown these monsters the way here"

The executives at the CH gathered for a while. Dianne was correct with what she had said. It's all Kylie's fault that those demons are here, "This is an order, you all should arrest Beatrice and Nathan McLoy right now" the president said and Dianne smiled.

Rosette and some other demons had gone to kidnap Beatrice and Nathan, some of the people of Hartley's would be killed there as well. "This is so much fun" she giggled and went her way.

Nathan had perceived some dark powers, after what happened with demons slaying humans, he had been on the lookout.

He woke Beatrice up and they started to run away. Soon they saw other demon hunters approaching. Beatrice wanted to call on them but Nathan had quickly covered her mouth just in time.

"We don't know who our enemies are, " Nathan said softly

"But these are our people from the CH?" She whispered to him

"Yes, but can we trust them at the moment? What if they're waiting for a chance to strike us?" Nathan said. Beatrice communicated with Kylie through a little light ball she had given them.

"Kyle! Sorry to disturb you my love but Mommy and Daddy need help " she said.

"We have to get moving, they will be back soon," Nathan said as he held her hands and ran out of the bush where they hid themselves

They started running till they saw Dianne standing at a distance.

"Not so fast," Dianne said with an evil smirk. She rushed at the flying midway in the air, slashing her sword at the two of them.

Beatrice and Nathan fought back with their strength but Dianne was suddenly too strong for them to defeat. Nathan managed to knock her out and soon, the demon hunters and students of Hartley's arrived at the scene. Beatrice and Nathan ran away to save themselves.

They hid at an abandoned building when Zayn and Kylie arrived. They trace them using their scent. Kylie saw her mom bleeding from her head while Nathan was injured on his arm.

"Dad! Mum!!" Kylie shouted as she ran into her parent's arms for a warm hug.

Beatrice sobbed loudly as she hugged Kylie, she thought she'd never get to see her daughter again. They explained the situation on hand to Kylie and Zayn, they were about to leave for Daichi when the demon hunters surrounded them.

"Surrender yourself, Kylie," Dianne said. " "And tell your demon partner to also surrender himself"

Dianne was going to use a stone to kill many birds, maybe her mom would finally get to appreciate her.

"Should I finish her off?" Zayn said.

"No, don't!" Kylie said. "She's human, you'd make things worse". Kylie knows that killing Dianne would become a problem if only they knew she was not human.