
Love and Die

(Jason's POV)

I wake up not seeing my little sister instead seeing....the back side of Nikki I then see her roll over seeing her adorable face with red strands every where. I move some strands seeing her eyes open and a smile go on her face, I blush on how cute she is. I then see her go on top of me kissing my lips but I spin us around so i'm on top kissing her. I go to her neck licking her all over.

-Why does this feel so right?-

I hear her moan making me smile, I go up to her ear whispering, "Let me hear that again cookie" I then go back to her neck until I find her sweet spot. I then hear her moan louder mumbling, "J-Jason S-Stop I'm hungry" I chuckle shaking my head giving her now a third hickey. I say, "No Cookie I want to eat you up more" I hear her laugh seeing her flutter her ocean blue orbs.

-Why does she attract me so much-

I continue to kiss her whispering, "Now Who owns you cookie" I see her blush a deep red pointing at my nose saying, "You master hehe" I smirk seeing her then wink at me. I go to her ear nibbling at her earload saying, "You really know how to turn a boy on don't you Cookie."

I then wake up in another place it looked like my car. Why the hell am I in my car I wanna be with my Cookie in bed now who took me out-

I then feel a smooth touch of someones hand on my fore arm as I grip the stiring wheel. I then look seeing Cookie smiling at me touching my fore arm blushing a little but feeling my muscles. I then look back on to the road seeing that we were surrounded by a wall. But a second ago we were in the city whats going on here.


I wake up seeing the stering wheel in blood and I look seeing Cookie not in her seat, I look everywhere seeing that she flew out the car bashing her head with the wall. I cry at the sight. Wait cry.

-Why does she make me cry-

I then wake up in the same bed I made out with my Cookie and I see my Cookie no where to be seen. I say, "Cookie where are you." I hear a small mumble before I see a door open reveling the bathroom. And my rosey goddess's body wrapped in a towel, I smirk walking up to her kissing her. I then pull her to the bed making me on top, I kiss her hearing her say, "J-Jason" I still kiss her saying, "Hmm" I then kiss her lips hearing her mumble, "Y-Your s-shirtless" I smirk going close to her ear and whispering, "And your bare body is under a towel so what's the difference" I see her blush lifting the towel more to her chest. I smirk touching her hand that had the towel gripped seeing a slither of her body. I was about to unclip her hand from the towel but I hear her say, "Don't" My eyes soften replying, "Why not Cookie" she replys saying, "Because it's not real" I chuckle saying, "Cookie of course it's real your real I'm real this is real everything here is real...right" she replys, "No Jason this is not real this is a may or may not he your future deepends on what you choose" I reply saying, "What I choose wait you don't mean-."

-Why did it hurt to hear her say those words.


Well choose my ass I choose her and I always will. Wait I choose her? Is this love?-

I then wake up again with her next to me in the bed. I was smiling with her sleeping soundly as I run my fingers through her rosey colored hair. I then look up seeing a hole in the wall.

-What the hell how'd that get up there-

I look though the whole above me seeing some thing fall down it looked sharp, it looked painful. I then look seeing my Cookie woken up, I kiss her cheek saying, "Hey cookie whats that" I see her rub her eyes looking up and I see her eyes pop. Now I see it's a knife I then see her push me off the bed screaming, "MOVE" I then see the knife fall closer I then see the knife hit me but why am I not dead. I look seeing red hair blocking my view.

-Oh please no-

I move her next to see seeing the knife hit her chest, I cry seeing blood oosing out of the wound. I cry seeing her cough up blood soon closing her eyes, dying in my sight. I cry and I then punch the wall mad and wanting to know who killed her. WHO THE HELL KILLED MY COOKIE? I then look through the hole seeing a little hint of streaks of blond hair. My eyes turn murderous knowing SHE killed my cookie SHE killed my beloved-


I open my eyes seeing my little sister in my room looking at me with worried eyes and I look at the time seeing it's 3:30 in the morning. I say, "W-What happened" I shutter and she replys saying, "Y-You kept on saying Nikki or No Nikki or moaning and crying so I got worried so I woke you up so the question is what's wrong with you?" I run my fingers through my hair and I imagine the dream I just had and I say, "Heh Love or die huh" I then lay back down seeing my sister cock her head confused. I then say, "Just go to bed Zoey" I see her then nod running to her bed. I then stare at the wall allowing myself to drift to sleep.

Hey author here so hoped you like it and thanks for 3.9K views like OMG I'm so happy. and hope you like this chapter about a dream that Jason has about his future with Nikki. They would either love or die meaning they would either date and be together or there love would die and they would be with something else. So anyways hope you enjoy. 😊👌😎😋

Ps- Sorry for mistakes.