
Chapter 24

“Sean…” I call to him softly. It can’t end between us like this. Not twice in as many days. The blocks of cement I have for feet finally decide to move and I reach him in the kitchen.

“Are you still here?” he asks, looking at me over his shoulder.

“Why are you so angry?” It’s an idiot question, I know, but Sean has never freaked out so much before, not even yesterday.

He turns to rest against the kitchen counter. “Ryan, what do you want me to say? It’s clear you’ve already decided. What do you want? My blessing so you can feel good? Okay, go and have the surgery. What else do you want me to say?”

“You said…put an end to this.”


“Sean, you said put an end to this…can you explain that to me please?” My voice trembles.

“You tell me, Ryan. What do you want from us?”

“You’re being unfair.”

Sean snickers, which isn’t matched by his expression. I wish I could erase it, or press rewind and go back to yesterday and not have that damned lunch with Charlie.