
His Ruthless Ex Wife

He was reach, handsome and most importantly, a successful businessman at the young age of twenty-three. The success didn't make him a good person, He was Spoiled and egoist who was habitual of naming the price for everything. She was a sweet, simple, well-mannered and righteous person who was always ready to lend a helping hand. She wasn't any well-known successful figure but she had what it takes to be successful, a strong willpower. One day he crossed the boundary she had made, and as expected of the righteous heroine– she welcomed him with a tight slap. Then comes the Ego! how dare she! He plotted the Revenge! He faked to be in love with her, married her, slept with her and the final touch– he divorced her! But he did one mistake- in the process of faking to be in love, he was not supposed to actually fall for her. When she was finally gone from his life, he realized his own feelings. He realized how he was used to of her loving gaze, the warmth in her smile and her care for him. But it was too late. She was gone from his life without leaving any traces. ................. Six years later she was back, but she wasn't the same sweet and simple girl anymore, She was the cold-blooded CEO! His ex wife was now a ruthless queen of business world. Now she had only one principle in her life "Betray me and I'll destroy you" .............. Meeting her for the second time was like a chance to survival for him but she being completely changed, it surely wasn't going to be any simple journey. ............ Accompany me in the journey of Lucy Carl and Li Xuan's love and hate relationship. Any constructive criticisms are very much welcomed here.

koshi_ · Urban
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36 Chs

Owe Her Several Apologies

"Son, you came..." Li Xuan heard his father saying.

Li Xuan approached his father who was sitting on the chair and like a well-mannered son, he knelt before him and placed his head on his father's lap.

"Yes Bába, I came." He whispered

Li Bohai gently stroked his son's hair "Son, is there something wrong? you don't look like yourself." Li Xuan shook his head in response.

"You don't want to talk about it? it's alright." Li Bohai said to his son, letting him devour the silence.

His son looked troubled,

Over the years his son had gone through many changes. He didn't know whether he should be proud of it or feel guilty for being a failure as his father.

When his son was just at the age of four, his wife left because he wasn't rich enough. Since that day his son seemed to have made a mindset--money can buy anything.

His Xuan earned money, lots of money and flaunted it in every possible way.

Maybe he should have knocked some senses in his son, perhaps the situation would have been different.

Luckily he changed for the better.

Li Xuan kept himself busy with work, but as his father, he knew Li Xuan had been torturing himself over these years.

Did he really failed as a parent? Li Bohai had asked himself this question several times.

"Bába, She is back." Li Xuan said, his head still placed on his father's lap.

It didn't take Li Bohai any longer to figure out about the 'She' his son was talking.

Lucy, the sweetest girl, Whom he accepted as his daughter-in-law or should he say, daughter. And the girl also gave him the respect of a father.

"Lucy? You are talking about that child?" Li Bohai asked his son.

"Yes, Bába." Li Xuan said, "I can't say about my life but she is back in the country." Then he added, "I saw her from, very.... far distance."

"Then... are you not planning to meet her at all, Son?" Li Bohai asked,

"Bába, it's not about what I plan to." Li Xuan said, "It's like... will she wish to meet me?"

"Son, you have wronged her." Li Bohai stated, "Whether she wishes to meet you or not is up to her, but..."

"But?" Li Xuan urged his father to continue

"Surely an apology is not a cure for everything." Father Li said, "However you owe her an apology."

Li Xuan nodded. He knew he owed her apology, Several apologies.

Besides, apology is first step of mending something broken.


Today was a new day, And also an important one, both for Lucy and Omisha.

"Are you excited about your new school, baby?" Lucy asked the little kid.

"Angel why?" Omisha pouted "Can we go there tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow?"

Omisha was an intelligent kid, but mind it, the keyword being a 'kid'. She wanted to fool around a few days then Start her curricular activities. But her Angel was dragging her to school.

The faces Omisha was making were taking great effort for Lucy to turn a blind eye.

"Sure we can." Lucy said and before Omisha could do a happy dance, Lucy added "But then you have to spend extra hours in school to catch up with your studies." Lucy gave the little girl a meaningful glance "Choice is yours."

There was no way Omisha will spend extra hours in school! Omisha didn't hate school, in fact, she loved going there and learning new stuff.

But she loved her Angel more.

She loved it when her Angel helped her with her studies.

She figured, for some reason her Angel didn't like to smile much. And She loved the feeling when every time she was able to bring a smile on her Angel's lips.

"No, no, no! No extra hours in school!" Omisha hurriedly said and jumped in the car.

Little did Omisha had expected, her words would make her Angel smile. And she was right to think so.

Within no time the duo was right in front of the school.

'Moonlight International School' was written in bold letters on the top of the wall.

'MIS' or 'Moonlight International School' was a British school that had branches all over the world. And Omisha was a student of it.

Studying here wasn't going to be much of a problem for Omisha since the environment was going to be pretty similar.

On the reception desk, someone was already waiting for them,

"Hello ma'am, I am Maria Jonas." The lady greeted professionally. "I'm going to be in charge of the transfer student Omisha Carl."

"Hi, Miss Jonas." Lucy greeted the lady with equal professionalism "I would like to thank you for taking my child under your care."

"Oh no! you are flattering me, ma'am, I am just doing my job." Maria said, "Besides, It's my good luck to have a pupil as intelligent as Omisha."

Maria was genuinely moved by the respect she got from as big-shot as Lucy. And yes, one can hide their identity from the world but not from the school of their child.

Then Maria led them to the principal office for sorting out with the formalities.

They made Lucy sign some documents.

Later the principal himself assured Lucy that Omisha will be under the best care and just like that, they were done.

"Study well, baby." Lucy hugged the little kid "Later, I'll come to pick you up."

"Don't worry, Angel. I'll be fine." Omisha assured her Angel and kissed her cheek. Lucy smiled and nodded at her bundle of joy.

Seeing Lucy, the driver respectfully opened the door for her. Lucy instructed the driver to take her to the hotel. During the whole ride to the hotel, Lucy was glued to her laptop

"Ma'am, we are here." The driver informed politely.

Following the map of the Hotel, She reached for her cabin– The president's cabin.

Her office was of the same model, just like in Britain.

Simple yet luxurious.

And she knew she will be spending her most of the time here, in her Hotel. Because apart from Omisha, her life was all about work.

About ten minutes later, Akira entered with a knock on the door. "Hello President, good morning!" Akira greeted her Boss.

"You are late," Lucy stated without looking up from her desktop. Yeah, what a good response for the good morning!! Akira sulked under her head.

"Am I? I thought you are the early one!" Akira fired back to her Boss.

Lucy didn't give any reaction, as expected of her.

Such a robotic Boss! Akira sighed. Since the day Akira started to work for Lucy, She barely saw her giving any reactions.

She always Sat like a Queen, who never gets irritated, frustrated, annoyed, angry and so on...

But that doesn't mean her Boss was harmless. Her president was like a silent observer, taking note of everything. And how dangerous those types of people could become, Akira has a pretty good idea of it.

But Akira knew, She was one of the exceptions in her Boss's life. And she was thankful for it.

Oh, by the way, her Boss did have mastered one reaction, Giving chilly look.

"Akira, gather everyone. It's time for them to meet their president." Lucy said, her voice void of any emotion.

Akira smirked, She was going to witness people showing several emotions at the same time.

"Understood, president!" Akira stormed out of Lucy's chamber.

Lucy leaned comfortably on the chair.

It was time for her to play the role of Bigboss.

"Bába" means father in Chinese.

Thank you reading it. Feel free to add it to your library!

See ya in next chapter until then bye-bye!

Thank you @dreamver2 for suggesting me name of the school :)

koshi_creators' thoughts