

Erin stared at her untouched plate, mind still very much on the scene in the hallway.

Ethan's scent - a warm earthy fragrance - still permeated her nostrils, making every breath impossible to take without inhaling the very essence of him that brought to mind hot steamy nights and writhing bodies atop silk sheets.

She frowned and stabbed at a piece of food with her fork, wishing it was Ethan Lachlan's head. He was the enemy and she was not supposed to be having lustful thoughts about a man who had brought nothing but misery her way.

Erin lifted her eyes and risked another glance at the object of her thoughts. Ethan seemed unaffected by their earlier encounter.

If anything, the bastard looked to be having a good time, flirting shamelessly with his stunning date who was hanging on his every word and flirting right back. Did the poor woman have any inkling of how deadly and vindictive Ethan was? She guessed not.

Unconsciously, her fingers tightened over her fork, jealous at how much a good time he was having while he had succeeded in ruining her night.

"You don't like the fish?" Todd's voice startled her from her thoughts and she flushed, guilt washing over her. "You can order something else, if you like?"

"Oh no," Erin forced a smile, turning her attention back to her own date. "It's good, it's very good really."

Todd chuckled, giving her a knowing look. "You've hardly touched it. And you've been glaring at your plate for the last half hour."

"That's not because I don't like it."

Resolutely, she cut into the blackened bass, lifted a morsel to her mouth and chewed, her taste buds exploding with flavor. The food was really very good and on another day, Erin would have enjoyed every bite.

But not today.

Certainly not with her self proclaimed arch enemy flirting like crazy a few tables away- a constant reminder of the chaos that had befallen her family in the last few days. She pushed the image of her father lying nearly helpless on a hospital bed awaiting surgery and swallowed, reaching for her glass of white wine and downing the contents in one gulp.

"More wine?" Todd held up the bottle, his eyes crinkling in amusement.

"Yes, please."

He refilled her glass and Erin flashed him a grateful smile before downing the second glass just as fast as the first. Todd raised an eyebrow but made no further comment, simply refilling the glass again, then set the bottle down, just out of her reach. The action did not escape Erin's notice and she blushed, wondering what he must be thinking - probably that she was an alcoholic. The thought did not sit well and Erin set down her glass, picking at her food again.

Erin stole yet another glance in Ethan's direction to find him watching her, a smug smile on his face even as he lifted his own wine glass in a mocking toast. The glare he got in return only seemed to amuse him further, though he merely shrugged and turned his attention back to his date.

She took a deep, fortifying drink of her wine and wished she were home, curled up on her bed with a box of chocolates and a magazine, far away from Ethan's cloying presence and this already ruined evening.

"Erin," Something in Todd's voice made her look up sharply. The easy amusement on his face was gone, to be replaced by a serious expression.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, still studying his face, trying to gauge his state of mind. "Look, I'm sorry I haven't been good company tonight. But, I promise I'll make it up to you -"

He looked taken aback.

"No, there's no need to apologize. I understand there's something on your mind tonight." He laughed, the sound putting her mind at ease.

At least he wasn't dumping her on their first date, Erin heaved a sigh of relief. That would have sent her already fragile state of mind over the edge, and given her yet one more reason to despise Ethan.

"It's not?"

"Not at all. I just want to ask if you were free on Saturday."

"Oh." Nonplussed, Erin could only stare at him with a blank look. He was actually interested in her enough to ask for another date..there was a silver lining to the terrible evening after all. She would get a second date with Todd.

"I guess I can make time. Why?"

"A friend of mine's having a housewarming party, and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me?" Todd looked abashed, a look Erin found very endearing. "I know we've barely -" His words were cut off by a tiny persistent beep and he frowned and reached into his breast pocket for his pager.

"Excuse me, I have to take this." He murmured the apology even as he rose and pulled out his cell phone.

"Of course."

Erin watched him walk away with quick strides, anxiety nipping at the edges of her nerves. What if it was the hospital calling because her father's condition had become critical? What if they had to bump up the surgery in order to save his life?

She reached for her purse, drawing out her cell and dialed her mother, fingerings beating out a rhythm as she waited for Victoria to answer the call.

"Hello?" Her mother sounded like she'd been asleep. That was a good sign. Erin thought, relief sweeping through her for the second time this evening. "Erin, is something the matter dear?"

"Hey, Mum, were you sleeping? Sorry to wake you but I just thought to check to see if Dad's okay?"

"He's fine, just asleep." Her mother's tone changed from sleepy to curious. "But, are you alright darling? You sound strained."

Erin stifled a groan, suddenly wishing she had not made the call. Trust her mother to pick up on her mood over the phone. "I'm fine mother, I'm just having dinner is all."

Victoria's voice perked up as it always did at the mention of Erin's social life. "How nice dear. Have you and Luke patched things up?"

"No, it's not Luke - it's someone else." The silence at the other end of the line spoke volumes. Her mother disapproved of her dating someone else so soon after breaking up with her boyfriend.

"Really Erin, isn't this a tad too soon? You have only been single for -"

"Mum, I really have to go now." Erin cut in before her mother could gather steam. She really didn't fancy a lecture tonight of all nights. "I'll come to the hospital in the morning and we can talk then."

She spotted Todd weaving his way back to their table, a look of concern written clearly over his face "Good night mum."

"Good night, Darling." The call ended and Erin slipped her phone back into her purse just as Todd reached their table.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, as he slid back in his seat.

Todd ran a hand through his hair and looked troubled. "That was the hospital Erin - I'm really sorry but I have to go now. There's been an huge accident and they're calling in all available personnel."

Erin nodded. "Sure, no problem."

"Listen. I know this is incredibly rude of me but could I call you a cab to take you home? I would but..."

Erin raised a hand to stop him. "It's fine Todd, I don't mind."

He looked relieved and reached across the table to take Erin's hand, cradling it in his big, warm one. "Thank you. Shall we?"

She had a million questions to ask, but Todd seemed really perturbed so she merely gathered up her purse while he paid the check. She resolutely kept her eyes averted as they passed Ethan's table, not wanting to participate in another round of angry insults. Though, she could feel his gaze, burning into her back, setting her skin on fire.


She was thankful when they emerged into the cool evening, and far away from Ethan.

Much as she tried to ignore him, the man still managed to unsettle her way too much for comfort.

Todd gave her an uncertain look "You know what, forget this. I'll drive you home, and then go to the hospital. There should be enough time."

"Don't be silly. There's life to be saved and all that." Erin laid a comforting hand on his arm. "Go on, I'll be fine."

"I can get you home."

Erin froze at the voice behind her.

She whirled around, heart plummeting when she found Ethan and the woman standing behind them and she stifled a groan.

Why me, Lord?

She really couldn't deal with Ethan for the fourth time in one day for fear her already frazzled nerves would snap. Damn the man, couldn't he leave her alone? And how come he was even standing here? When she'd passed his table, there had been no signs that dinner was even over and yet, here he was, shamelessly eavesdropping in on her conversation.

"What?" Todd asked, looking startled at the intrusion.

Ethan shrugged broad shoulders, setting off a chain reaction of rippling muscles beneath his jacket. "I can drop Erin off at the hotel, there's no need to call a cab."

"No." She forced the words out between clenched teeth, aiming a glare at Ethan.

His date didn't look too pleased at the suggestion either, judging from the scowl that crossed her face.

"I'll be much more comfortable in a cab. Thank you for the offer, but it's not necessary, besides, it'll be a bother for you, I'm sure."

The corner's of Ethan's mouth lifted in a grin, eyes glinting in amusement and Erin could clearly see the challenge in them.

"It's not a problem, Erin. My apartment is only a few blocks from your hotel. Besides, you may have to wait a whole hour before a cab arrives and you could be home in that time."

He lived close to The Gosling? This was news to Erin who up until now hadn't the faintest idea where the slimy devil resided - not that she cared to know anyway.

Todd's pager went off again, shattering the tense silence.

"Ah hell." Todd raked a hand through his hair and looked at Erin in exasperation, clearly eager to be off. "I really need to leave now Erin, I'm sorry. Look, to be honest, I'd feel safer if you went with him. That way I can rest easy knowing you're safe."

You've got to be kidding, right? Not after you saw the way he insulted me, and you still want me to go off with him?

"I'm much safer in a taxi." She said aloud, hoping Todd would get the hint into his obtuse skull.

Erin grew steadily furious at how the situation was slipping out of control. Why was Todd so eager to throw her to the wolf when he was well aware of the tension simmering between she and Ethan all evening?

She shot him an angry look but he'd already turned away to take his keys from the valet who'd just pulled up with the BMW and she had to be content with glaring at his back.

"Scared I'll jump you, Sweetcheeks?" Ethan's voice sounded close to her ear that she jumped, startled to find him so close without being aware he'd moved.

She took a step back, eager to put a safe distance between them, her pulse racing at the proximity.

"Why are you so interested in my well-being of a sudden?" Erin muttered, deliberately avoiding an answer to his question. "I thought your life mission was to bring about my downfall."

He grinned, lifting a hand to brush away a tendril of hair off her face, the grin turning to a chuckle when Erin flinched. He dropped his hand and raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps, perhaps not."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Erin?" Todd came up beside her. "You'll ride with him right?"

"Yes, she will." Ethan cut in before Erin could form a single word. He held out a hand towards Todd. "I don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Ethan Lachlan."

Todd's eyebrows rose in surprise and he whistled, taking the offered hand in a firm handshake. "Ethan Lachlan? The Ethan Lachlan- Holbourn Enterprises?"

"The same." Ethan's voice held no hint of modesty and Erin sighed. Trust men to bond in the most impossible of situations. She cast a sympathetic look at his date, the poor woman looked just as frustrated as she felt.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Todd was saying, still looking impressed. "Your firm was featured in The Times last month, very impressive I must say. I'm Doctor Todd Haskell by the way."

"Don't you have to be on your way Todd?" Erin cut in, fed up with the entire situation.

"Yes - yeah." He leaned down to kiss her cheek then straightened. "May I call you later tonight when things have quieted down at the hospital?"

"Sure. Good night."

He nodded at Ethan and Imogen in farewell then jumped into his car.

Erin sighed as the BMW raced away in a cloud of exhaust fumes and turned to Ethan.

"Well, I'll be bidding you good night too." She made to walk away, but his arm shot out and grabbed her arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" His tone was hard, mouth set in a determined line. "I said I would take you home and I am a man of my word."

Erin wrenched her arm from his grasp and glared at him. "I made no such promise. You were the one who assumed I'd want to be in the same vehicle with you for even a short time. Well, you're mistaken because I would rather walk home in these heels before I set foot in your car. Not after the abominable manners you have exhibited all day."

A muscle worked in his jaw, clearly displeased at being thwarted.

"Don't tempt me woman." He growled, taking a menacing step towards Erin. "I'm not adverse to hurling your behind into the car if I have to."

"How dare you threaten me?" She blazed at him, the fragile dam she'd built around her temper bursting at his words. Their argument was rapidly garnering an audience- passersby stopping, diners leaving and entering the restaurant, but for once, Erin didn't care.

"I'm not afraid of you, and I swear, if you so much as lay a hand on me, I'll sue your ass till doomsday."