
chapter 4

I know my fate .The chapel of the dead a thing in wait fools to conquer and cowar over them .I now seek guidance of divine light .

A thing once sought amongst the talisum of Ah only one of many great sacred jewels .

I now await the eye of descartes. Fools to not find it before I. The cat told me everything. Demitrious you fool you should come any day .A thief in the night .

I now see them the ones fallen by the seas .Immortals of crieon .The watchtower arise .Its there the shores run red with dye marching the 11th wahn day of light festival .

The day the dragon comes .I know it's not foggy or rainy but the sun is in sight.

There the city of Aegesis floats upon the skies .I notice things of fate arise upon the shores

A dragon washed upon the streets of Aegesis there the Paladins arose as a warrior fell from its gut .

Just as told in prophecies of his return .I notice the weight in gold of ages past arise .the prophecy has spoken .

There fools to arise upon the shore drenched in gore .

My vision is not false an all seeing eye awaits .

The cat knows everything .I cant believe Ciergoths own blood line lys forgotten upon the streets ..of Aegesis .

I know all is not lost .The red haird warrior ly in semi consciousness over the ones bound by fate .I know they listen .As all do .

Lost or dying I will not go there again the shadow realm is my fear .The pendant of Ah my only protection .

There i see them crowd around the forgotten one .A prince in wait .if he can wield the blade of fate without going mad then so be it .

The forgotten await to be slain .there the eye of truth can be taken from them like once before .The power of the forgotten gods ly in tomb .

But there ly watchers of the eyes gem .A prophecy whoever can slay the beast of legend and gain the quill of Arom .The horn of Balisk .The great serpents scale Ryishem and the forged blade of Ciergoth will be united with the only treasure one Angel's tear is all that's left of the life sustaining liquid for her .The goddess Altaire will be free once more .

Forever she watches over us .The Angel's tear allows her only a moment to be whole .But once the prophecy is fulfilled. Then she can live again under the stars in Aeinguard .

I know the darkest prism and have fought upon the haunted hill in red .The talisum of Ah lies upon my neck as well the key to Dieons crypt .

Fools to await the Sa-ir .I go forth arising to the path at fame .

The ones in red await .warriors long lost drifting from sight. Shadow dwellers shuriken knights .oscilists of the rulers of Ah .They know whom bears the secrect pendants .

Forever they watch drifting from sight by the light of dawn .Be foreseen at night.

I know the paths divinity await me .02