

Lilian stared at Ivin who was busy on his laptop not sure as in to why he called her here when he planned not to talk to her...

"Ivin am still working on chris you don't have to worry"she finally decided to break the pin drop silence which was eating her up

"do you happen to see some changes in him?"he rose from his chair and walked to Lilliana's side and half sat on his table

"not a lot"Ivin moved close to her and cupped her cheeks caressing it lightly,his face was so close to her that she found it hard to breath properly

"I need quick results lili"again with that nickname he gave her for some reason she hated it she was sure this chris thingy was just a way to bully her more

"I'll do my best sir"all she wanted was to leave his presence she never liked it one bit,he was dominating and thats not her cup of tea