
HIS Possession

In a world where secrets lurk beneath every shadow, Skylar's encounter with a mysterious figure in a dimly lit alley sets her on an extraordinary path. Against all reason and warnings, she bravely approaches the enigmatic stranger, only to discover a striking man adorned with wounds and drenched in crimson. Bound by her insatiable curiosity and her compassionate nature, Skylar defies the familiar adage of "stranger danger" and ushers this handsome enigma into the haven of her home. As a doctor, her instinct to heal triumphs over caution. Little does Skylar know that this seemingly foolhardy decision will unravel a captivating tale that will leave you spellbound. From blood-stained wounds to hidden truths, every moment shared with this enigmatic man will plunge Skylar into a realm she never knew existed. Prepare to be captivated, for this tantalising journey holds the answers to mysteries yet to be unveiled. Will Skylar's choice prove to be a stroke of brilliance or a descent into folly? Only by turning the pages can you unravel the web of intrigue and comedy that awaits. Indulge in the allure of forbidden secrets and embrace the enigma that lies within. Embark on a thrilling adventure and discover the extraordinary fate that awaits Skylar and her bloodstained companion. The answer lies in the pages that beckon you. READ ON, for truth and destiny intertwine in ways you could never imagine.

RetseMola · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: Shift

"Some people are magic. And others are just the illusion of it"

- Beau Taplin.


I'm so happy. Today is the day I can finally leave this depressing hospital room. Only a day has passed since Dr. Colin, the pack physician, has conducted the tests and the results are finally out.

I pace the room in excitement and anticipation as I wait for him.

"Can you sit down, you're making me dizzy." Nova tells me looking at me like she wants to cut my legs off.

"Sorry." I tell her, walking back to the bed.

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong, the results will come out fine, just like the first one did." My dad tries to comfort me. I give him a smile with a nod of my head.

I don't know why but i have this nervous and anticipation feeling in my chest. It feels as though something is going to happen. Whether it's something good or bad, I have no idea.

I let out a sigh only to make eye contact with Blake. The only thing is that he is already staring at me. I quickly look away from him only to see the doctor enter the room.

"Dr. Collins, I believe you brought me some good news?" I ask him hopefully.

He nods his head giving a quick chuckle, "Of course Luna. The results came back normal, there are no problems." He tells me.

"Thank you doctor." My dad says with a relieved smile, as he pats my shoulder reassuringly.

"I'll send a nurse over to inject you with some vitamins as your immune system does seem a bit weak and it will help with the exhaustion you feel. Once she's done giving you the injection, you may leave." He tells me.

I nod my head in thanks and he turns to leave the room, bowing to Blake on his way out.

Not a minute later the nurse walks in with a metal tray. "Alpha, Luna," she greets us, "I've come to give you the injection." she tells me. I nod my head giving her a small smile, telling her to proceed.

She puts the tray that contains the vial, needle and syringe on the side table next to the bed. She gets the packet containing the needle and rips it open, only to get a cut on her finger. That's when the feeling of uncertainty and anticipation skyrocketed and everything turned into chaos.

Red. Red. Red.



The smell of blood flooded my senses. It was the best thing I had ever smelt and should I say, it smelt delicious.

My body had gone rigid and I felt tense and judging by everyone's look of concern on their face, they noticed it as well. I opened my eyes that closed themselves voluntarily as my nose had smelt the divine scent of blood.

Everyone takes a step back as if what they've seen has shocked them. Though confused at their reaction of me opening my eyes, I turn my head to the nurse's finger dripping with blood and feel a smirk grow on my face.

"Why are her eyes red?" I hear Nova's voice ask the silent room.

Taking no regard or focusing on her question, I look into the nurse's eyes and say, "You're blood smells good." As i lick my lips.

However, something is wrong. My voice sounds deeper, more seductive, deep and dark. As if it could lure anyone in and hypnotise them. My voice also has a sense of authority and gives off an eerie, captivating tone. It sounds nothing like me.

I get off the bed and take a step towards the nurse, she takes a step back. But I didn't do that, I didn't move my body. It moved by itself. What's happening?

"Don't be shy," I say, "I just want a taste." And my body charges towards her, going at a speed I find unbelievable.

I hear the screams of Nova and the nos from my dad but that doesn't seem to stop me. As my body is about to pounce on the vulnerable scared nurse who is shaking, I'm stopped by Blake who gets in between us and keeps me locked in his arms.

I let out a hiss but fail to believe that it came out of my mouth and deny it to myself. "Calm down. Skylar calm down." Blake tells me using his authoritative Alpha voice and I don't miss the fact that he called me Skylar.

Not listening to him, my body continues to struggle against his hold and I seep my nails into his arms in order for him to let me out of his hold at the sudden pain but it doesn't work. Instead I hear him release a groan in pain and tighten his hold on me.

"What's happening to her? Why is she like this?" I hear Nova ask.

"I'm not sure if I'm right and if I am, I don't know how but I think Skylar is in her vampire form." I hear my dad reply.

Is it true? Am I really in my vampire form? Did the nurse's blood bring out the vampire in me? Was it a trigger? Is this why I feel like my body is controlling itself and I'm just there in my mind sitting and watching as it does whatever, because it's being controlled by my vampire? But how?

I smell the doctor before he walks in and as though knowing what would soon happen, my body struggles within Blake's hold more violently and a rush of adrenaline goes through me.

However before I could break free I felt a needle in my arm and my brain goes hazy. My vision goes from blurry to normal as the room begins to spin. I feel my body loosen up and go limp but am caught by Blake before I could hit the ground.

My eyes make contact with the mirror on the wall behind Blake and my mind goes into shock. My usually green eyes are now red with specks of black and white in them. But before I could observe more my body shut down. Darkness. All I could see was pitch black darkness.

"What's happening where am I?" I ask.

I hear the hurried and worried voices of my family however it seems like I'm listening in on them. I think I'm in my mind.

"You're becoming who you truly are. Who you're meant to be." A calm soothing but entrancing voice in the darkness tells me.

Then as though I was dropped in a pool, I'm drawn out of the darkness and my body lunges up and lets out a gasp of breath, as though I was starved of oxygen. I let out a scream as pain erupts from every place imaginable on my body.

I feel and hear the cracks of my bones as they turn in directions that they should not be in and hear the frantic screams of people in the room. I don't know if the pain is making me imagine things but it feels like there's more people in the room, however i can't focus on that as my body grabs back my attention as an excruciating pain is felt from my back as my spine breaks itself and i fall off the bed I was somehow on and fall onto the floor.

"Shit, Skye, you're shifting." I hear someone say.

I let out another scream as an unbearable pain engfills me making it harder to breathe and begging for me to just fall back into the darkness to escape this pain.

"Skylar no matter what you do, don't close your eyes; don't collapse." My dad instructs me. "Focus on your breathing, relax your mind and body and don't focus on the pain. It'll be over before you know it sweetheart. You're stronger than this pain, believe in yourself and just let it happen." My dad says.

I try my best to follow his instructions and relax my body while focusing on my breathing.

In. Out. In. Out.

I let go of the control I have on my body and go with the flow of it, not letting the pain or sounds of my bones cracking bother me.

Feeling as if weeks have passed, the room is silent. No sounds of bones cracking, chatter or frantic screams can be heard. It's only utter silence.

I open my eyes, blinking them profusely as the light blinds them and focus my gaze in front of me where the mirror lies.

There in the full length mirror stands not me but a wolf. A wolf with white as snow fur coating my skin.

I walk closer to the mirror and observe my wolf form more. My black wet sprout, the hidden splotch behind my left ear that is black bringing some contrast to the white that covers the rest of my smooth, rich and thick fur. My eyes, a beautiful shade of a bright shining greyish white; reminding me of the moon that comforts me. I grin however in my wolf form it shows the image of the corners of my lips pulled back, jaw dropped, ears pushed forward and my tongue hanging out as I pant in joy at the beauty of my wolf form. I am one gorgeous wolf! I turn away from the mirror and look back to the room only now realising how many people stood there staring at my new form.

The mid sized hospital room not only contained my dad, Nova and Blake but also contained Khloe- Blake's sister, Blake's parents, Mr Not My Type; Tyson, Dr. Colin, two males dressed in medical scrubs and the female nurse whose blood I almost sucked dry. I really should apologise to her about that. I wasn't in control or in my right mind then.

I cautiously pad across the room, my paws sinking softly into the linoleum floor. Everyone's eyes are locked on me, a mix of awe, concern, and curiosity etched into their faces. Blake's gaze is particularly intense, a mix of pride and worry flickering in his eyes.

He steps forward, reaching out a tentative hand as if unsure whether to touch me. My nose twitches, and I can smell the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Skye?" he asks softly, his voice trembling ever so slightly. I nuzzle his hand, feeling the warmth of his skin against my fur. The room lets out a collective sigh of relief, and Blake's tense shoulders relax as he strokes my head gently.

"You're okay," he murmurs, more to himself than to me.

Dr. Colin clears his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "It seems Skylar has undergone a rare transformation. Her vampire side triggered her wolf shift. It's a phenomenon we don't fully understand yet, but it appears she's stabilised." His clinical tone does little to mask the underlying astonishment in his eyes. "I recommend she rests and avoids any further stress for the time being."

Blake nods in agreement. "You heard him, everyone. Give her some space." He turns back to me, his expression softening. "Let's get you home, Skye."

With a final pat on my head, he steps aside, allowing me to lead the way out of the room. I can feel the collective gaze of everyone as they part, creating a path for me to exit.

As we leave the hospital behind, the fresh air hits me, invigorating my senses. Blake walks beside me, his presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the overwhelming newness of my form.

The world feels different now-sharper, more vibrant. The scents, sounds, and sights around me are amplified, filling me with a sense of both excitement and trepidation.

But with each step, I feel more in tune with myself, more powerful and connected than ever before. And as we head toward home, I know that whatever lies ahead, I am ready to face it.