

Derrick was sitting at their spot at the bar when Garrett walked in the door and waved at him. They shared a hug and a shoulder pat, and Garrett waved at the bartender for a beer.

"Hey, nice to have you back in town! Did you bring me a bottle of rum or something?" Garrett asked in a joking tone.

"Yeah, actually, I did. Here you go." Derrick reached down at his side and picked up a small brown bag with handles. Garrett’s eyes grew wide as he took it.

"Really? I was kidding! That’s awesome, dude!" He looked inside it and grinned at what he knew was a very expensive bottle of island rum. "That’s the best! I’m going to save this for a special occasion."

He tucked into his beer and then wiped the foam from his upper lip as he turned to look at Derrick. "So, how was the trip? Did you find your business deal guy and get it all finished up?"

"Yeah, I did," Derrick said, looking down at his beer and feeling his cheeks turn pink.